"Canadiens Never Gave Up the Right to Self Defense"


NES Member
Nov 24, 2005
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If officials aren't out to end the right to self-defence, why would they side with criminals against law-abiding citizens?

The latest example of the campaign against self-defence comes from southern Ontario. About six years ago, Ian Thompson moved to a rural property near Port Colborne to find peace and quiet. Almost immediately, he had a run-in with his neighbour over the neighbour's unwillingness to keep his chickens in his own yard. Ever since, tension between the two has escalated.

Then, early one Sunday morning last August, three masked men showed up outside Thompson's home and started lobbing Molotov cocktails at the house while Thompson was inside. A former firearms instructor, Thompson took a revolver from his gun safe, loaded it, then went outside and fired two or three shots in the direction of the arsonists. Thompson has surveillance cameras around his property. When he gave tapes to police to aid their search for the firebombers, police charged him with pointing a firearm and careless storage of firearms.

Officers also turned up at his home and confiscated his collection of seven firearms and seized his firearms licence...
Wow. In many states arson is one of the crimes against which one is specifically and explicitly justified to use deadly force. Canada's teetering on the English brink.
Any nation without prohibition against infringement on free speech is not free... Period...

It should come as no surprise that they are now going the way of the UK. You either stop government before it gets going or it will trample you. We may be too late here. I hope not...
Wow. In many states arson is one of the crimes against which one is specifically and explicitly justified to use deadly force. Canada's teetering on the English brink.

Hell, in NH, Arsonist = open season, kill em all, no bag limit. [laugh]

Masked men holding flaming bottles would have me reaching for this:
When Canada became independent at Confederation in 1867, Canadians retained the rights they had at the time as British subjects. These included three "absolute rights": the right to personal liberty, the right to private property and the right to self-defence, up to and including the right to kill an attacker or burglar.


The right to self-defence conflicts with the belief modern lovers of big government have that only the military and police should be allowed to use force, so self-defence has to be treated as a crime. In truth, it is an individual right that existed before government and, so, cannot be extinguished by government.

He is exactly right. Canada has not willed away self defense. I wonder what happened in court for Mr. Thompson but he was well within the rights of common law self defense doing what he did. Any decent judge should have dismissed any and all charges.
He is exactly right. Canada has not willed away self defense.

They may not have willed it away, but it has been fundamentally curtailed. Self Defense is virtually never a reason to own a firearm and, with the rarest exception (at a level that makes NYC look like a Green city), anyone using Self Defense as a reason on a firearms license application will have it summarily rejected unless they live in an igloo and have polar bear problems. Public debate on the matter has been "settled" to the point that anyone arguing gun rights from a self-defense perspective in the legislative arena is effectively written off as a lunatic.
Hell yeah!
Just wait till he holds it over head.[devil2]

No need to wait. Hanging around my house wearing a mask and carrying an arson tool is prima facie evidence of a threat of death or severe injury.

Such conduct will be answered with a rifle bullet. I don't have time to wait for the sheriff and/or fire department at that particular moment.
Do Canadians or Ma**h***s really think that allowing these laws to come into being is not tantamount to "giving up your right to self defense?"

If so, they are delusional.
Maybe we should just use the liberals own tactics against them, when they call for more gun laws just call them racists.

The gun control movement started in the south after reconstruction and into the civil rights era as a means to disarm the free black man so that the Klan could terrorize them with impunity.

Once they were giving their freedom (and I hate using the word giving since they were born with those rights only to have them taken) the southern whites realized that they could no longer use force without expecting the same in kind, so they created various gun control laws to disarm blacks.

We saw it again during the civil rights era, even Martin Luther King Jr was denied a firearms license, because at the time the law gave the sheriff/COP "discretion" on who did and did not get a license.

Our current laws are all derived from the Jim Crow era, they were created to completely strip the right of self defense away from a people, but today they get to hide behind the "We're doing it for your own safety" excuse other than the real reason...

They're racist

(yes, I copy and pasted this from another thread, I didn't feel like typing it out twice) [wink]
No need to wait. Hanging around my house wearing a mask and carrying an arson tool is prima facie evidence of a threat of death or severe injury.

Such conduct will be answered with a rifle bullet. I don't have time to wait for the sheriff and/or fire department at that particular moment.

I was thinking hit the cocktail when its over the chucker's head and let his friends watch.

But maybe you're more even tempered than me.[wink][laugh]
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