Cop fired after waitress poses with rifle on car

Apr 9, 2008
Metro West
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(click on the link for the pic.)

3 other deputies suspended after photo session outside ‘flirty’ Texas eatery

MIDLAND, Texas - A Texas sheriff fired one deputy and suspended three others without pay after a scantily dressed waitress holding a rifle posed for photographs on the hood of a patrol vehicle.

Police said Round Rock officers were dispatched to a restaurant after someone reported the waitress with the weapon, which had been given to her by one of the Midland County deputies who had been attending a training session near Austin.

The incident occurred last week in the parking lot of a Twin Peaks restaurant, which promotes its "fun, friendly and sometimes flirty atmosphere!"

The deputies told Midland County Sheriff Gary Painter that they had about three to five beers each.

A fifth deputy who remained inside the eatery got a letter of reprimand.

Drinking while on duty and armed? Allowing private citizens to handle department-owned firearms? I hope that Sarah Brady and the rest of the anti-gun liberals are taking note. Cops are some of the worst offenders when it comes to unsafe firearms handling, but all of the anti-gun laws are directed against "civilians".
I want to know who the snitch was. Come on - a cute girl posing on a cop car? I'd want to grab my camera, not call 911. Next time I'm down near the Austin area, I'm going to have to find this restaurant.
haha lol wow not worth losing your job over. however, my car would certainly look better with her on it [grin]
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Another summery:

Should the deputies be repremanded?

Yes, they should. They were drinkin on duty (even if it was following training) and handling firearms (sidearms and rifles) while intoxicated. Sorry, I don't care who you are, 4-5 drinks in 1 evening and you're intoxicated.

Should that have anything to do with the photo of the girl with the rifle?

NO. The Sherriffs office and all their equipment is the property of the county and the property of the people of the county. The people of the county should be allowed to handle their property under the supervision of the police. "Government Property" belongs to EVERYONE not "JUST THE GOVERNMENT"

The deputies should work with the waitresses from the resteraunt and arrange a photo shoot to put together an "Equipment of the County" calendar.

Proper Firearm Handling: Finger out of the trigger guard and safety is still on.
So, are these law officers are representative of the law officers that Mass want's overseeing edumacational events here?

I have no problem with cops, guns, girls or drinking, but certain combinations should be avoided.
This is normal for Texas & what happens when you mix rednecks, badges, guns, and beer

The picture is no big deal it's the "3 to 5 beers each" while apparently "on duty" (or at least in possession of public property they are entrusted with, not to mention high powered weapons).

That photo would actually make a good recruiting poster. "Meet One Of Your Potential New Coworkers In The Midland County Sheriff's Department."
Another summery:

Should the deputies be repremanded?

Yes, they should. They were drinkin on duty (even if it was following training) and handling firearms (sidearms and rifles) while intoxicated. Sorry, I don't care who you are, 4-5 drinks in 1 evening and you're intoxicated.

Should that have anything to do with the photo of the girl with the rifle?

NO. The Sherriffs office and all their equipment is the property of the county and the property of the people of the county. The people of the county should be allowed to handle their property under the supervision of the police. "Government Property" belongs to EVERYONE not "JUST THE GOVERNMENT"

The deputies should work with the waitresses from the resteraunt and arrange a photo shoot to put together an "Equipment of the County" calendar.

Proper Firearm Handling: Finger out of the trigger guard and safety is still on.

Um, so if I understand this correctly, anyone should be able to walk up to me and say "I want to handle that fully automatic M4 in your truck", and I'm obligated to let them? Sorry, no.

I'd bet dollars to donuts (mmmm, donuts) that the major problem these guys are having is the drinking while driving a g-ride, on duty or off.
I agree with the argument that the major issue here was the fact that the officers were drinking while in uniform and carrying sidearms. Seeing a cop knocking back a few in what could be perceived as "on-duty" does not exactly help any public impressions, and it certainly doesn't promote safe firearm handling either. I always make sure my gun is locked away in it's case before I start hitting the Jim. ;)

As far as giving the gun to the girl and taking pictures goes, that may or may not have been poor judgment. I believe it should default to the officer's discretion as to who they let handle their firearms under their supervision, but I can only hope it was unloaded. Maybe a restaurant parking lot during business hours may not have been the most suitable locale either. I'm really not sure what department regulations may or may not have been violated during the process, so this is opinion only.
I have a picture floating around here somewhere of me & my ex handling a patrol rifle owned by one of the local PDs. I don't think the concept of civilians handling police firearms is such a big deal, BUT I think the issues here are twofold.

One, these cops were DRINKING and letting a civilian handle a LOADED firearm. Two no-nos. You want to let the pretty girl play with your rifle, fine, but take the damn mag out and clear the chamber first! And there's NO excuse for drinking and handling firearms, EVER.

Two, purely from a business standpoint, the photograph paints a pretty bad PR picture for the department. It's one thing to have a civilian posing with a rifle at a community policing program event (as was the case for my picture). It's another to have a picture of a stripper sitting on top of a patrol car. It just makes the officers (and the department) look like a bunch of drunken tail-chasers.

Not that there's anything wrong with being a drunken tail chaser (EddieCoyle), but it hardly inspires faith from the surrounding community in your police department.
My wife and I were in Daytona years ago for bikeweek, got her to flash me leaning on the trunk of patrol car while the officers were standing out in front. They saw the camera flash and that's all.
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