CMP shoot Nov. 26 or 27

Well you missed a good one last weekend at Braintree R&P.

Check the GOAL newspaper if you are a member. Many of the matches are in their calendar section.
Found @ the CMP page:
Pelham Fish & Game Club Garand 2005

Start Date
End Date

Pelham, MA

Robert Greenwood

Leg Match

(978) 683-8628

Registration Dates
9/20/2005 through 11/26/2005

[email protected]

Match Director
Robert Greenwood
Web Page

The John C. Garand Match is the CMP's most popular CMP Games event held during the National Matches. The course of fire is 15 shots slow-fire prone (first 5 shots are sighters); 10 shots rapid-fire prone; 10 shots slow fire standing. All shot from 200 yards.
Another possible stupid question...

I just sent an email off to the club contact, but does anyone know if this is a Garand-only match or would it be open to any Service Rifle?

Grasping at straws to extend the season...


JonJ said:
I believe that a JCG match will allow US service rifles of WWII vintage. I could be wrong.
Check The CMP's page. The rules should be there somewhere.

Good call. I looked up the rule and you are correct. Must be "as-issued"rifles" per 6.2.4 of the CMP rulebook, which basically meanys Garadns and 1903 Spirngfields in pretty original state of issue.

Good excuse to buy a CMP Garand. I'll go tell the wife.


Just so everyone knows, those are the requirements for a John C. Garand Match.

Looks like there's one this weekend.

CMP Sanctioned Garand/Springfield/Military Rifle Matches

Pelham Fish & Game Club Garand
Dates: 11/26/2005 - 11/26/2005
Pelham, MA

CMP Qualification Matches are a thing of the past. Any of the following qualifies you. You used to have to shoot a specific course of fire, with a military type rifle, or be a veteran, current military member, LEO or over 65.

Marksmanship or other Firearms Related Activity: You must provide
proof of participation in a marksmanship related activity or otherwise
show familiarity with the safe handling of firearms and range procedures.
Your marksmanship related activity does not have to be with highpower
rifles; it can be with smallbore rifles, pistols, air guns or shotguns. Proof of
marksmanship participation can be provided by documenting any of the
• Current or past military or law enforcement service.
• Participation in a rifle, pistol, air gun or shotgun competition (provide
copy of results bulletin).
• Completion of a marksmanship clinic that included live fire training (provide
a copy of the certificate of completion or a statement from the
• Distinguished, Instructor, or Coach status.
• Concealed Carry License.
• Firearms Owner Identification Card.
• FFL or C&R license.
• Completion of a Hunter Safety Course that included live fire training.
• Certification from range or club official or law enforcement officer witnessing
shooting activity. A form for use in completing and certifying
your range firing can be downloaded from the CMP web site at
• No proof of marksmanship required if over age 60. Proof of club membership
and citizenship required for all ages.
NOTE: Proof of marksmanship activity is only required for purchase of rifles.

I strongly suggest getting a Garand soon, the prices have gone DOWN, and the supply has to be going down.
JonJ said:
Ozman said:
Good excuse to buy a CMP Garand. I'll go tell the wife.


Make sure you tell us if it works [wink]

I already laid the groundwork a few months ago. I explained it as a great "investment" :D

As I've said here before, I'm beyond lucky in that my wife is on board with the whole gun thing. Once I get a club membership in place she wants to hit the range. I was telling Mailmanx off line that this is a perfect reason to pick up a .22 like a Mosquito or a P22. No reason to scare her off with a .40...

Ozman said:
I already laid the groundwork a few months ago. I explained it as a great "investment" :D

As I've said here before, I'm beyond lucky in that my wife is on board with the whole gun thing. Once I get a club membership in place she wants to hit the range. I was telling Mailmanx off line that this is a perfect reason to pick up a .22 like a Mosquito or a P22. No reason to scare her off with a .40...

