Democrats Aim To Pass The Most Aggressive Gun-control Legislation

Mitch won’t let their silly bills anywhere near the floor of the Senate. The average person, those who aren’t as politically involved as many here, see the headlines: “Congress passes Bill XYZ doing this or that”. It dies in the Senate. Joe Average never hears/understands that part and assumes another piece of useless legislation passed that changed nothing. How many times did idiot House Republicans ceremoniously repeal Obamacare knowing full well it wouldn’t go anywhere in the Senate or that Obama would veto it? What happened when they did gain power? Let Dems try AWB2.0, particularly something along the lines of banning all semi auto rifles like the WA State bill, Republicans will win back majorities in both houses plus the White House.

I think you overestimate the importance of guns to most Americans. They don't see the issue as you do. How people feel about guns can pretty much be broken down into 5 groups:

1. gun ban zealots. Only .gov should have guns.
2. almost a zealot. Only .gov should have semi/auto guns. Muskets and single shot rifles for the plebs.
3. Fudds. They don't care about gun laws as long as they can have their Remy 870 and dove/duck/deer hunt. They don't even know the difference between AR and an AK.
4. "I support the 2nd amendment" folks who are fine with most laws on the books (NFA, no machine guns, SBRs, etc.), for the most part. But don't want another AWB, AR or mag bans, etc.
5. The folks who feel all weapons laws are unconstitutional and the common man should be able to have nukes.

Most of America falls into #3. The "extremists" on either side tend to be in #2 and #4. That leaves #1 and #5 as the fringe and very small minority.

That being the case, gun control isn't an issue that could flip the House, Senate and Presidency all to Rs. It's just not. It may help win some regional house races and some state senate seats, like in TX. Those races are important too. But nationally, it doesn't motivate the R base nearly as much as I think you believe it does. You're probably in #4.... but most of America isn't there with you.

If it were that potent an issue, the Ds wouldn't be trying for it knowing it would keep them out of power. Hell if it were that potent an issue I have no doubt you would see granny Warren running around with an AR and ammo belts strapped across her chest like Rambo.

At the end of the day, they're all about power. They chase it, seek to acquire it, and ultimately impose it. If guns carried that much water with the electorate they wouldn't be advocating for more "control".
What bills will they push?

They should have to prove that anything they submit will actually be effective, and after x number of years when it's proven to not be doing anything, should be repealed never to be resubmitted.
I think you overestimate the importance of guns to most Americans. They don't see the issue as you do. How people feel about guns can pretty much be broken down into 5 groups:

1. gun ban zealots. Only .gov should have guns.
2. almost a zealot. Only .gov should have semi/auto guns. Muskets and single shot rifles for the plebs.
3. Fudds. They don't care about gun laws as long as they can have their Remy 870 and dove/duck/deer hunt. They don't even know the difference between AR and an AK.
4. "I support the 2nd amendment" folks who are fine with most laws on the books (NFA, no machine guns, SBRs, etc.), for the most part. But don't want another AWB, AR or mag bans, etc.
5. The folks who feel all weapons laws are unconstitutional and the common man should be able to have nukes.

Most of America falls into #3. The "extremists" on either side tend to be in #2 and #4. That leaves #1 and #5 as the fringe and very small minority.

That being the case, gun control isn't an issue that could flip the House, Senate and Presidency all to Rs. It's just not. It may help win some regional house races and some state senate seats, like in TX. Those races are important too. But nationally, it doesn't motivate the R base nearly as much as I think you believe it does. You're probably in #4.... but most of America isn't there with you.

If it were that potent an issue, the Ds wouldn't be trying for it knowing it would keep them out of power. Hell if it were that potent an issue I have no doubt you would see granny Warren running around with an AR and ammo belts strapped across her chest like Rambo.

At the end of the day, they're all about power. They chase it, seek to acquire it, and ultimately impose it. If guns carried that much water with the electorate they wouldn't be advocating for more "control".

I agree, particularly about most people falling into #3. I suspect, howeve, they’ll overreach and try and do something as absurd as banning all semis and they’ll lose that battle on Constitutional grounds. Don’t forget, a lot of Ds are in red states and their margin in the House just isn’t that large. I think you give too much credit to Dems, they run on stupid shit all the time: Open borders, abolishing ice, higher taxes, “socialism”. None of those play well yet they’re very vocal on those. My bet is they’ll start out w/ Pre-Existing Conditions because that’s the only issue they mention that gains broad traction, regardless how disingenuous the argument actually is.

