'Constructive Possesion' and where is the line


NES Member
May 27, 2008
North Central Mass
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So it occurs to me there are many steps to make an AR-15 into an M-16.

M-16 Trigger, disconnector, hammer, selector, auto-sear and BCG

Plus milling the lower additionally and drilling the .125 pin hole

What is the line? it seems that BCGs are fine how many other pieces? Is just possesion of the pieces a bad thing (I made a plexiglass box with the parts inside with a logo that says 'Break Glass in Case of SHTF'

I know that drilling the .125 pin alone, without even milling it will get you locked up.

Since Maura 'interpreted' can the BATFE do this as well or is it set in stone somewhere?

I also know that since the 1986 FOPA - no new Machine Guns are allowed - so I'm not going there. But with the parts problems and shipping issues - if you can get an M-16 Hammer and not an AR-15 hammer.......................
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If it was me I sure as **** would not have M16 FCG parts in my possession, at all. An FA bolt carrier is universally OK but beyond that... you're going into the shit-zone.

David Olofson got put away for similar "innovation".

I would never do anything I knew to be against the law. This is s squirrelly area and just seeking clarification from folks who know a lot more than me.

With part shortages starting and will be completely intolerable near November - I'm just wondering what the options are.

Thanks drgrant - with the world the way it is, that is good to know. I just googled that guy - holy S..... for a malfunction (known I guess) he went away in the federal pen for 2.5 years. I might have read about it in the past, but damn I forgot the details.
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Ask 100 people you'll get about 75 different answers.
To play it safe, No FA parts at all.
Most people (including myself) believe FA BCG's are fine.
Many people also believe FA FCG's are fine since they still work in semi (same philosophy as the BCG).

I think 99.999% of people will say no sear possession at all (hole or no hole) and 100% will say no hole..
Many people out there have bought FA kits, cut the notch off the FCG, chucked the sear, and are probably within the letter of the law.
Ask 100 people you'll get about 75 different answers.
To play it safe, No FA parts at all.
Most people (including myself) believe FA BCG's are fine.
Many people also believe FA FCG's are fine since they still work in semi (same philosophy as the BCG).

I think 99.999% of people will say no sear possession at all (hole or no hole) and 100% will say no hole..
Many people out there have bought FA kits, cut the notch off the FCG, chucked the sear, and are probably within the letter of the law.

I'd say that this sums it up well. One thing I'd mention though, especially since we are in Massachusetts, is how much do you feel like being in the position of explaining to a judge/jury that your FA parts aren't machine gun parts anymore? Not something I'd want to do, and you can bet that if you were in hot water over it, the prosecution would be calling them "machine gun parts" and maybe even calling your AR-15 a "converted machine gun" - regardless of whether or not it fits the definition.
If it was me I sure as **** would not have M16 FCG parts in my possession, at all. An FA bolt carrier is universally OK but beyond that... you're going into the shit-zone.

David Olofson got put away for similar "innovation".


innovation? I thought he made a burst fire ar, lent it to friend with plans to sell, friend got caught. Builder was charged. Am I wrong?
So it occurs to me there are many steps to make an AR-15 into an M-16.

M-16 Trigger, disconnector, hammer, selector, auto-sear and BCG

Plus milling the lower additionally and drilling the .125 pin hole

What is the line? it seems that BCGs are fine how many other pieces? Is just possesion of the pieces a bad thing (I made a plexiglass box with the parts inside with a logo that says 'Break Glass in Case of SHTF'

I know that drilling the .125 pin alone, without even milling it will get you locked up.

Since Maura 'interpreted' can the BATFE do this as well or is it set in stone somewhere?

I also know that since the 1986 FOPA - no new Machine Guns are allowed - so I'm not going there. But with the parts problems and shipping issues - if you can get an M-16 Hammer and not an AR-15 hammer.......................

