Framingham Flea 4/3/11


Road Warrior
NES Member
May 14, 2008
Living Free In The 603
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Spotted an NES decal on a truck in the parking lot, and caught up with the owner as he was packing to leave.
I introduced myself and flashed the secret NES Gang Sign [wink]
It turned out to be Mark "Radio" and we shot the bull for a few minutes.


Photo taken by KB1FQG.
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I wanted to go to the FARA flea, but went to the Marlboro gun show instead. Probably a mistake. I should have gone to the flea.
I wanted to go to the FARA flea, but went to the Marlboro gun show instead. Probably a mistake. I should have gone to the flea.

The flea was about as lame as they get.
I went to meet some people then we went out to lunch.
But I did find a 10A linear power supply for $15 and a bag of wall warts for $1.
Also, my buddy Ralph WO1F won the door prize of a Wouxon 2/440 HT.
I hope everyone there had fun, it was a nice day...I don't go to Framingham much junk. But fear not, Near-fest is 25 days away....yea ;) ..see you all there,73-W1GRC
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Yup, looking forward to Near-Fest. May use an excuse to go to Manchester Firing Line late Friday afternoon and do some shooting. Maybe rent something exotic.
Spotted an NES decal on a truck in the parking lot, and caught up with the owner as he was packing to leave.
I introduced myself and flashed the secret NES Gang Sign [wink]
It turned out to be Mark "Radio" and we shot the bull for a few minutes.


Photo taken by KB1FQG.

Hey Zap, is that a Zippo in your pocket or are you happy to be there? Better be're "printing". [laugh]
John, That sounds like fun. The owner of that mg42 was telling me about Manchester at work last week.....went to gun show on Sat and got a nice deal on a new Champion safe. Did a little socializing and had a good time. Bought some 7.62x39 also....73 my friend
I wanted to go to the FARA flea, but went to the Marlboro gun show instead. Probably a mistake. I should have gone to the flea.

Huh, see...I worked the Marlboro show both days. 8:30 Sunday morning I was kidnapped by Radio and taken to the Framingham Flee Market. Picked up a LGD DTS-4 for 40 bucks and then kicked out of the Explorer back at the Marlboro Show around 10:30.

At which point I see Radio went back and picked up yet some more equipment.
Huh, see...I worked the Marlboro show both days. 8:30 Sunday morning I was kidnapped by Radio and taken to the Framingham Flee Market. Picked up a LGD DTS-4 for 40 bucks and then kicked out of the Explorer back at the Marlboro Show around 10:30.

At which point I see Radio went back and picked up yet some more equipment.

True dat! The best deals are always in the last hour while people are packing up and reality sets in that they have to lug all that junk back home! Pennies on the dollar I tell ya! The other good thing was that Zappa spotted my NES sticker and held me at Zippo point for an hour of radio and gun chat, all in all a pretty good day [smile]
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