Cop Tries Shooting Dog, Shoots Cop

Feb 7, 2010
NH (CT Escapee)
Feedback: 8 / 0 / 0
I believe karma is in full effect here. Cop tries to shoot dog, misses, hits another cop in the back.

The kicker, all four dogs live. Taken away by animal control. Congratulations, you tried to shoot a non-hostile animal in your door kicking SWAT ninja "raid" and not only can't aim for shit and shot your partner in the back, possibly killing him (currently listed critical) AND the local pound officer was able to safely collect your "Imminent threat of injury/death" dog along with three others without a gun.

I'm not ashamed to say I wish this happened more often. Yes, I'm anti dog killing moron swat cop.
Look closely at the photo at the beginning of that article.

One officer, at center frame, is wearing a do-rag.

At upper right, there's a tubby guy with a t-shirt and jeans wearing what looks like a thigh holster. Right behind him is a SWAT-looking fella wearing what looks to be one of those silly Mexican wrestler masks. [laugh] These guys are PROS.
Look closely at the photo at the beginning of that article.

One officer, at center frame, is wearing a do-rag.

At upper right, there's a tubby guy with a t-shirt and jeans wearing what looks like a thigh holster. Right behind him is a SWAT-looking fella wearing what looks to be one of those silly Mexican wrestler masks. [laugh] These guys are PROS.

the story is starting to make a whole lot more sense now.
Only way to make this a better story would be if the cop who was shot returned fire. Did I just say that out loud? Of course I don't mean that.[laugh]
Okay, the comments on that article are really pissing me off. Not one person thinks the cop was in the wrong for trying to shoot the dog, plus, nearly EVERY single comment refers to an "attacking pit bull" when in fact, the article clearly states that the pit bull was caged and it was a cane corso that was loose. As an animal person and dog lover, I'm sick of people randomly accusing pit bulls. GRRRRRRRR /rant.
i am sure they will find 'this shooting was justified' (because in the history of the police, has there ever been a non justified shooting by a po)?
Look closely at the photo at the beginning of that article.

One officer, at center frame, is wearing a do-rag.

At upper right, there's a tubby guy with a t-shirt and jeans wearing what looks like a thigh holster. Right behind him is a SWAT-looking fella wearing what looks to be one of those silly Mexican wrestler masks. [laugh] These guys are PROS.

the thigh holster appears to be in a cross draw configuration or am I seeing it wrong on my tiny screen
What a GD idiot its bad enough your shooting at a dog that was later taken in without violence by a lesser trained animal control officer but in the process you take out your partner? Who teaches these guys how to shoot Mr Magoo?
I lol'd

"Send it" like chinalfr from my can attached to a string from another can in the lair of the dark lord kramdar.
geez, the comment section there is like the special olympics...

They were serving a warrant! There is an officer in critical condition! Why don't you stand behind the officers that are sworn to protect you, or at least hold your criticism until the officer has recovered.

Serving a warrant requires urgency. No one wants their pet killed, but it's easier to understand the need to do so while serving a warrant. They can't try to coax an animal and give a criminal time to retrieve a weapon.

Its funny how telling our choice of words are. You "might" (don't) have a "little" (none) knowledge about serving warrants and deadly force. Gimme a break. You may be related to a cop, but it isn't the same. I'm the son of a doctor, but I cant do surgery.
Front or back doesn't matter. We should focus on this officers health and recovery and let the experts worry about pointing fingers. This officer was serving the public and making neighborhoods safer.

What a GD idiot its bad enough your shooting at a dog that was later taken in without violence by a lesser trained animal control officer

...or maybe better trained??? Sure sounds like he was to me.
What happened to the fish? Were they shot?

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