Christmas Songs 2021

There are certain versions of certain songs, sung by certain artists, which become timeless classics, and no matter who else covers it, till the end of time, will never do as good of a job.

This is one such example:


It was difficult to believe that two such diverse talents (especially Bowie) could work together so well.
never really understood the reason why every artist thinks they can remake a classic Christmas song better than the original.. There are some gawd-awful Christmas songs.. There's about 3 versions of "Santa Looks a Lot Like Daddy".. just shoot me..
White Christmas was 1st sung in the movie Holiday Inn...

I love this version of the song, were he takes his pipe to tap on the bells...

Holiday Inn and White Christmas are my two favorite movies...
My others are Scrooge with Alastair Sim (1951), Christmas Vacation with Chevy Chase and of course you can't have Christmas without Hans Gruber falling off the Tower in Diehard and the other Diehard movies...

White Christmas


Nat King Cole The Christmas Song

never really understood the reason why every artist thinks they can remake a classic Christmas song better than the original.. There are some gawd-awful Christmas songs.. There's about 3 versions of "Santa Looks a Lot Like Daddy".. just shoot me..
Because it's a printing press for dollar bills, that's why.
Here's another one that, for me, is the ONLY version of this song, sung by the ONLY artist who could ever do it right. This isn't a video (there are short version ones), but I like the speaking intro part of this version. It's not exactly a Christmas song, but rings true in particular on holidays when we take pause and appreciate goodness around us. Merry Christmas, y'all.


Growing up a child of the 60's and 70s, my uncle (mother's baby brother) always had the Beach Boys Christmas Album playing. Some of my fondest memories of being a kid, opening presents, and listening to that album on repeat
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