Discovery Channel's : THE COLONY

Never saw season 1; my wife and I are watching season 2, critiquing it as we watch it. Based on the top 5 priorities they mention (shelter, water, food, fire and security) I would have addressed security 1st. The gang showing up at the end of episode 1 _only_ wanting medical supplies was unrealistic. Given it's a reality show it should be amusingly entertaining and hopefully I'll learn some things I don't already know (what to do or what _not_ to do).
The show's political correctness meter is pegged.

I can't imagine an actual scenario in which NO ONE in the group was armed. Crap, if that was the case, even in Chicago, they'd recruit a gang banger to get a weapon.

The fact that nobody is armed (not even rudimentarily with a bow, etc.) is just homage to the Brady Campaign. It's absolutely foolish survival television. It's also absurd to believe that conflict will be about people getting beaten down and not about them getting killed.

If the cast isn't killed off, out of stupidity, in the second episode, I'll continue to watch only to see if anything can be learned. I may have to bump up my BP medicine to make it through though.

The lesson so far.....any group bigger than yours can (will) take all your stuff, if you're un-armed. Only because it's TV, did the marauding group only go after their 'medical supplies'!
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I could imagine a lot of scenarios in which a group would be unarmed. How many of us always have a firearm with us? Walk through any town on a given day and I bet way less than 1 in 7 have a firearm on them. If something happened while I was at work or traveling I wouldnt have one. Fewer people today own or know how to use a firearm than ever. I thought the premise of this year was that these people were relocated to the site by the govt. Would the govt allow them to bring a firearm?
I could imagine a lot of scenarios in which a group would be unarmed. How many of us always have a firearm with us? Walk through any town on a given day and I bet way less than 1 in 7 have a firearm on them. If something happened while I was at work or traveling I wouldnt have one. Fewer people today own or know how to use a firearm than ever. I thought the premise of this year was that these people were relocated to the site by the govt. Would the govt allow them to bring a firearm?

I always have a firearm on me or in my vehicle.

The fewer people have them or know how to use them, the better for me.

If THSTF, there will probably won't be much .gov to obey, and what little there is will have no authority. In any case, I won't be doing what the .gov wants.
I hated the show. Already giving up their food to strangers who are passing by and having no concept of security. It was painful to watch. The first three strangers should have been buried in the back yard after they started the fight.

The strangers should have been used to make gasoline once they ran out of Pigs.
The lack of weapons is not an homage to the brady compaign, it's a realistic restriction of an experiment. It is much easier for the medical staff assisting the colonists & actors to react to blunt truma injuries, cuts, scraps etc than it would be for them to deal with an arrow or gunshot wound. The later could easily be deadly before the medical staff could react to treat the injured.

While I agree the colonists put security too low on their priorities, you can't make it to the exclusion of the others. The the heat of the region they're in during the summer, they need to secure at least some drinking water very quickly and food can't wait very long either. Yes, they should have done a lot more than they did early on, but ignoring the need for food, water and supplies to focus solely on security would have been a mistake too.

Some physical security and basic weapons would have helped immensely, but most people in the US don't think like that because they're comfortably unaware of how dangerous desperate people can be.

As for a maurading group only being after medical supplies, that is more realistic than is sounds. There are 3 basic types of mauraders in deperate times: 1) Justifiers 2) Looters and 3) True Marauders

The first group are generally good people driven to raiding / marauding because they feel their survival depends on it. This people will justify their actions as acceptable because they "only take what they need to survive" These are the kinds of people that steal a loaf of bread to feed their kids, steal medicine because they can't afford to buy it, etc. They don't "want" to steal, it's "wrong" in their minds, but they can justify it to themselves. When pushed, most people will fall into this catagory.

The second group are oppertunistic. They take things because it's available and the social penalties for taking it are lifted. Looters will typically take what's available rather than what they need, but are rarely determined enough to fight heavily for things until they feel they need them. This is where most "Mobs" fall.

The last group are the most dangerous. True Marauders look at strength and force as a method for aquiring wealth (it's a job). True Marauders will take anything of sufficient value regarding the amount of effort required and may use excessive force to intimidate as a way of reducing the amount of effort required in the future. While this type of group is often in the minority, they often rise to power after the collapse of authority because they have the strength to enforce their will on others and they can provide needed supplies and protection to others.

The group portrayed in the first episode of The Colony was obviously ment to be the first, driven to raiding by a persieved need for medical supplies. They didn't take anything else because they didn't justify to themselves their need to do so.
While I agree the colonists put security too low on their priorities, you can't make it to the exclusion of the others. The the heat of the region they're in during the summer, they need to secure at least some drinking water very quickly and food can't wait very long either. Yes, they should have done a lot more than they did early on, but ignoring the need for food, water and supplies to focus solely on security would have been a mistake too.

