Employer Would Rather Hire Pedophiles Than Former Soldiers


Road Warrior
NES Member
May 14, 2008
Living Free In The 603
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Boss Karl Winn would rather hire paedophiles than former soldiers

A BOSS caused outrage by saying he would rather employ a paedophile than former servicemen or women.

Karl Winn, 60, said that "ex-drug dealers, convicts and child molesters" made better employees than war heroes, The Sun reported.

Forces Recruitment Services - which help find jobs for former British military personnel - had emailed Winn inviting him to consider taking on ex-servicemen and women at the Webeurope design company he runs in Taunton, Somerset.

Winn, a former social worker, replied: "Personally, I'd rather recruit ex-drug dealers, convicts and even child molesters rather than consider anybody who has been in the pay of the British Government.
"Anybody who has been in the pay of such a military force, and by their silence and complicity has condoned such illegal and immoral actions while accepting a monthly blood-stained pay-packet, certainly will not be considered for employment by us!

"Please remove us from your email list. Regards, Karl."

Winn tried to deny he wrote the email when first challenged, blaming instead a "disgruntled" worker who had managed to hack into his personal email.

But confronted by further emails between him and the recruitment agency he caved in and admitted he had written them - but refused to apologise.

Winn, who employs 16 people, agreed that his views were "a bit over the top," but continued, "I don't regret saying it at all.

"Even if it costs me money, I'll still stand up for what I believe in."

Winn later issued a media statement to clarify his views.

"Ex-pedophiles and drug addicts who have been charged and paid the price for their actions deserve a chance to get on with their lives. In my opinion, military personnel who have got away with murder do not," he said.

"I will therefore continue with my blanket ban on employing ex-military personnel. I understand this will affect innocent as well as guilty people."

And the UK government lets him get away with this kind of discrimination.
Good. I hope he doesn't have any .gov intervention. It's a private business he should be able to discriminate against any person or group he wants to.
I agree that a) this guy is a douchenozzle, but b) he is well within his rights (well...do the British have those?) as an owner of a private business to hire, or not hire, whomever he chooses.

That being said, I really hope that consumers looking for whatever services this guy provides choose to go elsewhere, and let him know why.
It's his loss. Actually, he's probably a pedophile himself so he'll enjoy the perverse company of fellow reprobates!
Shot him an email because I have nothing better to do with my time. Supported him in his hiring whoever he wants, suggested he revise his opinion and gave a local example of some Marines who had an Iraqi girl brought back to the US for life saving surgery. Wow... I really should write my lab report.

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