chicago woman loses 4th child to gun violence

I dont know any good ones

I'm sorry this woman lost all of her children, but hasn't packing up and moving the remaining 3, 2, and finally her LAST family member from that unflushed corrupt toilet ever cross her mind? At what point does someone finally say lets get the hell out of here? I wonder if she has a grandchildren, and if so, will she make any attempts to take action to get out of there, or sit and wait for them to be shot too. WTF could possibly be holding her there?!
I hate to be callous, but her little precious thuggables are one of the reasons I carry a firearm. the stories Ive read are fairly omissive of asking hard questions - like,

what the hell was he and his friend doing in the car at that hour of the morning?

what kind of criminal activity were 1 2 and 3 involved with - while I know it happens, people don't tend to die of gang violence unless they're scumbags themselves....
She should have moved after the first victim.

-tapatalk and Devin McCourty blow chunks-
Note they never mention that several of the shootings were gang related or that they were illegal. The whole spin was she lost 4 children like they were 6 year olds out walking to school
I wonder how long the RAP sheet was for the 34 yr old child of hers who was cut down by the evil gun....
"Not judgin just askin"
"...changed his life a lot"... she says in the video. Translation: he's dealing drugs uptown instead of the hood.

Total media crap. This is a perfect example of how the whores in the media manipulate opinions.
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