Gas tube finish?


NES Member
Jul 9, 2015
Westgardminsterham MA
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On an AR platform (direct Impingement) does anyone think there is any real practical value to a gas tube with melonite, nitrate, or such finish over just mil spec unfinished stainless steel?

In general tubes with a finish treatment are like $5 more so it is not a question of skinflinting, just wondering what folks thought.

No. There is nothing to burn or flake off from SS. Not worth it. If there was a practical advantage, how come we see no miltitary use M4s, M16s, et cetera with anything but regular SS tubes?

Yeah pretty much what I would have thought. Other than providing a cosmetic difference with a durable dark finish if desired, i otherwise don’t see a practical advantage.

I've always wondered the same thing with these $80 charging handles.

Charging handle design at least allows for practical improvements unlike the finish on a tube simply made to move gas a short distance. But yes the price of some of these charging handles is stupid high. I look for sales on examples that are a little broader than mil spec when available, but I would actually have to look to see what brands I have on various rifles as I have no committed preference.

For high round count stuff I just use stainless tubes. It's reliable, not sure it makes a difference but it ain't broke and is covered anyway.

For a scoped rifle that isn't gonna be burning 300 rounds in an outing ever, I have used nitride versions. They look a touch better and theoretically are more tacticool.

No I don't think a coated tube has a functional improvement, not sure it hurts other than a few bucks out of your wallet either.

I only run good charging handles. I like the Aero Ambi style lately, they also have a newer style called "Breach" I haven't tried. Basically I just feel they are easier and smoother to use, less less wear on the upper receiver since you more easily unlock and grip them. The Aero ones below are the smoothest operating model I've seen. They aren't that expensive but I'd pay even $150 for them if I had to, just feel it's an important improvement.

Unplated SS "factory finish" is fine.
If your gas tube is in a position to reflect light, thereby revealing your position-- yer holdin' yer rifle wrong.
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