Doomsday Preppers - New Show on National Geographic

Caught a few minutes of it just now.
One goofball was buying Bacardi 151 for his stores . At first it sounded like a decent plan , keeping it for barter material . But then it showed him making molotovs with it . . . he had 5 or 6 made , and then destroyed them in his backyard [rolleyes]

Dumbass could have used $2 worth of gas and had the same result .
the facepalm is strong with this one.

I got stoked when the first guy was from Maine, thinking he might be a lurker here.... but then I realized this isn't Northeast Stick Chuckers.
Oh my..... They have a casting call for season #2!

Perhaps someone could go completely off the deep end as a satire? Think... Borat the prepper.

This would be a blast, if not for the part where everyone would know where you live, your career would be over, your friends would think you are bonkers, and your local COP would likely revoke your LTC for suitability reasons(and no one would disagree!)

That said: "You see, this har's my 19-1-1. You need to git cherself one of these here bacause it takes a .45 to blow a zombie's entire brain out. You use one-a them nine mils and you get a half dead zombie creepin' up on ya with a part brain. A 4-5 will do you right. And you know whut they say: Two is one and one is none, so I got me 20 of 'em. And 20,000 rounds of ammo. Come on down the basement and I'll show 'em to ya." Proceeds downstairs into what looks like a fully stocked Marine Corps armory.
It’s actually challenging to pick the biggest nutball out of this bunch, but I actually feel Becky Brown has some deep psychological problems. She needs professional help. And probably lots of it. The producer is even a bigger douchebag than I originally thought for taking advantage of such a vulnerable person. [sad2]
Oh my..... They have a casting call for season #2!

Perhaps someone could go completely off the deep end as a satire? Think... Borat the prepper.

You could have a straight dude who prepares for the Gaypocalypse, where everyone goes...

I can see it now: "I have 50 gallons of lube and 1500 pairs of hot pants..."
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Let's see....last nights show...

Grizzly Adams, aka:"Stick chucker" is going to have child protective services at his door. (K, a tossed stick isn't gonna do much to someone behind a tree with a rifle.)

Capitol prepper is going to have the men in black suits and black SUV's knocking down her door. (5 years of dehydrated food & (next to) no water? WTF?)

Shelter builder....he's running a real estate scam that would make Trump jealous. Either that or he's the equivalent of the guy that built the "compound" in the story Lights Out...(ETA)...or maybe he's played too much Fallout and wants to be an Overseer [laugh]
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Caught a re-run - One guy was using hand warmers for O2 absorbers, said they were the same thing basically.

Anyone have an idea how true this is? It certainly does turn the "local availability" of O2 absorbers around...
Caught a re-run - One guy was using hand warmers for O2 absorbers, said they were the same thing basically.

Anyone have an idea how true this is? It certainly does turn the "local availability" of O2 absorbers around...

I am assuming you are talking about this guy.

To answer your question – they are similar, but not identical. OA are in foodgrade packaging and HW are not. OA generally release heat slower than HW. I do not know if those differences matter to you. They do to me. Additionally, OA a bit more efficient at trapping oxygen, but that is of lower importance because HW cost less.
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I just got through the latest episode On Demand.

I thought the guy in Maine was borderine abusive. Pulling a (fake) gun on a six year old girl seems over the top, but making her believe that she can disarm a grown man and hold him at gunpoint isn't doing her any favors.

I thought the condo guy was pretty ambitious, but I didn't understand a few things. Were the owners going to be living there full time, or is it just a bug out location in case of emergency? For $1.5M, I'd want it to be my full time residence, but how would I ever entertain guests? It seemed like he should have had a full time security force for that kind of setup.

That poor gal in SLC was just out of her mind. She is terrified of a "government takeover", so she chooses to live in the shadow of the capital building so she can keep an eye on them? I'd want a little more breathing room. And she hadn't stored ANYTHING except freeze-dried food. You would think that someone living in the heart of Mormon country could get some better advice on food storage.

They seem to be getting worse every week.
That poor gal in SLC was just out of her mind. She is terrified of a "government takeover", so she chooses to live in the shadow of the capital building so she can keep an eye on them? I'd want a little more breathing room. And she hadn't stored ANYTHING except freeze-dried food. You would think that someone living in the heart of Mormon country could get some better advice on food storage.

Maybe, she was a plant put on the show BY the government, to justify the government targeting preppers... [shocked]
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I just got through the latest episode On Demand.

I thought the guy in Maine was borderine abusive. Pulling a (fake) gun on a six year old girl seems over the top, but making her believe that she can disarm a grown man and hold him at gunpoint isn't doing her any favors.

I thought the condo guy was pretty ambitious, but I didn't understand a few things. Were the owners going to be living there full time, or is it just a bug out location in case of emergency? For $1.5M, I'd want it to be my full time residence, but how would I ever entertain guests? It seemed like he should have had a full time security force for that kind of setup.

That poor gal in SLC was just out of her mind. She is terrified of a "government takeover", so she chooses to live in the shadow of the capital building so she can keep an eye on them? I'd want a little more breathing room. And she hadn't stored ANYTHING except freeze-dried food. You would think that someone living in the heart of Mormon country could get some better advice on food storage.

They seem to be getting worse every week.

I almost turned it off this week. The guy in Maine is a total nut job. When he gave his kid the umbilical cord I really didn't know if the kid was expected to throw it on the fire or eat it.

I was thinking about the condo's. Would you use it as a vacation home? They must be required to stay there for some practice periods. What do they do with all the cars when the SHTF? Everyone is going to drive there and leave their car? Kind of obvious something is going on there.

The government girl was sad. Very intense and I think the friends we just humoring her for the cameras. I felt in her case, there is something wrong (with her) and it bothered me to watch. If they keep bringing people like that on I think I will dump the show. I so wanted to like this show. When the Mass hippies are the most normal of the lot there is something wrong.
It's not an informational show (other than the old adage: Nobody is completely useless -- they can always serve as a bad example) where interested persons can pick up info, like, say, a cooking show, or the old This Old House.

It's a showcase of idiots, that puts all preppers in one basket (or padded room?) to broadcast the foolishness of the mindset.

Think about it.....why, if you have a bug-out location, whould you want it advertised?

And the guy that shot off his thumb? He said that the gun "misfired" at first, and only later did it get mentioned that he had his finger in front of the muzzle.....If you watch it carefully, you see his kid using a 10/22, then him using a 10/22, then the screen went black with "BANG" and a edit to him gettign his hand wrapped up, and passing out. Then the camera crew has to do the first aid, and call for help.

So....the take-away on this is: Prepping is a waste of time, and money; you endanger your children by allowing them access to dangerous items; when something odd happens, you need help from "normal" people.

It's just a big advertisement for the Preppers' version of the "CCW sash and Badge Combo Pack"
That poor gal in SLC was just out of her mind. She is terrified of a "government takeover", so she chooses to live in the shadow of the capital building so she can keep an eye on them? I'd want a little more breathing room. And she hadn't stored ANYTHING except freeze-dried food. You would think that someone living in the heart of Mormon country could get some better advice on food storage.

The gubbermint "took over" decades ago. [rolleyes]

The biggest issues with preppers who *think* they are serious is they will not speak to anyone about prepping or seek advice because they will have to "break opsec".

Because everybody is goung to steal their stash of beans and mre's. [thinking] [laugh]
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