Would you also call the AG to ask if you can buy a non-compliant handgun from someone in MA that isn't a LEO?
If in doubt, read the law, read the info on the GOAL website, talk with a lawyer!
But if you contact the AG's office, here's the most likely outcome:
- You will NOT get an answer! He hasn't answered anyone that has asked "what's legal to sell in MA" . . . dealers, mfrs, distributors and common citizens have already asked that numerous times. Each time he has blown them off with a non-answer (e.g. ask the mfr, lawyer, dealer, etc.).
- They may take note of your request and give that "special attention". He could promulgate a regulation that LEOs that purchase guns under the LE exemption can not sell those guns to non-LEOs! He could mandate that local chiefs have their officers sign a statement that they will not sell such guns to civilians! etc.
- Net result is that the officer in question may get jammed up and scared off doing the deal, or just jammed up on the job! Nothing good can come from this, nothing at all!
Now relative to legality . . . it's been stated thousands of times, that the List/AG Regs ONLY apply to "MA licensed purveyors of guns", nobody else!
If said officer just bought the gun and is reselling very soon afterwards, he could end up accused of making an illegal purchase ("straw purchase" perhaps) of a LE-exempt gun in order to resell it to someone who isn't entitled to purchase said gun (any civilian). An investigation could be requested and involve the BATFE, seriously jamming your friend up regardless of outcome.
As an LEO, if I got even a whiff that things may swing this way, I'd run away from you as fast as possible and not do any deals with you ever!
In any case, he can not sell you the hi-cap mags (LE/new) as they are restricted and a felony for you to possess.