Don't want to patronize any biz with left wing views

Ben Cartwright SASS

NES Member
Apr 28, 2009
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I recently ordered an Ethernet cable from Amazon rather than going to Walmart or Best Buy, same price free delivery $5 part. Mentioned it to a friend whose right wing views make me look like Chicken Charlie Baker, he blasted me for patronizing any store or business that has left wing views or is owned or controlled by anyone on the left.
I asked him where can I shop in this state without buying from someone like that? Home Depot is left wing, Walmart is left wing and so on.
The only company I can think may be ok is Big Y supermarket, they stress American owned but I don't know the owners political views.

Where can I get food and goods without giving money to the left? I mean the left seems to be taking over
Almost impossible. You using a smartphone? Well, Apple is left-wing. And Google is probably worse. I try to avoid left-wing businesses too, but it’s very hard to do with any consistency these days.
I recently ordered an Ethernet cable from Amazon rather than going to Walmart or Best Buy, same price free delivery $5 part. Mentioned it to a friend whose right wing views make me look like Chicken Charlie Baker, he blasted me for patronizing any store or business that has left wing views or is owned or controlled by anyone on the left.

Does he call up a restaurant owner and confirm the political views of the owner before he goes out to eat? If not, then he's just a bloviating hypocrite (like most people...)

What if its a corporation owned by shareholders? He going to call up the top 51% majority shareholders and interview them to find out what their views are?

I mean obviously we all have a line in the sand, but after a point all of this is feel good bullshit/exercise in absurdity. I want the product or service, not to be mired in political bullshit constantly. It's bad enough its on TV and Radio 24/7.

Does he call up a restaurant owner and confirm the political views of the owner before he goes out to eat? If not, then he's just a bloviating hypocrite (like most people...)

What if its a corporation owned by shareholders? He going to call up the top 51% majority shareholders and interview them to find out what their views are?

I mean obviously we all have a line in the sand, but after a point all of this is feel good bullshit/exercise in absurdity. I want the product or service, not to be mired in political bullshit constantly. It's bad enough its on TV and Radio 24/7.

This. There's a difference between actively supporting conservative/christian/whatever businesses, and going out of your way to avoid liberal/atheiest/whatever.
You can't avoid it, unless you basically live in a shack in the woods and shop entirely at hobby lobby and chik fil a.
You can, however, actively support companies that are openly conservative. Buy more guns, ammo, black rifle coffee, etc.
And buy chik fil a. Always buy chik fil a. The food's so good consumers actually put up with a fast food restaurant that's closed 15 percent of the week and isn't open late.
This. There's a difference between actively supporting conservative/christian/whatever businesses, and going out of your way to avoid liberal/atheiest/whatever.
You can't avoid it, unless you basically live in a shack in the woods and shop entirely at hobby lobby and chik fil a.
You can, however, actively support companies that are openly conservative. Buy more guns, ammo, black rifle coffee, etc.
And buy chik fil a. Always buy chik fil a. The food's so good consumers actually put up with a fast food restaurant that's closed 15 percent of the week and isn't open late.
Last weekend I actually went to both Chick-Fil-A and Hobby Lobby, ha.
+1 on Chick-Fil-A, I like their food better than other fast food on the rare occasions I eat it. Plus, they have been far more polite and courteous (at least the the local ones).
People in America need to realize that not everyone will agree with you. On the left and on the right. Certainly it's your right to try to "boycott" people who don't agree with you -- but unless some place does something truly messed up, I don't really care.

these days the difference in price is minor, so why not shop at a douchnozzle shops to save a few cents.

laugh all you want, but "made in US" and "vet owned" work as a marketing strategy, so does "we love Illary" but in a different way.
Funny my son just called and said he is passing by Chick-fil-A at noon time and wanted to know if I wanted some for lunch, I said yes! My wife loves that stuff due to their Christian Views and closed Sundays, she also supports conservative biz, but won't pay $100 for a pillow even though the owner is a big time conservative.

I have to stretch my paycheck to buy more guns and ammo!
I think the point is that if an establishment doesnt make a point of politicizing everything at every opportunity and behaves like a business traditionally does that he'll do business with them

Problem with Amazon/Google/Fakebook etc is they politicize everything

Not really true, at least not in the sense/POV of a typical customer of any of those companies. Last I knew I wasn't getting messages from Zark Muckerberg, bezos, etc, about how terrible Trump is, at least not while acting as a customer. About the only thing I run into that could be considered overtly poltiical is some of the weird censorship encountered on Youtube- EG, lots of youtubers with mildly political content bitching about not being able to get monetized... but it's not entirely clear if this sort of thing is spurned only from Google, or is some boilerplate that a lot of their advertisers want.... and then google f***s up that "want" by issuing a shitty policy. EG, and advertiser might say "well we dont want our ad monetizing a hate speech video" and then suddenly google/YT pulls a retard move and says "ZOMG libertarian talking about guns" = hate speech!!! BWEAH! and refuses to monetize that person's video...


