freaking out,affecting gun purchase.

May 20, 2008
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I'm feeling awfully...apocalyptic lately.Obama is slowly gaining a lead,Big brother's looming ever closer.I've already determined I'm high on there list since I go to so many gun sites and forums.I think they're watching me right now.Canada isn't an option,they're just as bad.Hopefully Alaska will keep it's promise of seceding if any BS laws get pushed.

meanwhile my FID is a few weeks away and I currently have 125$ for gun money.I'm looking for the cheapest Nagant i can find.Someone do something to calm me down or give me advice for a bug out plan.please.
Life always seems like it's about to crash in on you if you keep paying attention to the mainstream media.

People have been crying "The world will end soon" signs since the beginning of time.

Don't stress out about it. The sun will come up tomorrow, and the day after, and the day after that.

Why would anyone, big brother included be looking at you. What are you going to do, revolt by yourself with your Mosin?

Calm down Bando.... you're really off the deep end.... and I mean deeper than usual.

Sometimes when these thoughts come to you..... before you post them....... DON'T!

In my day we worried about atom bombs going off. We hid under our desks at school.

You're afraid of Big Brother and Nobama.

Learn to go with the flow. Do what you can do to make things better, and don't worry about what you can't do.

Guys in AA have the right attitude.

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.

You need to calm down and work on the wisdom part.
Learn to go with the flow.

brando take that Valium, but dont mix it with booze unless you dont plan on waking up the next morning.

if you think obama and crew are trouble, wait till you have some real urgent problems on your hands.
My redeeming thought is that Obama can't just create a new gun ban/law. The senate and house have to go along with it. Also, hopefully the SCOTUS does as well...and preferably before Obama loads it up with liberals who will say, "it's not socialism to have free health care and lobotomies! It's patriotic!"
Thanks guys.That kinda helped.I usually do go with the flow,but there have been a series of coincidentally unsettling things in the last week that have increased my normal paranoia.Though I can't help but remember a saying Depicts :"Just because you think they're out to get you,doesn't mean they aren't". Paranoid? Yes. True? No one has proved otherwise.
“I hate to advocate drugs, alcohol, violence, or insanity to anyone, but they've always worked for me.”


Truly one of the wisest men ever. I've been meaning to finish The Great Shark Hunt,mayeb I'll get to it now. And I'm only 18 Login.
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Thanks guys.That kinda helped.I usually do go with the flow,but there have been a series of coincidentally unsettling things in the last week that have increased my normal paranoia.Though I can't help but remember a saying Depicts :"Just because you think they're out to get you,doesn't mean they aren't". Paranoid? Yes. True? No one has proved otherwise.

Bando, with all the posts you read on this forum, and others, you must realize there are some serious whacko's out there that BIG BROTHER has to keep an eye on.

You and I are small potatos compared to them.

Figure it out... how many computers and people would it take to keep track of every person who posted on the internet about legal guns?

While there ARE plenty of reasons to be paranoid, this isn't one of them

Bando, with all the posts you read on this forum, and others, you must realize there are some serious whacko's out there that BIG BROTHER has to keep an eye on.

You and I are small potatos compared to them.

Not only do they want to take our guns away, but now you have to chime in and insult us. [wink]

Not only do they want to take our guns away, but now you have to chime in and insult us. [wink]


Sorry Ken, I didn't know you'd relate to the "SERIOUS WHACKO'S" comment. [smile] What's it like when you feel that guilty!!?? LOLOL [rofl]

Or was it the small potatos that got you? [wink]
Just remember the line between WHACKO and GENIUS can be very small......and usually only defined after death! DiVinci was thought to be a whacko in his time...

Remember the end of the original Casino Royale movie:

The Detainer: You're crazy. You are absolutely crazy!
Jimmy Bond: People called Einstein crazy.
The Detainer: That's not true. No one ever called Einstein crazy.
Jimmy Bond: Well, they would have if he'd carried on like this.
Don't worry, Obama won't take away your guns. He will just prevent you from buying any new ones or ammunition for your old ones.
My Norton MA friend depicts has got some good advice for you Bando. If your only 18, you probably have a lot of maturing to do (not a jab at you cuz who the hell has their shit together truly at 18). We all need to take a cue from those who have been here before us.