I just don’t think that the passing bills in the House w no hope of them going anywhere will pressure Republicans into anything or get Dems much traction. Outside of the fringes, nobody pays much attention to it any more than they paid attention to the umpteen times House Republicans repealed Obamacare only to die in the Senate. Didn’t they also pass Constitutional Carry? Where’d that go? No one remembers that, even the gun nutz. Letting bills die in the Senate is a very effective tool.
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Do y'all really think that the Senate will hold the line against "gun control?" Do you really think that the Trumpster will also? Isn't Trump the one who recently said bump stocks "will be gone" in the very near future?
At this point, I don't think it really matters, because regardless of what the issue is... gun control, immigration, health care, global warming, terrorism, etc, it's going to be gridlock for the next two years if both McConnell and Pelosi dig their heels in and refuse to budge, and both sides will
blame each other for any impasse... same old same old.

Keeping it on a single issue like gun control, there actually could be a chance of something passing both chambers (and Trump), if something that has wide public support like Universal Background Checks, or something mundane like a bump stock ban comes to the floor.

But if either/any of those came up for a debate, somewhere along the line a Carolyn McCarthy or Dianne Feinstein type would fumble the ball again and propose amendments (AWB, mag restrictions, red flag laws, etc), that would only guarantee any failure of passing.

It'll most likely never happen for the above reason(s) and not for any beholding to the 2'nd amendment by Republicans.

Personally speaking, I'm reaching the point where I'm starting to not really give a f*** anymore.
As long as I have enough beer, cigarettes and ammo to get me through, burn it all down and start all over for all I care. [banana]
Do y'all really think that the Senate will hold the line against "gun control?" Do you really think that the Trumpster will also? Isn't Trump the one who recently said bump stocks "will be gone" in the very near future?

I think that we'll be treated to weekly shows of doom and excitement, but in reality nothing will ever pass. I don't know how they plan to make it interesting. May be do a gun bill once a month and the rest of the weeks it's either immigration or healthcare crisis.
Even worse......remember how badly Mittens Romney f***ed mass republicans and gun owners?.....not just on gun control but a raft of judicial appointments he left unfilled before he left the never trumper is a senator from Utah.........he's going to be every bit the shit stirrer than McSame was

hey, he is a Republican, just like Faker and Christy, not too much different from Democraps.
Even worse......remember how badly Mittens Romney f***ed mass republicans and gun owners?.....not just on gun control but a raft of judicial appointments he left unfilled before he left the never trumper is a senator from Utah.........he's going to be every bit the shit stirrer than McSame was

hey, he is a Republican, just like Faker and Christy, not too much different from Democraps.

Yeah, the guy is a piece of shit weasel, but we need every R Senator in DC we can get (even if they are shit stirrers and turncoats),
if we want to keep majority control of the Senate.
Of course they are going to swing for the fences, they know none of it is going to pass. This is just for then to grandstand on for reelection.

Political theater.

Exactly. It will be like the last time the republicans had the house and “were against” Obamacare, passing many repeals when he was president and knowing there was no hope of any legislation passing. For the next 2 years the dems will throw everything at the wall hoping that something will stick with the senate and ???? maybe Trump will not veto. It is a win win situation or them, especially if mass shootings continue on the same schedule as the recent pass. They will either make gains, or it will be BAD Trump and Republicans for blocking our common sense gun rules.
I think you overestimate the importance of guns to most Americans. They don't see the issue as you do. How people feel about guns can pretty much be broken down into 5 groups:

1. gun ban zealots. Only .gov should have guns.
2. almost a zealot. Only .gov should have semi/auto guns. Muskets and single shot rifles for the plebs.
3. Fudds. They don't care about gun laws as long as they can have their Remy 870 and dove/duck/deer hunt. They don't even know the difference between AR and an AK.
4. "I support the 2nd amendment" folks who are fine with most laws on the books (NFA, no machine guns, SBRs, etc.), for the most part. But don't want another AWB, AR or mag bans, etc.
5. The folks who feel all weapons laws are unconstitutional and the common man should be able to have nukes.

