First off, I looked at this title and had no idea what the hell it was about! I thought Derek created a new "Forum Ten" . . . I'm not kidding either!
Start at the top here:
- Fed Law mandates that ALL interstate sales be run thru a Dealer (FFL).
- Fed Law mandates that the dealer sell guns in COMPLIANCE with Fed Law AND the state the FFL is in's Laws PLUS the Laws in effect in the state the BUYER LIVES IN!! That is why BATFE sends a copy of the relevant parts of ALL State Laws to ALL FFLs each year!
- Fed Law also has some minimum ages for gun purchases. I honestly don't know what they are for long guns, thus I suggest that you take a look at the BATFE website and read the pertinent sections.
- IF MA restricts long gun purchases (and I am not sure of this either) to a certain minimum age, that would mean that a non-MA FFL could NOT LEGALLY sell this 16 year old a gun either!
Next, there is no "Forum Ten" and there is no "Form Ten" either! MA has a FA-10 which is a transaction form that MUST be filled out for each firearm obtained from within or without the state of MA by a MA Resident! When you buy from a MA FFL, you fill it out there. When you buy outside of MA and bring the gun back to MA, the buyer MUST fill it out as a Registration and send it in. If someone buys a gun from another MA Resident, you both fill out the FA-10 and file it with the state.
If you want to know what all the relevant MA gun laws are in a readable fashion, the best resource is Chief Ron Glidden's book "Law Enforcement Guide to Firearms Law" available from the MA Chiefs of Police Assn's MPI (Municipal Police Institute) for ~$45. Ron explains all the laws so that even a police officer can understand them.
You can either search for the URL with Google or do a search for that title here (hot link at the top of each page) and you'll find the pointer to the page to order the book from MCOPA/MPI.
Also, when you post a question on any forum, give it time and chill out. Nobody is paid to be here 24x7 and expecting an answer within 15 minutes of posting a question is "over the top"!