Doomsday Preppers - New Show on National Geographic

I agree on the School bus guy. Sorry but my kids stay with me. It that takes a plasma torch to get in, so be it.

One final word on the spider hole guy. I think he is getting a little something-something from his underage female students. Just a gut feeling. Total nut job.

On the shrink. Not uncommon, but some folks cheap (culture). The wife needs to shut up. Of all the possible possible disasters the pandemic is the most likely.

The Duce and a half guy. (BTW, Its really a chopped duce.) I thought it was stupid to park it our front. But, I always wanted one (actually two) for myself (full sized). I always wanted to have two of them and a 18 wheeler wrecker (configured as a snowplow) as convoy setup.
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That Cambodian women in the last one cracked me up! She was the voice of reason.

new episode: wearing the fart bag suit around the house--very stylish

edit: with that hat he's the pilot from red dawn!
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The first guy, another one where I feel bad for the kids.
The pack-rat woman, I get the feeling that she's going to be food if the SHTF. No defense whatsoever.
The last guy, I dunno. A for effort & good on him for getting out and talking to his neighbors and losing all that weight. Also glad to hear that his wife has gotten more 'on board' with the preps. Other than that, I dunno.
The first guy, another one where I feel bad for the kids.
The pack-rat woman, I get the feeling that she's going to be food if the SHTF. No defense whatsoever.
The last guy, I dunno. A for effort & good on him for getting out and talking to his neighbors and losing all that weight. Also glad to hear that his wife has gotten more 'on board' with the preps. Other than that, I dunno.

My wife hasn't quite caught on what I'm doing. She thinks all those #10 cans of beans, rice etc. is just to get better pricing on groceries. She may start to wonder after the Cannery Expedition 2-B on May 12...
The Tyvek suits don't keep out radiation per se (beta and gamma will go right through) but alpha particles will be stopped, and, more importantly, the contaminated dirt and crud that you pick up on your run to Starbucks after the Bomb drops can be left outside, as opposed to tracking it into your shelter. The real danger is bringing radioisotopes into your shelter, and inhaling/ingesting them.

If there were a "Real" nuke, you'll take the initial hard dose before you can react, unless you're in a real shelter. After the blast, or if it's a dirty bomb/fizzle, the danger is primarily in the aftermath, when the bad stuff is just laying around.

Then disposible coveralls are good.

That said....this show is more of a list of stuff not to do........
Any idea where I can find the more recent episodes? I used to look forward to finding the week's past episode in the on-demand every weekend (when I actually have time to watch them), but since the middle of last month it seems they stopped listing the newer episodes there?

Btw, I'm not very savvy when it comes to cable channels and where to find stuff, so take it easy on me if this sounds stupid. I'm pretty sure we have Verizon Fios.
Any idea where I can find the more recent episodes? I used to look forward to finding the week's past episode in the on-demand every weekend (when I actually have time to watch them), but since the middle of last month it seems they stopped listing the newer episodes there?

Btw, I'm not very savvy when it comes to cable channels and where to find stuff, so take it easy on me if this sounds stupid. I'm pretty sure we have Verizon Fios.

This guy PeterPrepper has been uploading the full episodes after only a few hours after they air!
I loved that lady who thought she was hiding all that food from her husband. The way she was stuffing Sweettarts into every nook and cranny under her bed, she must be great at Tetris.

I wondered what the guy was thinking, with that panic room door made out of 1/2" MDF, but then he admitted that it was only going to stop someone long enough for him to load his shotgun.

The guy in Idaho was a little spooky. If you have to move away from Utah to get more space, then you have serious people issues. His kids all seemed 100% on board, which was kind of cool, but I wonder what kind of life they are going to have.

I thought it sounded pretty low when he said he had 1500 rounds of ammunition, and then he said that it was all .22 and .410, and it REALLY sounded low. 1500 rounds of .22 is what, $60?

And his 'underground vaults' sounded impressive until he pulled one of them out of the ground with one hand.
I loved that lady who thought she was hiding all that food from her husband. The way she was stuffing Sweettarts into every nook and cranny under her bed, she must be great at Tetris.
I think maybe she should be stocking up on Prozac instead. If she's hiding $10 worth of instant soup in a door by tacking some wallboard over it while her husband's out walking the dog, then she's got more issues than all the food prepping in the world will fix. Plus, they're gonna get themselves dead as soon as they start inviting strangers in for food.

