Doomsday Preppers - New Show on National Geographic

Just watched the On-Demand episode, I thought it was pretty good.

I found it under 'All TV Series', but not under HD. It's only in 'regular D'.


I found it under "History and Nature" instead of "All TV series" or "TV Networks" and it was in both regular and HD.
Haven't listened to today's survival podcast, but based on the show notes and the responses on the blog... and some evidence here, there's going to be a LOT of butthurt preppers over this.

Not sure why anyone gives a rats ass if it paints preppers in a negative light. We know what we're doing is right, and we know that what a lot of other preppers do, we consider wrong.

Here's another fact, some preppers are in fact crazy, I think its fair game for these shows to go that route. And while I wish for them to show rational preppers... when is the last time anything geared towards or based on rational people did well on TV?
I give a rats ass because I would like to see prepping become more mainstream. The more people that are prepared, the better off everybody is. I have managed to get a few people going and have made an effort to bring some basics into the lives of people I care about, and will continue to do so, of course. But for the general public who hasn't spent 5 minutes thinking about being able to help themselves, a show like this doesn't help. It hurts. It leaves people who may have given it some thought with the impression that preppers are all crazy and that it is something to avoid. I understand that this may be to their own peril; but there is the problem. I would like to help. Wouldn't it be nice to see a show that encouraged people to take some simple steps without requiring an industrial roll of tinfoil? It may make for shitty TV, but would still be better than 90% of the crap on the tube anyway. This show is nothing but a curiosity for preppers and a punchline for everyone else. At best, a few people who have already started basic preps may get some new ideas. But alas, I will watch.
I use the CDC recommendations as a good starting point when the subject comes up in conversation. Shuts down the "they're crazy" argument right away.
I watched the old episodes last night on-demand. Interesting format. I smiled when they critiqued the one guy for NOT having guns for defense. I kept smiling when he responded with something like, "I didn't talk about those issues but acknowledge they are important," which led me to believe he might own guns but just didn't want to talk about it.

The one common thread that added a little lunatic vibe was each party seemed fixated on an event that was just about to happen. This focus might have just been creative editing but every time the one guy would say "the 2012 electromagnetic pulse" it made me cringe.

That one girl from Texas is like the Napoleon Dynamite of preppers. She's a few rounds short of a full mag. Like why would someone think Mexico is a safe place to go during a crisis??? It's not safe now!
That one girl from Texas is like the Napoleon Dynamite of preppers. She's a few rounds short of a full mag. Like why would someone think Mexico is a safe place to go during a crisis??? It's not safe now!

And I liked how she only had 12 bottles of water in her apartment, but she had a SPARE CAR parked 6 miles away. I think she just wanted to be on TV.
I watched the old episodes last night on-demand. Interesting format. I smiled when they critiqued the one guy for NOT having guns for defense. I kept smiling when he responded with something like, "I didn't talk about those issues but acknowledge they are important," which led me to believe he might own guns but just didn't want to talk about it.

Are you talking about the first guy with the greenhouse pool setup?

If so, he put a pistol case and a box of ammo in his bug out bag and he had a bunch of winchester boxes in his supply room.
Are you talking about the first guy with the greenhouse pool setup?

If so, he put a pistol case and a box of ammo in his bug out bag and he had a bunch of winchester boxes in his supply room.

I saw that. Who the F carries their pistol in the original case in their backpack, LOL? Maybe staged for the cameras though. But I was referring to the California guy prepping for the big one (quake). He had like 12 knifes with him but they criticized him for not having a gun--warms my heart. But he responded with some ambiguous statement that led me to believe he could have one but wasn't going to talk about it.
I saw that. Who the F carries their pistol in the original case in their backpack, LOL? Maybe staged for the cameras though. But I was referring to the California guy prepping for the big one (quake). He had like 12 knifes with him but they criticized him for not having a gun--warms my heart. But he responded with some ambiguous statement that led me to believe he could have one but wasn't going to talk about it.

Was there two episodes?

I never saw the guy from California.
These shows bum me out kinda because despite being a dilligent prepper for about 2 years, I am NOWHERE near the level of these guys and never will be.

Those 2 families that had the farm with the truck converted to run on wood reminded me of why I disliked the book "Patriots". They are simply all in with their preps. The only criticizm I would give them is that they need more people to secure that much land and the house did not lok like it was hardened at all. No fighting positions, etc.
These shows bum me out kinda because despite being a dilligent prepper for about 2 years, I am NOWHERE near the level of these guys and never will be.

Those 2 families that had the farm with the truck converted to run on wood reminded me of why I disliked the book "Patriots". They are simply all in with their preps. The only criticizm I would give them is that they need more people to secure that much land and the house did not lok like it was hardened at all. No fighting positions, etc.

I'm sure they haven't tipped their entire hand.

Do the best you can with what you've got. That alone will put you miles ahead of most. Having at least "something" to offer will greatly influence your ability to link up with others compared to arriving somewhere empty handed and empty headed as most will when TSHTF.[wink]
These shows bum me out kinda because despite being a dilligent prepper for about 2 years, I am NOWHERE near the level of these guys and never will be.

Those 2 families that had the farm with the truck converted to run on wood reminded me of why I disliked the book "Patriots". They are simply all in with their preps. The only criticizm I would give them is that they need more people to secure that much land and the house did not lok like it was hardened at all. No fighting positions, etc.

I watched a couple of other videos from SouthernPrepper1 on Youtube. I'm sure there is plenty that he didn't show. He also talks about how small his town is, and how well they all know each other. I plan on watching more of his videos, he seems like a good guy who has his crap together.
shows been on 6 minutes... already got a text from a coworker saying he expects to see me on there :-\
A sling to kill birds. Okay dude show me how you do it.

ETA: Trading coins with street thugs. This guy is delusional.
so this one is the repeat, btw

California guy is my favorite, "my survival kit includes salad dressing." [rofl]

He thinks he's surviving in LA alone without a gun when the SHTF. LA will make NOLA look like a play ground if it was a truly SHTF.

ETA: I think he has a gun as he kind of hinted it when they assessed his skills.
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