Can we just ban ignorance instead ?!

This video shows exactly how ****ing blindly ignorant people can be.

this door swings both ways, we're "blindly ignorant" to them for sure as well, [laugh]

two sides adamant they're right is why there is never a solution, be it gun rights, civil rights, muslim and christian, it's always us against them with no quarter given. always has been, always will be.[hmmm]
this door swings both ways, we're "blindly ignorant" to them for sure as well, [laugh]

two sides adamant they're right is why there is never a solution, be it gun rights, civil rights, muslim and christian, it's always us against them with no quarter given. always has been, always will be.[hmmm]

Not really. Gun owners are not trying to force libtards to buy guns. Christians are not beheading mooselimbs.

The only real "tolerance" comes from OUR side
this door swings both ways, we're "blindly ignorant" to them for sure as well, [laugh]

two sides adamant they're right is why there is never a solution, be it gun rights, civil rights, muslim and christian, it's always us against them with no quarter given. always has been, always will be.[hmmm]

That's it right there!!!
In many cultures compromise is seen as a sign of weakness.

Yup, there are more than a few parties who use our reasonableness and trusting nature against us and think we're weak-minded idiots as they do it.
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