Free Seminar on the U.S. Constitution - Northboro Free Library, Tuesday, June 8th 7PM


Lonely Mountain Arms
Mar 13, 2005
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Free Seminar on the U.S. Constitution - Northboro Free Library, Tuesday, June 8th 7PM

Time: June 8, 2010 from 7pm to 9pm
Location: Northborough Senior Center
City/Town: Northborough, MA
Event Type: educational
Organized By: Michael Long

Part I of this U.S. Constitution series describes the events, people, and circumstances that preceded the final document. We will learn how the Intolerable Acts of King George III influenced the colonists, why the Articles of Confederation were inadequate, and the role of the Federalist and Anti-Federalist Papers in clarifying the key issues of the day. We will see how ancient documents - the Bible and the Magna Carta - influenced the founders' thinking, along with the writings of John Locke, Montesquieu, and Edmund Burke.

Most of us have scant knowledge of the Constitution, and even less of our courageous forbearers. There are scores of patriots who had an immense impact on the founding process, but are barely known today, e.g., Robert Morris who personally funded the Colonial cause, when no one, and no government would ... and eventually died a pauper.

Absent an understanding, we cannot fully appreciate the importance of this miraculous document and how it has provided for the emergence of the greatest country the world has ever known.

The three-part series is being offered as a public service. It is open to everyone - residents of Northborough and surrounding towns, including students, young and old.

The seminar is conducted by Tim Roesch, a seasoned teacher, having experience on both ends of the educational spectrum - from home schooling to teaching in the Los Angeles school system.
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