FL - WOW! 2 Deputies & Suspect Lucky To Be Alive!

no cause for alarm, guys. he's a good boy turning his life around, when this dark chapter in his life is put behind him he will be getting his GED. i'm sure he's a good boy just "getting mixed up with the wrong crowd".

...right. [laugh]
If I'm reading the story correctly, the bad guy pointed a loaded weapon at the deputies 3 separate times and he's still alive and stealing oxygen. He really should start playing the lottery or visiting gambling casinos before all of his luck gets used up.
He'll be out in less than five and he'll be a hardened criminal. After having graduated from Florida's state funded crime school, he won't have to wrestle a firearm away from a cop, because he will carry one of his own. The second officer should have emptied his mag on the dirtbag, 14 years old or not. Drawing down on an LEO is reliable indicator of future behavior. Mess with the police and a firearm, you should get what's coming to you.
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