Dem-Controlled House Passes Magazine Ban And More

Red Flag IMHO wont pass senate and I dont think Trump will support even if it did........legislation wont survive a challenge to SCOTUS imho due to lack of due process and overt violation of multiple constitutionally protected rights......and I think Trump gets this and will not support Red Flag

I can see a small chance of them sucking for ERPO (including trump) because fudd retards support it, etc. It's also easy to get wonkies to suck for that bullshit, because most people are too f***ing dumb to know what the downsides are. A court challenge (based on an obvious lack of due process) would take years unless there's an off chance that a court would actually issue an injunction or something, but because 2A is a "Right of the second class" as rob has stated in other threads, I don't find this likely. The other problem is there is shit like Lautenberg that already violates due process (I mean lets face it, a hearing where some broad goes "I feel unsafe" and a judge rubber stamps an RO in about 10 nanoseconds isn't exactly due process, considering there's not even a jury present at these things to decide the person's fate) and that garbage has already been allowed to stand, but possibly so because there's never been a good challenge against it.

If "Lautenberg 2" passes (EG, active erpo = prohibited person) this will make an AWB or anything like that look like a minor annoyance.

We've literally gotten more gun control BS shoved down our throats in two years under Trump than in eight years under Obama.

Admittedly part of this is circumstance, Obama had Sandy Hook, and Pulse (Although the media basically ignored this, because it involved a violent islamic terrorist and a bunch of dead gay people which are a couple clicks below "generic non minorities" in MSM importance scale, whether anyone wants to admit this or not). but politically he had blown his wad long before that point... so his dem handlers more or less told him to shut the f*** up about guns, because it would just cost the party and nothing was passing anyways because of the political cost of passing obamacare. Trump had like 5 times the shootings in one term, although not as many toddler corpses to deal with. I'm not letting him off the hook here, either, I think part of his shitty response has to do with a lack of political experience. Someone is feeding him shit about "guns" and whoever that nipplehead is, he's trusting too
much, but this also plays into his f***ed up ego- basically every problem needs a knee jerk presidential
reaction despite the fact that this isn't really a "federal government" kind of problem...

We can't really expect any politician to be truly pro 2A. It's meant to be a way to limit their power and reign them in.

I don't think most are thinking that deeply about it. Most are likely reacting based on what some advisor told them or some "focus group" jackholes, etc. There's this entire raft of people in DC that make shitloads of money off trying to convince politicians that their suggestions/views represent some meaningful result in terms of votes, etc... whether it's lobbyists, advisers, analysts, etc. None of these people make big money by saying "you know, doing nothing in this case is likely the best course of action". I mean look at the current crop of dem candidates, and their so called "ideas". Half of the bullshit that comes from their mouths is something some other a**h*** told them to say, with the intention of trying to position them to improve their chances of being nominated. Guys like the few Rand Pauls of the world are the exception rather than the rule, they might listen to some people but still go their own way and do what they believe is right. Most of them are too busy listening to the big noise. Look what happened to people like Scott Brown, Kelly Ayotte, and others that basically "sucked for doing a little bit of communist bullshit in a lame attempt to get elected/re-elected, likely because some a**h*** told them it would "broaden their voter base" or some horseshit like that....

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