EOTW, SHTF movie coming out "The Road"

The book was good. The movie has been seriously delayed. I think I saw trailers way back saying it was going to be out fall 2008.

Accurate EOTW? I don't know about that. The book doesn't even explain what caused it. I could go further... but i won't. Buy the book... it was a good read.
The preview doesn't look like it followed the story line of the book too closely, which is probably a good thing.


I have to agree with Mass-diver and MrTwigg - one of the most depressing stories I've ever read. I also found it a little unbelievable that the father in the book couldn't find better armament then the revolver with one cartridge that he carried.

The father also came across to me as pretty much a sheeple, in both language and demeanor. I didn't expect him to act like Mel Gibson in The Road Warrior, but I found him to be a little too passive.

Hopefully, the movie will be better. Just my $.02.
I liked the book a lot, but it's not *the* EOTW story. It's just one depiction of how things could go down. I think what I liked about the book is that it left room for the reader to interpret it in a few different ways (e.g., I happen to agree with center442, but I know not everyone would). I worry that a movie would leave less room for the subtle interpretation that makes the book so good, IMO.
Very depressing book. I think the Dad, being such a passive guy, was the luckiest guy on earth to have survived for as long as he had....

I'll probably see the movie on DVD.
"The Road" isn't any darker than the imagination. If you're a survivalist, you won't be surprised.

What makes it worth reading is the admirable main character - and perhaps the idea that Cormac McCarthy's scenario may not be fiction for long.
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