If you go to "mag dump", how many wheelbarrows of mags do you need.
You guys up there preach, practice as you train, train as you practice.
Maybe one of the shoots yall have up there you could try one, see if it is viable.
The experience could be invaluable, come the invasion of the U.N. you could have options.
out of sight, out of mind, don't start none, wont be none.
I'll have nothing to do with any of it. Making the front page news and the pending visit to Club Fed is just not worth it.

Just do your research. The ATF has published "opinions" on the matter. Yes, it still leaves gray areas but for the most part no hole and no sear and you'll likely be fine..
I know buying the parts isn't an issue and even the Sportsmans Guide ships all the parts in the 'de-milled' M-16s they sell (no receiver). Not to Mass - not even a damn scope mount for us.

It just occurred to me that this isn't some black-art, there was even a video on YouTube about where and how much to mill an AR-15 lower and where to drill the hole. I saw it once and said - interesting, no thank you.
I don't think it's anything I want to have in my possession...unregistered...

Any combination of parts designed and intended for use in converting weapons into machineguns;
Any part designed and intended solely and exclusively for converting a weapon into a machinegun;
Any combination of parts from which machineguns can be assembled if the parts are in the possession or under the control of a person.

Violators may be fined not more than $250,000, and imprisoned not more than 10 years, or both. In addition, any vessel, vehicle or aircraft used to transport, conceal or possess an unregistered NFA firearm is subject to seizure and forfeiture, as is the weapon itself.
innovation? I thought he made a burst fire ar, lent it to friend with plans to sell, friend got caught. Builder was charged. Am I wrong?

I'm being facetious. Depending on what you read the gun he built wasn't even intended to burst fire, but because of a shitty combination of parts on a gun that was known to be shitty to begin with, he ended up getting himself in trouble.

I had forgotten that thread - lots of good info though - down the memory hole it went, but in my defense it was right before the lawsuit kicked off and never got the chance to make the nice box, I just bought some plexiglass and put the parts inside and glued it closed and stuck a sticker on it. I figure I was safer that way if I ever caught someone's attention and it's hard to put parts in that are glued inside a box. It was sitting on my shelf and I just recently moved my guns to another room and it got me thinking - especially with parts shortages and shipping problems here in Mass.

What I can gather is having parts is okay, auto-sear maybe not. Having a lower that would accept said parts is bad - Federal PMITA Prison bad. Installing parts (sans auto-sear) is potentially bad if you draw the attention of the local constabulary (David Olofson), it would be better to grind the nub off the hammer, fill in the open slot on the trigger and selector.

I do have to make a pretty box though..........

Thanks for the info guys - and just to be on the safe side, buy it with cash at a NH/VT gun show.
IMO, you could own any of it and the jig to drill the hole. They are readily available to anyone..
You just shouldnt have it all at once though..its a bad idea to have any of it..

If you dont own an ar15, possesion of the jig is meaningless.

If you have a complete FCG including sear but parts are modified to semi only.. there is no intent the sear just came with the parts kit ...there usual not included unless your trying to obtain it.

Un modified parts in your gun is just bad, excluding bolt carrier.
Possesion of a un modified FA FCG with GI sear and an ar15 may not get you locked up, but could get you introuble.Most likely you'll plead out and be a PP or fight it and wind up broke an most likely a prohibited person.Prison would be a real possibility. Unless your a gun control advocate, polition, or the rapper T.I..
Possesion of fa fcg, an ar15 and a jig would be a slam dunk and you will be in prison. unless your sombody special,then youll get 10 year probation and do anti gun violance awareness commercials as community service.
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I would never do anything I knew to be against the law. This is s squirrelly area and just seeking clarification from folks who know a lot more than me.

With part shortages starting and will be completely intolerable near November - I'm just wondering what the options are.

Thanks drgrant - with the world the way it is, that is good to know. I just googled that guy - holy S..... for a malfunction (known I guess) he went away in the federal pen for 2.5 years. I might have read about it in the past, but damn I forgot the details.

You've been on NES for 8 years and you're looking for "clarification"? You really are in bad shape. [wink]
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