Most of America falls into #3. The "extremists" on either side tend to be in #2 and #4. That leaves #1 and #5 as the fringe and very small minority.

That being the case, gun control isn't an issue that could flip the House, Senate and Presidency all to Rs. It's just not. It may help win some regional house races and some state senate seats, like in TX. Those races are important too. But nationally, it doesn't motivate the R base nearly as much as I think you believe it does. You're probably in #4.... but most of America isn't there with you.

If it were that potent an issue, the Ds wouldn't be trying for it knowing it would keep them out of power. Hell if it were that potent an issue I have no doubt you would see granny Warren running around with an AR and ammo belts strapped across her chest like Rambo.

At the end of the day, they're all about power. They chase it, seek to acquire it, and ultimately impose it. If guns carried that much water with the electorate they wouldn't be advocating for more "control".

Well, I’m in bucket 5.

If the extremists are in bucket 4 I guess I’m....ah, F it. ‘Merica!!
There is no political turn around coming here outside of Supreme Court intervention and we may be running out of time.

...or maybe I am just trying to talk myself into buying another rifle tomorrow [slap]

Shows why listening to me is a bad idea... turns out I was just talking myself into buying another rifle after all... IWI Tavor X95

Got to beat them to the punch!

Dems barely own the house and not the senate. President also has a veto......don't get your panties in a bunch just yet.


They are posturing. Notice the last time they held both houses they did nothing. Know why? It’s political suicide. They can kvetch about gun control now because the far left Confrssmen can tout it and the moderates can quietly remain undecided even if they vote for it.

I’d they got the Senate, they’d stamp their feet, but do nothing.

The fight is for the SC. Get our rights and make it settled law.
What bills will they push?

They will push anything that gets them more (votes). Free Shit (Healthcare, housing subidies, jobs), more voters (non-citizens, illegals, etc.), and all things anti-Trump. If Trump was smart, he'd pick one or two things from their normal Agenda (and Gun Control would unfortunately be a good candidate), and embrace it as his own, because they would take a position of drowning kittens before agreeing with him.

They are posturing. Notice the last time they held both houses they did nothing. Know why? It’s political suicide. They can kvetch about gun control now because the far left Confrssmen can tout it and the moderates can quietly remain undecided even if they vote for it.

I’d they got the Senate, they’d stamp their feet, but do nothing.

The fight is for the SC. Get our rights and make it settled law.

They wouldn't just need the Senate , too. They would need 60 votes to get past a filibuster.

Ain't happening anytime soon.
They wouldn't just need the Senate , too. They would need 60 votes to get past a filibuster.

Ain't happening anytime soon.

There's no single R who would hold up a filibuster to this legislation. They may do it for a couple of days, but absent a sustained effort form the entire party, they couldn't maintain it. They would literally have to stand on the floor and talk forever. Sure you may have 1 or 2 senators who would do it. Maybe the Rand Paul and Ted Cruze types. But absent a concerted effort from the entire party to keep someone at the podium talking and chewing up time, which they wouldn't get, eventually, the majority party would invoke cloture and proceed to a vote. Rand and Ted eventually need to sleep and no other R senator has the spine to put in 8 to 12 hours at the podium over this.... That's just how it is. So the Rs need to maintain a majority so they can just not vote for cloture, or better yet, not even consider it.
That's not what this is about, but they HOPE, very much so in fact, that your attitude is what the other side has. This is about forcing Senators to take a vote on the issue/law. That vote that will be something they (Demo-nazis) can use to campaign against Republican senators in the future. "You voted to kill children" and all that nonsense.

It's politics 101 with an eye on regaining the Senate in 2020.

Their strategy is pretty basic and very transparent. The best possible outcome is that the bill never sees the floor in the Senate. That's also the most probable outcome. But rest assured that the freedom-hating nazis will time their attack to coincide and ride on the coattails of another nut job abusing said freedom. To try to force the Senate into voting on it.

