Forty Six Shot This Weekend In Chicago

They just need even more gun control.

Actually I'm fine with this. Natural section. Smart people leave, stupid people remain to get killed off. If my cute little rural town had 46 people shot this weekend, and that was normal, I would not have ever moved here. And if I had I would have moved out once I figured out what it was really like.

It's not that I like this, but nothing else I can do it is what it is. They won't listen to me. I'm like "Hey guys, I have an idea, maybe stop shooting each other? How about that?" crickets.
Always makes the liberal head spin. Chicago has the toughest gun laws and it averages a mass shooting every weekend.

Please Mr. handwringing Liberal Weenie....tell me how outlawing guns is gonna help again??

Its always my first rebuttal to a retard.....if they go further then I shame them for not wanting guns because its for the children, yet they are OK with
killing massive amounts of babies with abortion.

After that the hypocrites can take no more and they usually run off red faced and angry. Truth hurts bitches.
Let those hamsters keep eliminating each other. f*** em , who cares. Mayby Biden will go talk to them and have private meetings with all the family’s.
Just the beginning of a long, hot summer for the Dems and the good citizens of Dem controlled cities. Thank God for gun control and strict gun laws. 🖕
It’s going to be a bloody summer in Chicago. Chicago Crime, Murder & Mayhem | Criminal Infographics | HeyJackass!

Chicago has high numbers because it’s the 3rd largest city, but Baltimore, Memphis, St. Louis, Birmingham, etc are more deadly per capita. Probably 80% of the victims are black but their black lives don’t matter to the outrage mob because they can’t use them as a political weapon.
someone should publish a box score weekly out of chicago. would be kinda fun since "those people" are committed to making the american african extinct.
Always wondered how come Chicago stands along as being so bad with the gun stats. Plenty of hood niggas in every major city. Ballmoar, NYC, Detroit, Oakland, Atlanta, etc. Why Chicago takes the cake?
Always wondered how come Chicago stands along as being so bad with the gun stats. Plenty of hood niggas in every major city. Ballmoar, NYC, Detroit, Oakland, Atlanta, etc. Why Chicago takes the cake?
It's because Chicago has a Warlord...

Those people who were shot don’t vote so nothing there to gain for the dem’s. Nothing to see here, move along please, keep it moving.
Because Chitcago is run by stupid. liberals corrupt Dems who want to disarm white folks and let the hood rats kill themselves.
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