I'm not up to speed on what the jobs bill that Brown voted for does so I'm not ready to spank him yet. I am cracking my knuckles and keeping my spankin paddle at arms length though. I think we all owe him a "WTF?"

Thats just the thing. He didnt vote on the jobs bill. The jobs bill has not been voted on yet. He only voted to allow that bill to be voted on. Big difference, not a big deal as so many here are making it out to be.
Thats just the thing. He didnt vote on the jobs bill. The jobs bill has not been voted on yet. He only voted to allow that bill to be voted on. Big difference, not a big deal as so many here are making it out to be.

It's not a big difference at all, given the numbers in DC
Looks like the bill passed 70-28 in the Senate with Brown voting aye.

WASHINGTON—With an unusually strong bipartisan vote Wednesday, the Senate approved a $15 billion bill lawmakers hope will spur job creation in the flat employment market.

The vote was 70-to-28 with around a dozen Republicans siding with the Democratic majority to approve the measure. This was an even larger number of minority party members to vote with the Democrats on the legislation than a key procedural vote earlier in the week.

Unlike that earlier vote, this one only required a simple majority to be passed.

Among those Republicans supporting the measure was Sen. Scott Brown (R., Mass.), the freshman lawmaker who was only sworn into his Senate seat earlier this month.
And now it has to go to the House, if they change the bill in any way it must again be voted on by the Senate, its far from law.
This is disgusting. It is our undoing as a nation and you are celebrating it because it uses the words "create jobs". A phrase, when uttered, which should always cause you to question "how", "for whom" and "at what cost".

You're putting words and ideas into my mouth, projecting onto me that which you hate to make your argument against my post better. Right on.

I didn't say anything about creating jobs. Tax breaks don't create jobs, they just put more money into the pockets of the businesses which can then decide to hire more people or not. Let me repeat myself, I'm all for tax breaks. Small businesses, big businesses, poor people, rich people, middle class, I don't care. I share your ideas of equal burden when it comes to taxes, but you're out of your mind if you think opposing a bill with tax breaks for small businesses is the path to leveling the playing field for taxes. All that's going to get you is a big bag of nothing.

Sounds to me like you want a reboot, not a roll back, which is too bad for you because it's unrealistic and not ever going to happen.
brown is a dipshit! so is martha coakley... republican or democrat= piss or shit. take you're pick. libertarian= the toilet which flushes the waste. i voted for Joe Kennedy! its a real shame he didnt get more of the vote. people really need to realize the folley of this 2 party system and start voting Libertatian. theyre the only ones who aren't complete hacks and will stand up for our basic freedoms.
You're putting words and ideas into my mouth, projecting onto me that which you hate to make your argument against my post better. Right on.
No, I am trying to explain to you that your support for this BS is what is causing all these problems.

If you are ok with targeted tax breaks for one group, you, whether you realize it or not, are supporting targeted tax breaks for other groups.

The entire concept needs to be rejected.

I have no delusions that the repair of our system is going to be easy, fast, or ever satisfactory, but the only way we will improve things is to stop trying to "win" by getting more pork for "our side" and fight pork in all forms.

There is no good pork. There are no acceptable targeted tax cuts. If you want to make things better you need to cut taxes across the board and cut spending by as much or more to compensate.

I understand that things will have to be incrementally fixed, but increments in the wrong direction will NEVER add up to a solution. Two wrongs don't make a right.
Given the options, he was and is the best one available for the job. At least now they will stop referring to the damn Congressional seat as "Kennedy's". I wanted to explode every #%*$% time I heard that crap.
Wow, one vote you don't like and he's already a failure? Some people on this forum are fickle little girls. Read about the bill, read about why he voted the way he did, and then maybe you'll have a clue. BTW, the vote was 62-30. Which means that eight Senators (including Lautenberg who is sick) didn't bother to vote for it. I don't think this was exactly a key issue.

Zombi, I am not putting words in your mouth - I am pointing out the connection between what they are saying and what you are supporting:

Zombi said:
That said, the tax breaks and incentives for small businesses in this bill I can 100% get behind. If the 800billion stimulus bill had been all incentives and tax breaks for small business I would have been all for it.

What you have just said is equivalent "if they came up with a bill that targeted the group I liked", I'd support it.

This is the precise reason that the Republican party has been destroyed. They got into the back scratching game the Dems had perfected and lost sight of small government.
brown is a dipshit! so is martha coakley... republican or democrat= piss or shit. take you're pick. libertarian= the toilet which flushes the waste. i voted for Joe Kennedy! its a real shame he didnt get more of the vote. people really need to realize the folley of this 2 party system and start voting Libertatian. theyre the only ones who aren't complete hacks and will stand up for our basic freedoms.

That's a pretty broad stroke brush to paint parties with and by that standard all politicians are at least some how related to human not too far from the truth! LOL Jesting aside, this nation is stuck on a tug of war between two evils colored blue and red. They see through their own tinted lense and often times at the detriment of the people, our money and our rights. There needs to be greater mainstream acceptance and acknowledgment of other parties. Running anything other than Rep or Dem is a death sentence for a higher-office political career. Where's Ron Paul when you need him? Oh yeah, shut out by the media. [rolleyes]
Be sick all you want, it's how it's done. Stopping health care was way more important than making you feel warm and fuzzy for you voting for the nobody.
If health care passes the democracy is over, it's pretty f-ing simple.
I'd argue that the democracy is already over...

Politics moving is what has gotten us to where we are today. We would have been a lot better off a long time ago if politicians got nothing done. Every time they "accomplish" something - the inevitably end up screwing me and you.

You forget who is the majority party and who holds the presidency right now. If politics "get moving" we are going to get nationalized health care, deficit spending that will make even today's deficits look like childs play, cap and trade legislation, anti gun legislation, and a whole host of other BS that will make your head spin.

The only kind of movement I truly want to see in politics is backward. I want to see senators and congressmen start repealing laws one by one - instead of constantly passing more and more bullshit.

If you want to see what progress gets you - you ought to go look at the increase in size of the Federal Register over the years. What "progress" has gotten us is a country where it is almost guaranteed that every single day you break some law that stands the potential of putting your ass in jail and/or bankrupting you. The only reason that our jail population isn't not just the largest in the world - but the insanely largest in the world - is that there just aren't enough law enforcement officers to throw everybody in jail. It's not because the laws don't exist already.

So keep wishing for progress - and you when you finally get your wish it will probably be from behind the bars of a prison cell - or from inside a box under highway overpass because the government has taken everything you thought you owned.

Yay progress.

Couldn't have said it any better.
I'd argue that the democracy is already over...
We still have the tools to fix the "Republic" - we are a democracy in the worst way already (mob rule).

The question is whether the "will" exists. Which is where I was beating up on zombi. Americans have to re-learn what a healthy relationship with the government looks like. We need to re-learn what the receiving end of "tough love" feels like and that it's a good thing from the government.

Right now, on balance, Americans are too accustomed to their luxuries (to the point that they don't recognize them as luxuries).
That's a pretty broad stroke brush to paint parties with and by that standard all politicians are at least some how related to human not too far from the truth! LOL Jesting aside, this nation is stuck on a tug of war between two evils colored blue and red. They see through their own tinted lense and often times at the detriment of the people, our money and our rights. There needs to be greater mainstream acceptance and acknowledgment of other parties. Running anything other than Rep or Dem is a death sentence for a higher-office political career. Where's Ron Paul when you need him? