Democratic governors fear gun reform moment has passed.

Jun 9, 2008
Virginia Beach, VA
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Democratic governors fear gun reform moment has passed - Jonathan Martin -

Gun-control advocates hoped the shattering December murder of 20 first-graders in Newtown, Conn., would upend the de facto non-aggression pact on federal gun laws that both political parties have consented to in the last decade. But now that expanded background checks seem to be the only initiative that may pass Congress, the most powerful bloc of gun-control proponents in the country is conceding that the gripping sense of outrage following the Sandy Hook massacre has ebbed.

Read more: Democratic governors fear gun reform moment has passed - Jonathan Martin -
The outrage wasn't against the murders of children it was/is against the idea of opportunistic communistic bastards like the ones mentioned in the article politicizing it to the point of expecting a free pass to oppress a nation by stripping them of their rights.
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They will be ready next time, and sad to say, we all know there will be a next time.

Not in Cuomos New York. They passed a new gun law.

The bad guy will have to reload after every 7 rounds. Then Biden will come out of the woods with his double barrel shotgun and fire 2 rounds in the air. The bad guy will see it and drop his weapon because Fienstein said so...
Not in Cuomos New York. They passed a new gun law.

The bad guy will have to reload after every 7 rounds. Then Biden will come out of the woods with his double barrel shotgun and fire 2 rounds in the air. The bad guy will see it and drop his weapon because Fienstein said so...

Not in Chicago, either [hmmm]
The outrage wasn't against the murders of children it was/is against the idea of opportunistic communistic bastards like the ones mentioned in the article politicizing it to the point of expecting a free pass to oppress a nation by stripping them of their rights.

Well I was pretty damn outraged by the slaughter of the innocents, any human would be. But that outrage didn't manifest itself into a political powerplay
Well I was pretty damn outraged by the slaughter of the innocents, any human would be. But that outrage didn't manifest itself into a political powerplay

Thats my point. The fact that these opportunistic weasles are using the incident to further their anti rights agenda completely negates any validity of their supposed sympathies.
You mean standing on the dead bodies of twenty children aren't a good enough reason to strip law abiding Americans of the right to keep and bear arms? I don't understand why not.

Politicians absolutely disgust me. They are the lowest form of life on the planet.

I pray to god that the sheep wake up and see who it is that they have elected.
I think to characterize this as being over for now is very premature, besides there are other Adam Lanzas out there lurking, either as copycats or awaiting activation by their handlers. Yeah it sounds like [tinfoil] but I think we are going to see more school/mass shootings, well above the average and it won't be coincidence. Think "Manchurian Candidate."
I think to characterize this as being over for now is very premature, besides there are other Adam Lanzas out there lurking, either as copycats or awaiting activation by their handlers. Yeah it sounds like [tinfoil] but I think we are going to see more school/mass shootings, well above the average and it won't be coincidence. Think "Manchurian Candidate."

As long as "gun free zones" exist, I think you're right. As long as there is an overt advertisement of an OSHA for criminals there will be no shortage of criminals to take advantage of it.
You mean standing on the dead bodies of twenty children aren't a good enough reason to strip law abiding Americans of the right to keep and bear arms? I don't understand why not.

Politicians absolutely disgust me. They are the lowest form of life on the planet.

I pray to god that the sheep wake up and see who it is that they have elected.

I hope you're not holding your breath.
Not in Cuomos New York. They passed a new gun law.

The good guy will have to reload after every 7 rounds. Then Biden will come out of the woods with his double barrel shotgun and fire 2 rounds in the air. The bad guy will see it and drop his weapon because Fienstein said so...

No one hopes for another shooting but the anti's sure do. Any time there is one of some gun issue, they try to capitalize on it. They cannot get to twitter, etc fast enough.

The number of women gun owners has doubled over the past 7 years, the movement is strongly pro 2a and grows each year. People know they need to protect themselves, police do not stop crime, they show up after it is over.
As long as "gun free zones" exist, I think you're right. As long as there is an overt advertisement of an OSHA for criminals there will be no shortage of criminals to take advantage of it.

Especially when the media won't shut up about the shooter. Seems like there is some sort of update all the time. What motivated him, his relationship with his mother, what he ate for dinner the night before the shootng, when he took his last poop, etc.

They continue to follow the trials of the AZ shooting and CO movie theater shooting as well. They never talk about the victums though. What were their names? What is their story? Vicki Soto is a freaking hero, for god's sake, but we hear hardly anything about her life story.