But don't make the mistake of dismissing their efforts because of the bills very likely demise. Because passing the bill into law isn't even their real intent. Oh sure they would be happy if it did, but that's not the likely outcome and even they know that. It's about politics. It's about posturing for 2020. And it's about keeping the money flowing from Bloomberg, EveryTown, Soros... And for that they have to do something, even if it results in nothing substantial.

you're assuming the Democrats know what they're doing. The loss to Trump and the unusually poor showing in the midterm, where Obama lost 63 seats by comparison (and 6 senate seats).

I think this bill, which will confuse everyone and impress no one, is yet another tactical error by the Dems, who have been getting slaughtered since obama got elected.
I agree, particularly about most people falling into #3. I suspect, howeve, they’ll overreach and try and do something as absurd as banning all semis and they’ll lose that battle on Constitutional grounds.

The Democrats don't hold the Senate or the presidency. They won't get a bill passed in the Senate and, in the unlikely event that they did, Trump would veto it. They may pass a bill in the House, but it has zero chance of becoming law.
I think you overestimate the importance of guns to most Americans. They don't see the issue as you do. How people feel about guns can pretty much be broken down into 5 groups:

1. gun ban zealots. Only .gov should have guns.
2. almost a zealot. Only .gov should have semi/auto guns. Muskets and single shot rifles for the plebs.
3. Fudds. They don't care about gun laws as long as they can have their Remy 870 and dove/duck/deer hunt. They don't even know the difference between AR and an AK.
4. "I support the 2nd amendment" folks who are fine with most laws on the books (NFA, no machine guns, SBRs, etc.), for the most part. But don't want another AWB, AR or mag bans, etc.
5. The folks who feel all weapons laws are unconstitutional and the common man should be able to have nukes.

Most of America falls into #3. The "extremists" on either side tend to be in #2 and #4. That leaves #1 and #5 as the fringe and very small minority.

I generally agree with this, but I think maybe you need to add another category: folks who don't care about the politics of the 2nd, but do own a gun for home defense, personal defense, or just shooting-for-fun. The huge sales figures for guns of all kinds in recent years suggests there are a LOT of people who fit this description. Given that most of them own semiautomatics of one kind or another, that's a lot of people who could be motivated by a threat to ban semiautos.

Personally I fall into category 4... well, mostly; I think there are a number of laws on the books that shouldn't be, and OTOH there are a few that should be but aren't. But I don't think I'm an extremist. To me, the extremists are those in categories 1, 2, and 5.
The Democrats don't hold the Senate or the presidency. They won't get a bill passed in the Senate and, in the unlikely event that they did, Trump would veto it. They may pass a bill in the House, but it has zero chance of becoming law.
Even dems passing a house bill would be unlikely. They didn't even do it under Obama when they had stiff control of the house. Even Pelosi refused to cosponsor a lot of the bills.

The biggest dangers to us right now are local... like that jackassery that just happened in VT. That's where shitberg & co. are spending most of their cash.
I generally agree with this, but I think maybe you need to add another category: folks who don't care about the politics of the 2nd, but do own a gun for home defense, personal defense, or just shooting-for-fun. The huge sales figures for guns of all kinds in recent years suggests there are a LOT of people who fit this description. Given that most of them own semiautomatics of one kind or another, that's a lot of people who could be motivated by a threat to ban semiautos.

Personally I fall into category 4... well, mostly; I think there are a number of laws on the books that shouldn't be, and OTOH there are a few that should be but aren't. But I don't think I'm an extremist. To me, the extremists are those in categories 1, 2, and 5.

They're in #3.
The Democrat majority house will pass it. Then they will squeeze a few Republican senators who are up in 2020 to go along for the ride. I could see this playing out with the people who were just elected in the house. The question is how do you counter it? I think it will be by supporting the groups like GOA NAGR and NRA. These will be political fights that they are experts in fighting for. So in the end I will save a bit more to donate with and make the yearly calls to my deaf senators
The Democrat majority house will pass it. Then they will squeeze a few Republican senators who are up in 2020 to go along for the ride.

Won’t happen. First, they have a slim majority in the House, and keeping everyone in line for a gun control vote will be hard. They may pass a bill in the House, but it isn’t a sure thing.

Second, the Senate majority leader controls what bills come to the floor for a vote. Even with a few Republican defectors, the Democrats can’t force a bill to a floor vote.

Third, Trump would veto it, and the Democrats don’t have the necessary 2/3 majority to override a presidential veto.
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