Some physical security and basic weapons would have helped immensely, but most people in the US don't think like that because they're comfortably unaware of how dangerous desperate people can be.
They found a big box of MRE's within an hour of getting dropped off, and they had water boiling soon after. They had the basics secured pretty early. They didn't even consider security.
After seeing the first strangers they were very foolish to not put in place some kind of defense. at least a fence or barrier made of the junk around there or at the very very least lookouts. I get that it's a stupid reality TV show and they can't go around shooting the other cast members but do SOMETHING other than wait for a group of outsiders to come beat the crap out of you and take your stuff...

If it is not an homage to the brady campaign then it is at least a glorious example of the pussification of America...
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One volunteer gets shot with a bow and dies, the show ends and the production company is sued into bankrupcy. It's not a political statement, it's the reality of making a television show. They're taking on enough liability letting participants really fight with melee weapons.

I never said they weren't foolish or that they didn't make huge errors in judgement. I even said, they put security too low on their priorities. I was talking about the statement made by others that it would have been their first priority and that too is a mistake.

Once they had food and water and shelter to meet their immediate needs, they should have turned to security. They didn't.

Once they were aware of others in the area, they should have stepped up their security efforts. They didn't.

Once they were attacked the first time, they should have really stepped up their security efforts. They didn't.

They have made huge mistakes and have paid a price for them (likely less than they would have in a real senerio, but that's the way it is) now hopefully they will have learned from their prior mistakes, but so far I haven't seen much of that.
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It's a "reality" TV show social experiment (which at least they openly admit it is) of how a group of strangers would react in a post disaster situation. This season's situation is a massive biologic catastrophy. They are in a Louisiana area right on the byou. Appears to be a semi-urban area.

Last season was set in LA, but I don't recall what the trigger was.
I could imagine a lot of scenarios in which a group would be unarmed. How many of us always have a firearm with us? Walk through any town on a given day and I bet way less than 1 in 7 have a firearm on them. If something happened while I was at work or traveling I wouldnt have one. Fewer people today own or know how to use a firearm than ever. I thought the premise of this year was that these people were relocated to the site by the govt. Would the govt allow them to bring a firearm?

You wouldn't find me jumping on a transport to be 're-located by the government' only so I could live by street justice while completely unarmed.

No thanks! I'd go armed or not at all.
The lack of weapons is not an homage to the brady compaign, it's a realistic restriction of an experiment. It is much easier for the medical staff assisting the colonists & actors to react to blunt truma injuries, cuts, scraps etc than it would be for them to deal with an arrow or gunshot wound. The later could easily be deadly before the medical staff could react to treat the injured.

While I agree the colonists put security too low on their priorities, you can't make it to the exclusion of the others. The the heat of the region they're in during the summer, they need to secure at least some drinking water very quickly and food can't wait very long either. Yes, they should have done a lot more than they did early on, but ignoring the need for food, water and supplies to focus solely on security would have been a mistake too.

Some physical security and basic weapons would have helped immensely, but most people in the US don't think like that because they're comfortably unaware of how dangerous desperate people can be.

As for a maurading group only being after medical supplies, that is more realistic than is sounds. There are 3 basic types of mauraders in deperate times: 1) Justifiers 2) Looters and 3) True Marauders

The first group are generally good people driven to raiding / marauding because they feel their survival depends on it. This people will justify their actions as acceptable because they "only take what they need to survive" These are the kinds of people that steal a loaf of bread to feed their kids, steal medicine because they can't afford to buy it, etc. They don't "want" to steal, it's "wrong" in their minds, but they can justify it to themselves. When pushed, most people will fall into this catagory.

The second group are oppertunistic. They take things because it's available and the social penalties for taking it are lifted. Looters will typically take what's available rather than what they need, but are rarely determined enough to fight heavily for things until they feel they need them. This is where most "Mobs" fall.

The last group are the most dangerous. True Marauders look at strength and force as a method for aquiring wealth (it's a job). True Marauders will take anything of sufficient value regarding the amount of effort required and may use excessive force to intimidate as a way of reducing the amount of effort required in the future. While this type of group is often in the minority, they often rise to power after the collapse of authority because they have the strength to enforce their will on others and they can provide needed supplies and protection to others.

The group portrayed in the first episode of The Colony was obviously ment to be the first, driven to raiding by a persieved need for medical supplies. They didn't take anything else because they didn't justify to themselves their need to do so.

We can theorize about mob mentality and behavior, but what we have to go on is what we observed.

The marauders on this show, weren't the neighbors from the next block. Nor were they looters. They were thugs looking for booty, who were willing to risk fatal injury to acquire it. The conflicts involved rudiementary weapons, not just fists. The fact that they only went for medical supplies was an assignment from the producers.