Sounds like you're in good shape Steve. My wife tolerates the guns so far. She has shown a slight interest. I might be able to get her out with a small pistol someday. Time will tell.
JonJ said:
Sounds like you're in good shape Steve. My wife tolerates the guns so far. She has shown a slight interest. I might be able to get her out with a small pistol someday. Time will tell.

Jon, do you know any women that you might be able to "just meet" at the range when you bring your wife there?? Also - start with a .22. You might also let her know that women usually shoot better than men. :-)
Infact, if you buy me a coffee, I'll drive down and go shooting with ya. :D
Lynne said:
Jon, do you know any women that you might be able to "just meet" at the range when you bring your wife there?? Also - start with a .22. You might also let her know that women usually shoot better than men. :-)
Infact, if you buy me a coffee, I'll drive down and go shooting with ya. :D

Nope. As a matter of fact, I'm usually the only one at the range when I go. And I don't know any women there, if there are any/many.
I have a little .380 she could try out. I tried to get her to try an AR during the summer at the youth program when my daughter was in it. She wouldn't try. She's afraid of recoil and she held my Bushy DCM AR that's a bit heavy.
I'm sure when she has the time and is ready, she'll ask.
Maybe I'll take you up on your offer in the spring. Thanks!
JonJ said:
Nope. As a matter of fact, I'm usually the only one at the range when I go. And I don't know any women there, if there are any/many.
I have a little .380 she could try out. I tried to get her to try an AR during the summer at the youth program when my daughter was in it. She wouldn't try. She's afraid of recoil and she held my Bushy DCM AR that's a bit heavy.
I'm sure when she has the time and is ready, she'll ask.
Maybe I'll take you up on your offer in the spring. Thanks!

.380's still have a bark to them - remind me in the srping - I'll come down with my Browning .22 (I just LOVE that gun)...(then again, there isn't one I don't love) and she can shoot that. I'll give her some basic instruction so she'll enjoy herself.

You have an open invitation to bring Barb and join Deena and I at Braintree R&P. We have plenty of toys to play with. [More about that in another thread to be written after we finish dinner! [lol] ]

BR&P has a fair representation of the fairer sex! There are a number of women shooters who use the place each weekend day. Some come with SOs and some by themselves. It doesn't hurt that BR&P only charges $20 for a Spouse Membership either!

You can also bring Barb to a SAS "practice session" on the 3rd Saturday (3-5PM) at BR&P. Since Michael deBethencourt is now doing the training, they are finally getting some good training under their belt. They supply guns, ammo, and targets for the princely sum of $5/participant. Reservations are required if you need to use their gear.

Normally Deena will be there, but we have another commitment for the December date. We can still arrange for her to attend as a guest in December if you wish.

If she comes to a SAS event, you and I can go off to the other clubhouse and shoot (or outdoors if the weather is decent).

The .380 has a sharp recoil typically and may scare her off. I had Jim Conway bring 3 guns for Deena to try last Sunday.

- Beretta Cheetah .380 top-break - Deena hated the recoil!

- Walther P5 9mm - unique gun with left-side ejection port. Deena didn't particularly like it, but didn't hate it. Here's a picture:

- Glock 17 9mm - Deena was luke-warm to it, but kept returning to try it again and again!
If Ozman or Lynne are coming out to Pelham, let me know and I'll try to steal away from work... but only for a quick visit... P22 or the Mocquito are really nice starter guns... male or female... You can name them whatever you like...

Regrettably, I understand that the Mosquito won't be submitted for MA compliance by Sig!

Some months ago the question came up and I also became interested in this gun. Someone called and spoke with Sig and got that info.

If enough pressure is put on Sig, perhaps they might change their mind?
For Crist's Sake.... SIG.... Send the Mosquito in for Approval... You'll sell thousands... I want one, Len wants one, Steve O wants one... his wife wants one... etc...

I'll speak with them when I go up in December for the Bruce Gray courses...

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