Eric Swalwell on assault weapons: 'Just take the 15 million that are out there and buy them back'

He says "buy them back" like there's millions of people trying desperately to get rid of their ar's if only someone would take them off their hands. I want just one person to ask this idiot on national tv what happens to the people who dont want to sell them back?
He says "buy them back" like there's millions of people trying desperately to get rid of their ar's if only someone would take them off their hands. I want just one person to ask this idiot on national tv what happens to the people who dont want to sell them back?
Swalwell will order confiscation.

The police wont comply with that order after a short while.
I've always hated the term "buy back"- that implies they were the governments to begin with and they are refunding the purchase price to retake possession.

Sorry they weren't the goverment's property to begin with and they aren't for sale.

Probably an intentional euphemism used to avoid saying "taking" or "confiscation" or "commandeering." Those particular words set off constitutional alarm bells:

  • Licensing of Gun Owners – During his town hall Swalwell made clear that he would support a federal licensing plan similar to that in Illinois or Massachusetts. This means would-be gun owners would have to acquire a license from the federal government before being able to exercise their Second Amendment right to own a firearm for self-defense.
  • Requiring Gun Owners to Carry Insurance – Swalwell also voiced support for having gun owners carry insurance. This idea has been pushed numerous times by Democrats, who suggest gun owners ought to be forced to get insurance to help off-set the cost of criminal use of firearms.
  • Creation of a Federal Database of Gun Owners – This was another gun control discussed by Swalwell during his town hall. He dismissed concerns that a database will lead to confiscation, saying, ““I just don’t buy that there’s going to be any national round-up of guns. No one is saying, ‘Round up the guns.’” He claimed that fear of a government-sponsored firearm round-up is “illogical.”
  • Criminalizaton of Private Gun Sales (via Universal Background Checks) – This has been one of the longer-running controls in Swalwell’s overall gun control push. He pushes the leftist talking points that background checks save lives, make us safer, etc. All the while he ignores the fact that nearly every mass shooter in the last decade acquired his guns via a background check.
  • An “Assault Weapons” Ban – Swalwell wants to ban what he describes as “15 million ‘assault weapons.'” He not only wants to ban their future sale but prohibition current possession of them as well.
  • Mandatory Buyback of Banned “Assault Weapons” – He wants to implement a mandatory buyback of banned “assault weapons,” wherein Americans would hand them over or face criminal prosecution.
  • Implement Australian-Style Gun Control – Swalwell told Esquire magazine that the U.S. needs to do as Australia and New Zealand have done regarding gun control. He said, “Do what Australia did, do what New Zealand did. They’ve shown us—Australia in the 90s, New Zealand just this week—that courage in doing the right thing can protect people.”
I can’t tell who’s more of a POS, this guy or Jessie Smollett.
These people don't view it the same way. You and I see this as something personal; something we'll have to be involved in fighting. These a**h***s view it as something their brown shirts will do for them. Some (many, all?) actually think the police and the military will be happy to go around and kick in doors to round up all the guns.

Even politically they don't have a personal stake in any of it. They can spout off all the bullshit they want, because they have no fear of the sheeple who vote them into and keep them in office. There are no political repercussions because they come from commie shithole districts and states that have a large voting base who approve. And as long as they keep the entitlements flowing, the sheeple will keep voting for them.

I becomes personal the day they give that order should it ever come.
There are people floating around out there that I wouldn't want hunting me.
How about 15 million that assault your intelligence and logical thinking,,,,lefty liberal Democrats
Send them packing and I ain’t paying
These people have no idea what they're talking about, no clue about the cost of open warfare with an insurgency, and no backbone to actually go kick doors themselves. They've done so little to go after gangbangers who sell dope to kids and can't shoot straight, are hardly effective in this arena. How TF are they going to wage war against a skilled, prepared, insurgent element?

you fogot 'pissed off'. A skilled, prepared insurgent PISSED OFF element.

It's going to be very, very ugly. There are people who have stocked a lot of centerfire, a lot of rifles, and a lot of optics. There's no security cordon big enough. Read would only take a platoon or 2 of rifleman loose in MA and you could have the power off, roads shut down, and commerce at a dead stop.

I'd sell one of mine but I get to set the price. $2 million sounds reasonable to me. Tax free, natch.