But, limited mag capacity to 7 rds is going to stop the next mass shooting [rolleyes]
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They will be ready next time, and sad to say, we all know there will be a next time.

Next time is NOW in MA!! There are still plenty of bills that may pass with a Commie governor, only 4 Republican Senators and a large majority in the MA House.
Sorry Govs. One or even many heinous events do not justify us lying down and giving up the one last barrier to your control over every aspect of our lives.

Perhaps your survaillance state, your searches, your militarization of police at all levels, your excessive taxation, your welfare state, your bulging prisons, your war on drugs, your brainwashing of our children, your scandals, your old boy networks, your uncontrolled spending, your failed programs, your lazy employess, and your general bullshit have finally driven us to action over this precious right, the need for which has been demonstrated by the government-induced deaths of over 100 million souls over the last century.

**** you Governors.
My outrage hasn't ebbed at all. I am mad every day when I send my children to statutory protection-free zones.
Hopefully there will be someone at the next mass shooting who says f**k the gun free zone. The life of their students is so dear to them they disobey this bad law.
I was outraged and disgusted when those kids were killed. I was also outraged and disgusted when the politicians took that as an opportunity to push a previous agenda that won't prevent more kids from being killed.
I am glad that a minority of radical, opportunistic, weasels were not able to use the tragic deaths of children to further their divisive agendas. Freedom and liberty loving citizens must continue to be vigilant and keep up the pressure so we don't become complacent again. Not paying attention will be our downfall. Keep the pressure up!

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
This is just a piece to keep in in the heads of people. Trust me, the media is in the tank for this issue. Another fear piece to energize their base while it may make us complacent. Keep the letters coming to the pols.
Most politicians don't care that it will not be taken care of at the federal level because the States are going far beyond any federal anti gun legislation.

Win a victory federally, but more and more states have or will become Mass. Equality for all my ass.
I remember when I was a kid in Virginia. It was the Bible Belt and if you weren't in some sort of Baptist oriented religion you might as well be a heretic. Even Catholic people got odd looks, but they were like, we're cool with them.

So this product called Dungeons & Dragons came out. You know, the one with dice and people playing wizards. The religious people were already against it, but nothing they said had any traction. Well, this kid thought he was Psychopath, the Wizard and chopped up 2 kids in the woods and used them to try to summon an ogre or some stupidity.

They went nutz. Within days the original, "this product is evil" crowd started chanting that it caused this kid to go nutz and to ban the product and even got some bigger stores to take some stuff off the shelves. In reality the few hobby stores that had it didn't have any intention of taking it off the shelves because they thought these people were nutz and rightly so.

What really happened? Dungeons & Dragons was a pocket phenomenon, that is until everyone and their brother started talking about it. Now people wanted to find out what was really up and it suddenly became cool to play it. We were part of the rebellious metal generation so if the straights didn't like it then we were into it. The game went from selling a couple of books to selling out. Suddenly retailers had it on their shelves and basically the whole thing backfired.

So my point is, if you tell everyone that they are surrounded by gun toting psychopaths, ready at a moments notice to break down your door and start shooting them, do you try and have them get rid of the 88 million guns or do you do the logical thing and arm yourself accordingly? Yea, the latter is the call.

So what we had was some awesome fear mongering with Biden giving us some of the weakest solutions ever and people who normally never fired a gun in their life armed themselves. Now once you've purchased a gun you don't want to suddenly hear that over $600 purchase is suddenly going to be taken away from you, leaving you once again defenseless. Suddenly you're defending your rights.

What does this all add up to? 7,000 people standing on the lawn in Albany.

Sure, we have the NY SAFE act so a wound has been inflicted and the fight has been brought to the table. The reality is that back-up arrived and now you're seeing these unconstitutional laws being shot down. Which is in turn only solidifying the masses to the idea that Pro 2A is the winning side.

I think when this is all over we'll see assaults on existing legislation that will say, "that lost in NY, it's time we make that happen here."

The thing we have to remember is that it's not over. It's just begun.
Democrat politicians should be more concerned about having set the clock back on public perception/knowledge of them as gun grabbers to 1994 while society has been maturing (in a very good way) and realizing that firearms are not the devil, but indeed essential to both liberty and safety.

Republican politicians dumb enough to hop on the BANwagon will find this even more painful in the next election cycle.
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