He only spent about 30 mins on the air. He didn't speak of the letter but he did speak of the Kalifornia hearrings were people out and out lied and told half truths. He mentioned a demo that was done to show the "destructive" power of the BMG when they shot it through 2 inches of steel and equated it to shooting and piercing an aircraft. He said, aircraft skin is much thinner and can be pierced by a .223, 30-06 etc but they didn't tell anyone that. Said it's just a matter of time before they use the aircraft piercing for those other calibers and try and ban them too. Also, it had been said that the BMG was the "weapon of choice" for gangs! He chuckled at that one, like they'd spend $7K for a LONG rifle for gang activity.
Gordon's show is on WXTK 95.1 on the Cape. That doesn't do you any good. Funny how no Boston station carries him. They do have that "Progressive" (Lib PUKES) Air Amerika on 2 crappy, piss weak AM stations high on the dial.