My advice to everyone, turn off fox news and msnbc, stop buying into all the mainstream media bullshit, and think for yourselves like a rational human being. Media loves to incite panic and fear in its public. "Tonight on Fox news, is your office laser printer killing you? Tune in to find out the shocking truth" (I couldn't make that up, it was an actual headline a few months ago). Obama is certainly not going to cause the collapse of the world. So, rest your little bando, and start worrying about your social security hahaha.
My redeeming thought is that Obama can't just create a new gun ban/law. The senate and house have to go along with it.

Well see about that. A 60+ vote (fillibuster-proof) Democratic majority in Congress is a distinct possibility.

Help us all if Justice Stevens (88+ years) or for that matter, any other Justice retires or croaks. Who then would a President Obama appoint? A 4-to-5 isn't a very wide margin...

No doubt about it, economic issues aside, we're living in uncertain and dangerous times. If he wins, consider this however: what new President has not first been tested by some other country? It could be that this occurs early enough in such a Presidency that he's distracted enough to ignore those of us who cling to our guns...

"Gird your loins"

If he wins, consider this however: what new President has not first been tested by some other country? It could be that this occurs early enough in such a Presidency that he's distracted enough to ignore those of us who cling to our guns...


Well, Biden flat out said it would happen. I'll bet Obama spanked him for saying, in effect, "Vote for Obama and we'll be hit".

"Mark my words," the Democratic vice presidential nominee warned at the second of his two Seattle fundraisers Sunday. "It will not be six months before the world tests Barack Obama like they did John Kennedy. The world is looking. We're about to elect a brilliant 47-year-old senator president of the United States of America. Remember I said it standing here if you don't remember anything else I said. Watch, we're gonna have an international crisis, a generated crisis, to test the mettle of this guy."

"I can give you at least four or five scenarios from where it might originate," Biden said to Emerald City supporters, mentioning the Middle East and Russia as possibilities. "And he's gonna need help. And the kind of help he's gonna need is, he's gonna need you - not financially to help him - we're gonna need you to use your influence, your influence within the community, to stand with him. Because it's not gonna be apparent initially, it's not gonna be apparent that we're right."

Not only will the next administration have to deal with foreign affairs issues, Biden warned, but also with the current economic crisis.

"Gird your loins," Biden told the crowd. "We're gonna win with your help, God willing, we're gonna win, but this is not gonna be an easy ride. This president, the next president, is gonna be left with the most significant task. It's like cleaning the Augean stables, man. This is more than just, this is more than – think about it, literally, think about it – this is more than just a capital crisis, this is more than just markets. This is a systemic problem we have with this economy."

I have NO doubt that the Obama-Pelosi regime will move to put any and all gun control options on the table in the event that the US is attacked or seriously threatened with attack. The call, depending on the scenario, and Botox Joe Biden envisions "at least four or five scenarios", will be for urgent legislation to keep guns out of the hands of terrorists.

My Norton MA friend depicts has got some good advice for you Bando. If your only 18, you probably have a lot of maturing to do (not a jab at you cuz who the hell has their shit together truly at 18). We all need to take a cue from those who have been here before us.

My advice to everyone, turn off fox news and msnbc, stop buying into all the mainstream media bullshit, and think for yourselves like a rational human being. Media loves to incite panic and fear in its public. "Tonight on Fox news, is your office laser printer killing you? Tune in to find out the shocking truth" (I couldn't make that up, it was an actual headline a few months ago). Obama is certainly not going to cause the collapse of the world. So, rest your little bando, and start worrying about your social security hahaha.

I'm going to take a risk and tell you guys something I don't normally share.
I'm an on and off member of that site.Millions of people go to the site,including a few from here.Most are bored teenagers.half of everything on the site is poop and sex jokes.Theres a forum for cooking,origami,robots,pretty much everything.But apparently we are domestic terrorists who hate jews and blow up vans.

Ya know how when a guy takes a sks and shoots up a mall they call it a "high capacity assault rifle" and blame gun owners? Well Fox news pulled one of those on us.

I place NO faith in the media at all.I have to rely on my dad's interpretation after clearing out the slight but noticable far right bias.Sadly even someone as cynical as I (and I'm REALLY cynical) falls prey to the fear mongering eventually.

Its not the fact that lies are being spread that bothers me,it's the fact that
there is no reliable source of truth.The truth serves as a compass.Without the compass there is no way to keep your bearings.Except for the sun,and moss...but its really bright and there aren't any trees because we cut them down to make beautiful stocks! irony...
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