I'd want an Iranian-deal level payoff in non-sequential bills. That's for EACH rifle....except the mini-14. You can have that one for a cool 50 Krugerrands
TAPPER: So, gun control is the central plank in your campaign.You wrote last year -- quote -- "We should ban possession of military- style semiautomatic assault weapons. We should buy back such weapons from all who choose to abide by the law. And we should criminally prosecute any who choose to defy it by keeping their weapons." Criminal prosecution for keeping assault weapons. What's the punishment for people who don't hand in their guns? Do they go to jail?

SWALWELL: Well, Jake, they would, but I also offer an alternative, which would be to keep them at a hunting club or a shooting range. And the reason I have proposed this is because these weapons are so devastating.

Yike: CNN's Tapper Pins Down Swalwell on Jailing 'Assault Weapon' Owners
you fogot 'pissed off'. A skilled, prepared insurgent PISSED OFF element.

It's going to be very, very ugly. There are people who have stocked a lot of centerfire, a lot of rifles, and a lot of optics. There's no security cordon big enough. Read would only take a platoon or 2 of rifleman loose in MA and you could have the power off, roads shut down, and commerce at a dead stop.


I try to explain this to people who don’t know military folks and don’t know about guns and explosives.

2 platoons in MA would thoroughly ruin the place in a week. And bring it to it’s knees in a matter of a day or two.

Never mind the partisans who know things and know how things work.

I sometimes wonder if they truly are insane enough to order confiscation.

I try to explain this to people who don’t know military folks and don’t know about guns and explosives.

2 platoons in MA would thoroughly ruin the place in a week. And bring it to it’s knees in a matter of a day or two.

Never mind the partisans who know things and know how things work.

I sometimes wonder if they truly are insane enough to order confiscation.

Some of them sure are.
They live in a fantasy world where you just give the order and go about your normal life.
History tells a different tale .
He would most likely be elbowing to the head of the line to flee the country if things went sideways anyway.
Quotes I got from Tucker's interview that Machinehead posted:
1 - I support an assault weapons ban.
2 - This is about military style weapons, getting them off of our street.
3 - This is about saving childrens lives.
In the interview he talked about removing fear. “Fear of children going to school and being shot” (I paraphrase). Yeah, what I fear is my grandson going to a “gun free zone” school an being a defenseless target. How about fixing that fear, you twat. I’d happily patrol the corridors of my grandson’s school armed to the friggin teeth. That would alleviate my fear, but that doesn’t fit his narrative so it won’t ever happen.

There are many of us who are silent but we carry Molon Labe in our hearts and minds.
In the interview he talked about removing fear. “Fear of children going to school and being shot” (I paraphrase). Yeah, what I fear is my grandson going to a “gun free zone” school an being a defenseless target. How about fixing that fear, you twat. I’d happily patrol the corridors of my grandson’s school armed to the friggin teeth. That would alleviate my fear, but that doesn’t fit his narrative so it won’t ever happen.

There are many of us who are silent but we carry Molon Labe in our hearts and minds.

My son and I had a quite serious conversation with his son about what to do if there's an active shooter at his school. And it boiled down to "LEAVE". Throw a chair through the window and go out the window. Don't worry about breaking the window, don't worry about what the teacher is saying, just do it. We'll deal with the school later. Do NOT sit there and wait to be shot.
My son and I had a quite serious conversation with his son about what to do if there's an active shooter at his school. And it boiled down to "LEAVE". Throw a chair through the window and go out the window. Don't worry about breaking the window, don't worry about what the teacher is saying, just do it. We'll deal with the school later. Do NOT sit there and wait to be shot.

Excellent advice!
My son and I had a quite serious conversation with his son about what to do if there's an active shooter at his school. And it boiled down to "LEAVE". Throw a chair through the window and go out the window. Don't worry about breaking the window, don't worry about what the teacher is saying, just do it. We'll deal with the school later. Do NOT sit there and wait to be shot.
I gave mine the same advise when he was in school.
Go around over or through whomever you have to, but GTFO.
Leave the sheep to be slaughtered.
My son and I had a quite serious conversation with his son about what to do if there's an active shooter at his school. And it boiled down to "LEAVE". Throw a chair through the window and go out the window. Don't worry about breaking the window, don't worry about what the teacher is saying, just do it. We'll deal with the school later. Do NOT sit there and wait to be shot.
Please re-post this so I can like it again.
Well, he's definitely going all in(and full retard)

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