I mean obviously we all have a line in the sand, but after a point all of this is feel good bullshit/exercise in absurdity. I want the product or service, not to be mired in political bullshit constantly. It's bad enough its on TV and Radio 24/7.


Pretty much this. I have a hard enough time not shopping at the grocery store I hate or Home Depot that never has what I need, let alone getting politics involved. But where I live we have very few choices and the only choice that ever has what I want tends to be Amazon. I try to support local businesses but they just don't carry anything anymore.
I recently ordered an Ethernet cable [...] Mentioned it to a friend [...] he blasted me for patronizing any store or business that has left wing views or is owned or controlled by anyone on the left.
I asked him where can I shop in this state without buying from someone like that?

So. What was his answer? Where does he shop?
The problem imho with Google/Fakebook/Amazon is scale.....its not unlike the anti trust issues we faced 100 plus years back....except now its the progressives that are SUPPORTING the monopolization/manipulation because it furthers their agenda (for now at least)......

what's worse than an unabated monopoly is the monopoly supported by own .gov, i.e. NSA's own relationships with Google, it's funding through the early days and current relationship.
I will put a plug for Ace Locksmith in Norwood, they have a sign in their window, "The government didn't build my business I did" gotta love that.

I don't think my friend buys much of anything, although his wife does, does all their shopping. She and I both like Big Y supermarket, they are local and American owned and not bad prices. They got rid of the self checkouts and have all cashiers working
Not to mention taxpayers subsidizing Musk and Tesla.....sales have dropped precipitously since credits expired......funny how that works with subsidies......

I hope that guy goes extra-bankrupt and someone else continues to develop his batt-rays. He is such a total faker tool. "Oh, I'm the real Tony Stark." No. Tony Stark could build stuff. On his own. With his own money. You? You are just talking about ideas that will never come to fruition and spending taxpayer dollars. Ass!
I will put a plug for Ace Locksmith in Norwood, they have a sign in their window, "The government didn't build my business I did" gotta love that.

I don't think my friend buys much of anything, although his wife does, does all their shopping. She and I both like Big Y supermarket, they are local and American owned and not bad prices. They got rid of the self checkouts and have all cashiers working

Nice, bought a safe from them like 20 years ago!
Aside from the fact that Cuckerberg, Bezos etc are constantly in the news bashing anything conservative/not progressive.........

There are lots of folks who actually pay attention to who these people are and the companies they run.

I don't. If they want me to pay attention to them they're going to have to pay me for my time, or be entertaining, or informative, etc. Zark Muckerberg talking to
media types is of no interest to me.

There are a couple of local establishments/businesses that are owned/run by moonbats with their hands out and periodically they cater to one political group to the excusion of another and as such I choose not to spend money at these establishments......

I bet those establishments are a lot more overt about it than amazon, google, etc. I would probably choose the same thing if it was so overt as to be

The problem imho with Google/Fakebook/Amazon is scale.....its not unlike the anti trust issues we faced 100 plus years back....except now its the progressives that are SUPPORTING the monopolization/manipulation because it furthers their agenda (for now at least)......

LOL, its more than just progressives- Amazon is basically the "Election of Donald Trump" of the retail world. Retail sucks pretty bad, so they fixed a lot of that. Millions of people who felt that retail sucked, all voted this way, regardless of political affiliation. Google made a search engine that generally doesn't suck, as well as an operating system for telephones, and scalable email solutions, etc. Things that a bunch of people thought were worth paying for. If it was only moonbats who wanted these products, all these companies would be out of business.

Faceplant? I'll give you that one, but there are plenty of non moonbats using that hunk of shit, too. Most people don't "pay" anything for it, though.

ETA: I'll also add, that there's about 100 opt outs of getting away from faceplant... that's like saying that someone has a monopoly on "air". People don't "need" faceplant. Hell, some "new millenials" are even shunning it now. I have friends who have these under 18s who are all like "facebook is for old people" LOL...

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Faceplant? I'll give you that one, but there are plenty of non moonbats using that hunk of shit, too. Most people don't "pay" anything for it, though.


That would be funny...people actually paying for that crap.
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