Case Club ammo can lock

Can't see any reason to lock an ammo can.


Or put a hole in them. Unless they are cheap knock offs. Original steel ammo cans have gone up and price.
I keep most of my ammo in a heavy steal tool box and lock that.
For the price of that kit you could do several boxes.

You can transport a firearm locked in an ammo can, no?
Seems safer than a plastic case...


This organizer looks nice too:
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Or a slim .30 CAL can.

Just add the lock kit.

Remove a little foam, add a flat SAPI plate and you have emergency chest protection.
Try that with a factory plastic case...
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This is the easiest method I've ever seen, and it may be the cheapest, depending on the price of the lock.

I've seen this method and always wondered about the security of it.
The lower wire bail (used to grasp when pulling up on the lid latch) is only bent into a type of rectangular "C" shape and can be easily pulled apart at the edges,
which come out of the tack-welded pivot bracket attached to the body of the can. I know this because, on occasion I have removed them to straighten them after a rough trip from the CMP.
If you pull that bail wire apart and out of the lock, now you only have a lid latch with a lock in the hole and the ammo can can be easily accessed.

I guess if you could weld the bail it would be stronger, but that little wire is the weak link of that method.

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