Eric Swalwell on assault weapons: 'Just take the 15 million that are out there and buy them back'

oh...the NUKE guy...I remember him. [laugh]

HMB while we all gather together so you can bomb us.

"So basically @RepSwalwell wants a war," Biggs tweeted. "Because that's what you would get. You're outta your f—ing mind if you think I'll give up my rights and give the gov all the power."

"And it would be a short war my friend," Swalwell responded. "The government has nukes. Too many of them. But they're legit. I'm sure if we talked we could find common ground to protect our families and communities."
Bury your guns is the answer???

Nah, when the time comes to bury your AR, it is the time when you need it most!
I've always hated the term "buy back"- that implies they were the governments to begin with and they are refunding the purchase price to retake possession.

Sorry they weren't the goverment's property to begin with and they aren't for sale.

All true, however this is the attitude the government has towards us. They literally think they own everything, including us, and if we happen to appear to be doing some activity on our own or having some property temporarily in our possession, it is only at the generosity of the queen... um I mean the government.
How much they giving for a buy back?

I would not even sell a stripped lower for less than $500 in this climate!

Nor would I sell a complete rifle for less than $4000.

I don't know but if they make it high enough, I'll sell some to them, then use the proceeds to go buy more guns cheaper. Of course, that never happens except in rare cases like selling them totally junk guns or zip guns, etc.
And what if we say no fruitcake ?
You going to use your personal nuke stash ?
Funny how these dopes seem to think declaring war on someone is a one way deal.
It's not a video game cupcake ,in real life you don't just get to walk away when you get tired of it.
These people have no idea what they're talking about, no clue about the cost of open warfare with an insurgency, and no backbone to actually go kick doors themselves. They've done so little to go after gangbangers who sell dope to kids and can't shoot straight, are hardly effective in this arena. How TF are they going to wage war against a skilled, prepared, insurgent element?
And what if we say no fruitcake ?
You going to use your personal nuke stash ?
Funny how these dopes seem to think declaring war on someone is a one way deal.
It's not a video game cupcake ,in real life you don't just get to walk away when you get tired of it.

These people don't view it the same way. You and I see this as something personal; something we'll have to be involved in fighting. These a**h***s view it as something their brown shirts will do for them. Some (many, all?) actually think the police and the military will be happy to go around and kick in doors to round up all the guns.

Even politically they don't have a personal stake in any of it. They can spout off all the bullshit they want, because they have no fear of the sheeple who vote them into and keep them in office. There are no political repercussions because they come from commie shithole districts and states that have a large voting base who approve. And as long as they keep the entitlements flowing, the sheeple will keep voting for them.
They can have all of mine after they pay the value and storage and processing fees that the Village Vault charges, it's only fair

Soooo....what would an average of 20 years come out to per item?
Minimum $3650 at .50/day just for storage? Plus check-in and check-out processing/documentation fees, and your up to around $4k
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