But .22lr in MA?

This.. WTF they really do, I had a manager tell me it was MA. law to record LTC info.
Told he was wrong and he just shrugged his shoulders.

If they follow bogus laws long enough they will become real.

Dick's is anti-2a, and sells guns to justify the "common sense " guncontrol position that antis actually do "believe in the second amendment", and to Fudd's.
Asking for. Manager wouldn't have done anything I used to work the lodge in dedham and had to hand out the same answer I asked thw manager the same question over the radio he said it's because it can be fired from a handgun such as sr22 I told him it was stupid but still couldn't make the sale
I was asked at Walmart if the .22 ammo I was buying was for a pistol or rifle?

I told the lady a rifle a really long rifle just like it says on the box.

So then I asked if she had any marked .22 pistol ammo and she said they were all marked .22 long rifle.

I told her maybe next time. They don't have a clue.

Next time I might say both to really confuse the heck out of them.
We have all seen the Dicks bashing threads a hundred times over folks. I don't blame the clerks at Dick's or Walmart........it is not their fault they don't know everything about ammunition.......they are just trying to make a living at a retail store and do what they have to. If you want better knowledge about ammo from a clerk go to the LGS and stay out of Dicks and Walmart thats all. I don't even ask questions at Dicks anymore just look behind the counter and point to what I want it's not worth the hassle to talk much with the kids behind the counter.

But.....the managers should have some idea with they put out for policy and yes.....requiring an LTC for "pistol carteridges" is dumb........what if I own a lever action rifle in .357 or 45 long and have an FID? That policy is beyond stupid.
If they follow bogus laws long enough they will become real.

Dick's is anti-2a, and sells guns to justify the "common sense " guncontrol position that antis actually do "believe in the second amendment", and to Fudd's.

A friend recently told me he saw high cap shotgun tubes there, maybe it's a start because they never had those before. But yeah not selling ARs is asinine.
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