'Cop Killer' Gun Used In Ft. Hood Shooting, Officials Said

Very similar to the .221 Fireball which is not seen a lot these days. They are not interchangeable however.
LOL on the counter-strike reference. I was watching a bunch of buffoons on CNN debating if gun control or lack of gun control had a hand in both the Fort Hood massacre and the shooting in orlando. the amount of misinformation being spewed out was disgusting... correct me if im wrong, but isnt the 5.7X28mm round designed to penetrate body armor?
I saw it in Counter-Strike. It must be dangerous.
I'm in deep shit. I was driving around in a copy killer vehicle this afternoon. Lord knows if the media gets a hold of this one........
I think, just to tip the moonbat applecart fully over, I'm going to start calling them "Dolphin Killer Bullets" and they are loaded into a "Redwood Killer Weapon".

After all, they seem to care more about that stuff then the lives of our military and police men and women. Except when trying to build hype.

Now, if I can only come up with a plausible rationale as to how firearms are actually sentient and not only kill people on their own but also cause your average citizen to turn into a mouth-frothing sociopath, I could get myself on the Democrat ticket.

Time Magazine is still spinning the story as that of a soldier pushed to the brink of madness by an unjust war. Guess who wrote the narrative?

Could “Secondary Trauma” Have Driven Him to Shooting?
Noah Pollak - 11.08.2009 - 10:10 PM

So asks an absurd Time magazine story positing that Major Nidal Malik Hasan murdered a dozen people while apparently shouting “Allahu Akbar” because in his line of work — psychiatry — “there was no shortage of horrific tales that could have set loose the demons in Hasan’s mind.”

This shouldn’t be surprising coming from Tim McGirk. He went to Afghanistan after 9/11, had Thanksgiving with the Taliban, and wrote a long piece for National Geographic about what a great time he had and how we’re all just human beings doing our thing on this big blue marble, so let’s not judge. Then he went to Iraq and singlehandedly created the Haditha Massacre hoax. Then he went to Jerusalem and spent a few years slandering Israel. Now he’s trafficking in pop psychology on behalf of a likely domestic jihadist. It’s been quite a career.

Wait, it gets better ...

Remember how the left sprang forward to defend Christians and Constitionalists in the wake of OKC? No? Really?

Homeland chief warns against anti-Muslim backlash
(AP) – 1 day ago

ABU DHABI, United Arab Emirates — The U.S. Homeland Security secretary says she is working to prevent a possible wave of anti-Muslim sentiment after the shootings at Fort Hood in Texas.

Janet Napolitano says her agency is working with groups across the United States to try to deflect any backlash against American Muslims following Thursday's rampage by Army Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan, a Muslim who reportedly expressed growing dismay over the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

The shootings left 13 people dead and 29 wounded.

Napolitano was in the United Arab Emirates on Sunday for talks with security officials and a meeting with women university students in Abu Dhabi.


Somehow, this will all end up as the fault of talk radio. [thinking]
The next time you hear of a car crash in the news, see if the dealer whom the driver bought the car from is mentioned.

Or better yet, when someone intentionally hits someone else with that car.... nobody ever says things like "Where did the car come from???" [laugh]

One thought that crossed my mind when I saw the casualties numbers was that I was fortunate that he was only using a 5.7. Ironically more people might have died if he was using the semi-standardized larger round used by police (.40S&W) then the weaker "cop killer" bullets. It could have been worse for the 30 wounded, I hope they all pull though.
One thought that crossed my mind when I saw the casualties numbers was that I was fortunate that he was only using a 5.7. Ironically more people might have died if he was using the semi-standardized larger round used by police (.40S&W) then the weaker "cop killer" bullets. It could have been worse for the 30 wounded, I hope they all pull though.

If I'm not mistaken, the 5.7 round looks like a .223 round but the cassing is a little smaller. It's like shooting AR15 in a handgun. The round spins with it hits the body. Much more lethal than a standard handgun round. That's why it's called "Cop Killer" It can also go through body armour.
If I'm not mistaken, the 5.7 round looks like a .223 round but the cassing is a little smaller. It's like shooting AR15 in a handgun. The round spins with it hits the body. Much more lethal than a standard handgun round. That's why it's called "Cop Killer" It can also go through body armour.

You are VERY mistaken. In fact, you are one of the most ignorant posters to come around here in a very long time.

If I'm not mistaken, the 5.7 round looks like a .223 round but the cassing is a little smaller. It's like shooting AR15 in a handgun. The round spins with it hits the body. Much more lethal than a standard handgun round. That's why it's called "Cop Killer" It can also go through body armour.

But this is only true if the bullet is shot out of a gun modified with a flux capacitor on it right? The "flux" is what makes the bullet spin.

If I'm not mistaken, the 5.7 round looks like a .223 round but the cassing is a little smaller. It's like shooting AR15 in a handgun. The round spins with it hits the body. Much more lethal than a standard handgun round. That's why it's called "Cop Killer" It can also go through body armour.

Did you forget your "sarcasm" smiley?? I do that sometimes too! [wink]
Why hasn't anyone championed the gun(s) that brought the killer down as the "SAVIOR?" I saw the cute folksy photo of the tiny little girl that shot him but shouldn't that gun be wearing a crown and getting a parade? It could have saved multiples of 30 (what is the magazine capacity of the 5.7 cop killer pistol anyhow?) depending on how many magazines allah had him lugging.
The 5.7x28 round is so over-hyped. The ballistics that were given a few pages earlier were for the P90 SMG, not the 5" barrel pistol. The SS192 (LE) round is designed to tumble despite having a hollow point. The civlian SS197 is a fragmenting varmint projectile which might explain why there were so many wounded and only a dozen dead. The Five-seveN pistol is sold with 3-20 round magazines and there is a 10-round extention available.
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