Dollar General; Clerk shoots robber; family upset...

Correct. They are basically a small town Walmart. :emoji_thumbsup:

Plus, you don't have to dress up.

Lots of stores search employees on the way out. Apple does (an employee owned iPhone had better have the restricted distribution employee sticker on it) and employees get a cursory search on the way out. I saw an employee ending her shift at CVS while I was in line and she approached her manager for a purse check before she left. And then, of course, S&W and Amazon. So yes, businesses already search their employees.
Amazon is almost like a TSA checkpoint on the way out! About as inept as well. They have their metal detectors set crazy sensitive too. Last time I was in the Fall River facility was the first time with it open. The metal in my elbow set it off, and they were so focused on wanding me, that they totally overlooked checking the boxes of my stuff that I was bringing out with me.

Only other place I've ever been with that sort of security is a nuclear energy plant, but that security was on the way in.
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