The only other reason for taking only medical supplies is because they knew they had superior numbers and could take anything else they wanted at any time. The group never looked to me like a group agonizing over moral dilemmas as to what they should and shouldn't take.

Real marauders willing to fight and risk injury to take things from others, wouldn't have a hierarchy of things they would and wouldn't take.
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Addressing the issue of security, what bugs me is that thy are more worried about being comfortable than being safe. They should have looked for a building that was the easiest to defend. They also should have hidden all their food and supplies so that it would be much harder for future marauders to find. I think that the warehouse on the first season was a fortress compared to what they have to work with now.
This week's episode highlights better than any previous ones, how unrealistic this progam is.

Not only is no one armed, but this week they have the youngest/hottest female snatched up and held for 'medical supplies and food'.

Here's a 'post apocalyptic' type simulation, and the girl obviously is in no real danger, so what happens?

The Colonists give up exactly what is demanded by the 'terrorists'. When they extend their demands a second time, the colonists once again comply.

Do the bad guys pose a real threat (rape or injury to the young woman)?...of course the response is completely unnatural.

First, the colonists read the initial note, 'fill the order', and go back to their business awaiting the end of the 24 hour waiting period requested by the thugs.
Their is no attempt to search for the girl and recover her, fearing dire consequence of real life, because there is no real risk.
Then when the bad guys get their second set of demands cheerfully filled, what do they do?...Why give up the babe, of course.
In real life, they would have learned that while they held the girl, they would be free to extort whatever they wanted/needed from the compliant colonists. They'd never giver her up.
Are we to believe there's honor among real post-apocalyptic thugs?
Does any one of the colonists stay hidden during the exchange, with an eye to following the thugs back to their place?....of course not.

When she is recovered, what do they do? Why, follow the producer's rules of course, and make her spend time in isolation. Perfect for a hostage fresh from 'terror jail'.

Next comes beefing up the security of the whole compound, right? WRONG. Next comes completing the enormous rooftop windmill and whooping it up in celebration for all within several hundred yards to see/hear.

There's always 'tomorrow' for physical security concerns, right?

I'm still going to watch, but it's a struggle watching this, in an attempt to cull a few good ideas.
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The thing that really gets me as at least once an episode they say they need to work on security, then the do something else like build a shower or a windmill (a.k.a "come pillage us" beacon). They've built some decent tables and benches so they can relax, but they haven't secured a perimeter. I'm not sure if they are all idiots or if they are just complacent because it's a TV show and they know nothing bad will really happen.
I watched part of the episode. When the young lady was kidnapped all I could think of was bad acting.

Deep down inside she knows she won't be hurt. She knows the kidnapping is a made for television drama. So she struggles and screams... but why? It is fake...

People will not act the same in a dramatization. The dangers they face are not real. They are just bad, underpaid actors looking for their 15 minutes of fame.
Didn't see it yet, but saw the trailer, and even my kids thought it was silly.

Their opinion: Play stupid games..... WTF was she doing off alone, looking for....berries?

All I could think of was in Apocalypse Now, when Chef wanted mangos, and learned, "NEVER GET OUT OF THE BOAT!"
I have a beef with this show also. I watch it and enjoy it, but my problem with it is this: If 90% of the population has died off, there would be a huge surplus of supplies to be found. Everyone would have access to firearms and canned food at the least. Also, the most serious threat that has presented itself to them in every episode is other people, yet they are taking no serious measures to defend themselves. Total B.S.
It's not that the government agency that is relocating them has dropped them with minimal supplies in an unsecured "holding facility" with no protection for 7 weeks until they can be relocated?

If the senerio that they provided were real, the compound would be guarded and supplied by government personal (military, national guard, etc) with new people arriving daily as they cleared quantine, but that wouldn't make for an interesting show or social experiment.
they really are stupid. "I'm the security watch tonight... okay... I'm just going to lie down and sleep".
I find it amazing to watch the things they invest energy in, and the priorities they do/don't put on various tasks.

For example, they modified a motorcyle to carry more people and stuff. How long do they think that will last?

They've given away anything anyone has asked them to.

And after several episodes, they've yet to deal realistically with security.

They have a windmill power generation setup, supplies, and a motorcycle and could lose all of it to anyone who 'comes calling', since they have no apparent capacity to defend against anyone.
Why would anyone waste a second watching that drivel?

So far, in between the insanity, I've learned...

- How to turn rotting pigs into fuel for a tractor
- How to weld without a welding machine
- How to build a windmill generator using an automobile alternator and a bank of batteries
- How not to negotiate with terrorist thugs demanding your stuff (JK..I knew this already)

You can often learn from a show like this, even if all it teaches you is what not to do or what doesn't work.
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