Discovery Channel's : THE COLONY

So far, in between the insanity, I've learned...

- How to turn rotting pigs into fuel for a tractor
- How to weld without a welding machine
- How to build a windmill generator using an automobile alternator and a bank of batteries
- How not to negotiate with terrorist thugs demanding your stuff (JK..I knew this already)

You can often learn from a show like this, even if all it teaches you is what not to do or what doesn't work.

THIS [wink]
Adding a former Marine scout sniper who knows 1) how to provide food and 2) security = a very very good thing for the group.

Besides... his name is Tick... which makes him automatically awesome [smile]
I think it's time to just let all the inept folks go home and we could watch 'Tick' perform for the next few weeks.

Just one more example of how this thing couldn't be farther from reality.

If this was a real situation, the guy with the skills would join the group so that he could have access to the women.... (loneliness can be a bitch).

Since there's apparently nothing the other guys can do that he couldn't do for himself, he'd kill them off so he'd have fewer 'dependents'.[laugh]
Planet Green will be running a day marathon of the 1st season on March 24th starting at 1:00 pm.

Cool. Hopefully that means they will be doing another season. even though most of that stuff was ridiculous it was cool to see some of the projects they came up with.

I am still baffled by how much people cannot exist without electricity and how they don't realize what a target they are putting on their backs. And for the record I lived 6 years without electricity so I just dont think it would be my first priority in a SHTF situation.
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