I thought it sounded pretty low when he said he had 1500 rounds of ammunition, and then he said that it was all .22 and .410, and it REALLY sounded low. 1500 rounds of .22 is what, $60?
He wouldn't be the first one on the show who's not showing his whole hand. Maybe he means 1500 per kid, or 1500 per gun? [grin]

And his 'underground vaults' sounded impressive until he pulled one of them out of the ground with one hand.
I'm guessing that was "for TV", since he didn't show us any actual storage.

Question: why are "sprouted" seeds more nutritious than "un-sprouted seeds"?
My audition reel for season 2:

The best quote of the entire series came from the Geese Queen as she was sealing her son for 2 weeks in the “quarantine room” -- “I want to make sure there is no air coming in or out of the room”. [rofl] Reminded me of Harlem Nights when Quick tells Phil Cantone to take small breaths or he won’t last until Monday. [rofl]

Got to love how half of these people are mentally unstable and the other half tries to paddle overpriced “survival” gear. Something tells me that the Geese Queen is a failed ex-real estate agent who now thinks she can make living by pushing ZEB Gear onto paranoid. Man… con artists like her annoy me far more than the nutjobs. [angry]
I thought the under-garage pod was pretty cool. They were very proud about keeping it a secret from their neighbors, right up until the broadcast it on national TV. I highly doubt that their boat, tied up at a public marina, would still be there two months post-SHTF.
I've started looking into what it would take to build a garage with a room under the main floor. Unfortunately, having the concrete floor still able to hold a car afterwards is pretty expensive.
I've started looking into what it would take to build a garage with a room under the main floor. Unfortunately, having the concrete floor still able to hold a car afterwards is pretty expensive.

My home town is filled with garages like that. Mostly they are red, sometimes white. Often have weathervanes on top, too and usually a hoist positioned over the front door, so you can pull engines, lift the whole car up or just lift stuff into the attic through a second story window. Usually there is another big door around back so you can drive stuff you dont use often into the basement room. Almost all of them are huge, too, room for sometimes as much as a dozen cars. I always wanted on in my own yard, drat it.

Seriously, though, if you are building, not remodling a garage, 2x12's 12" oc with 2x planking will hold any reasonable vehicle. An architect or builder will be able to tell you the actual specs so you don't waste money overbuilding.
All I can think of WRT these bunkers/panic rooms is the song that Flanders sings on The Simpsons:

"we'll be safe inside our fortress, when they come. We'll be safe from creeps and killers when they come. Unless they have a blow torch or a poison gas injector, then I don't know what will happen when they come."

The garage pod: the problem that I see is that someone needs to stay above ground. What if the hungry neighbors show up? One shottie agianst 5 people with guns and a shopping list? Once the topside gusrd is out of commission, 100 pounds of crap on the hatchway will keep them down. At least in the analysis, they pointed out that there was too little in the way of provisions in the pit.....
A boat, in fact a boat no larger than 40' is an ideal SHTF get the F out of Dodge transport. You can slip out while the city's are burning (I said this before in another thread) and loiter for months out on the sea or visit another part of the Earth.
A boat, in fact a boat no larger than 40' is an ideal SHTF get the F out of Dodge transport. You can slip out while the city's are burning (I said this before in another thread) and loiter for months out on the sea or visit another part of the Earth.

I agree. My concern with the guy in the show was that his stated plan was to stay in his house for 60 days, and then go get his boat. Hopefully he could get to his boat right away.

He also mentioned that he had mapped out several uninhabited islands. Knowing that these guys never reveal all of their preps on the show, I wonder if he has already cached extra supplies on one or more of these islands.

A well stocked island, with a solid plan (or three) for getting to it in a crisis, would be one of the best retreats I can think of.
Some years back, I was working in Boston - I looked into the costs of purchasing a boat that could be lived on/in and the costs of living on it at the Marina in Charlestown. It would have been pretty competetive cost-wise to buying a home (which is what I did instead)

I opted for comfort (Boston Harbor in the Winter...), but I've always kind of regretted not doing it...
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