First deer ever today!

Well I got my first ever deer today! Ended up taking a nice doe 100lbs dressed. I started hunting last year I only got a couple opportunities then and I blew them. I picked up a new bowtech bow this year and have practiced alot with it and it paid off. Heading out again this afternoon but now the pressure is off. Good luck to everyone!
congratualtions man!! I'm psyched for ya! awesome shot too..
Good work Duramax_1! Tell us about your ambush- how high were you up in a tree? Were you in a feed area or off a trail? Wind in your face or a cross wind? Think about all the little things that went right this time and keep on doing it!
I'd love to know! Anything I can learn is super-helpful... also, public land? Private? Looking for hope for a new hunter on public land! :)

I hunt on private land. Its only a few acre spot surrounded by houses.The deer need to travel through this spot to get to the fields where they feed. There is not many stand options there, as most of the trees are dead and small. My stand is 22ft high And is at an intersection of 3 trails. The wind does not matter a whole lot in this stand as they could come from any direction, but usually from my left.I use scoutlook weather to ck what my winds will b at any givern time of the day Its an awesome tool for any hunter and its free. Uses a google earth type map and u can place ur stands on the map and check wind direction at any hour of the day and see ur sent trail. The 3 does came from down wind but my shot was after she had gone by me and was down wind. Im confident in my cover scents that I wont b detected anyway. Thanks for all the comments.
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