FBI survailance ?


NES Member
Dec 21, 2012
South of the North Pole
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Im a plumber , waiting for a stock delivery in a residential neighborhood . I wont to google something on my I phone and the phone screen goes to connect to a server nearby, one of the possible servers comes up FBI survailance. Am I onto something here ?
Somebody is trolling, and you just got trolled [rofl]

[rofl] solid gold.

i've seen "WE CAN HEAR YOU HAVING SEX". also ripped from the internet shamelessly, but it's funny to see in "the real world".
Im a plumber , waiting for a stock delivery in a residential neighborhood . I wont to google something on my I phone and the phone screen goes to connect to a server nearby, one of the possible servers comes up FBI survailance. Am I onto something here ?

It's too late. If you've seen them, they've already put a tracker on your phone. Only thing to do is destroy the phone.
OR MAYBE, they are too clever and named their network FBI Surveillance to throw us all off by making us think it is just a joke. Someone get that crazy stalking chick on this asap.

Were you on the Cape? Mine reads "FBI Mobile Surveillance" ! Gotta keep the neighbors on their toes. I switch it up every once and a while too!
Im a plumber , waiting for a stock delivery in a residential neighborhood . I wont to google something on my I phone and the phone screen goes to connect to a server nearby, one of the possible servers comes up FBI survailance. Am I onto something here ?

Were you in Hyde park? If yes, don't worry. I'm the target.[wink]
I was once on a bus from South Station to Portland and these girls in the back just wouldn't shut up. Grabbed the old lady's laptop, hit the gateway, user/password was admin/admin [shocked] and changed the bus WiFi SSID to "Girls in the back need to STFU!". About five minutes later heard "OMG are you serious!" at which point they did indeed shut the **** up.
Set your wifi password to a secret URL you own.

If you get any hits you'll have the ip of the person who cracked your password.
I was once on a bus from South Station to Portland and these girls in the back just wouldn't shut up. Grabbed the old lady's laptop, hit the gateway, user/password was admin/admin [shocked] and changed the bus WiFi SSID to "Girls in the back need to STFU!". About five minutes later heard "OMG are you serious!" at which point they did indeed shut the **** up.

Most excellent. There is a router broadcasting somewhere near my house which the SSID is Greg SUCKS.
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I think youre on to something. I have been using DOLs to track incoming activity within my area and have found unusual FBI presenccccccc-

Dear Concerned Reader,

I have gone on holiday. Dont come look for me.

Best Wishes,

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