Ever wonder what happens after they take your guns

You're kidding, right?
I don't know if it passed yet but I know I read about proposed legislation to that effect about a year ago. I can't find it now but I remember it and this is how what I read would work. You would have to have some kind of letter/form from your employer that you need steel toed boots. You would take it to the police station and they would take the letter and give you a permit to buy one pair of steel toed boots. And when you are not on the job site you would not be allowed to wear the boots, ie on your way to and from work. And I believe that it would have you in possession of some kind of permit stating you could legally own steel "capped", as they call them, boots.

I have no idea if it passed as it was only a proposal that I saw. But just because it didn't pass that time doesn't mean it won't pass later.

I can't find squat now so I doubt it passed.

Edited to add: I think there was something about serial numbering the boots too. And that number would go on the permit you carried.
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I don't know if it passed yet but I know I read about proposed legislation to that effect about a year ago. I can't find it now but I remember it and this is how what I read would work. You would have to have some kind of letter/form from your employer that you need steel toed boots. You would take it to the police station and they would take the letter and give you a permit to buy one pair of steel toed boots. And when you are not on the job site you would not be allowed to wear the boots, ie on your way to and from work. And I believe that it would have you in possession of some kind of permit stating you could legally own steel "capped", as they call them, boots.

I have no idea if it passed as it was only a proposal that I saw. But just because it didn't pass that time doesn't mean it won't pass later.

I can't find squat now so I doubt it passed.

I would HOPE it didn't pass... what were they going to do with people who were self-employed who needed them? F**king idiot politicians...

As Kim du Toit says: "Rope. Tree. Politician. Some assembly required."
That's when these guys come down and set up shop.


Close... It'll be the Muslim extremists...
It just goes to show that we can never concede to any of their liberal requests because they will never stop. EVER!!! We must fight the good fight and do something about the liberal politicians we have in this state. We must give the sheep the information to make educated decisions at the ballot.

You mean the sheep in the middle who MIGHT be saved. Mr Metcalf on Newsmax.com puts it right with the saying " Some people won't let facts get in the way of their preconceived beliefs of what is right." You get some people that have seen the light by looking themselves but you will need a big liberal icon to come out and make the statement to get to the true believers. I don't think that is gonna happen.

They have taken away the right to self-defence in England. Since there is no " right " to self-defence anymore, these losers that come up with this crap don't see any limits to what they consider speed bumps on the way to a socialist Utopia. Kim du Toit is right - rope, tree, politician - some assembly required. They don't fear the people anymore...

Joe R.
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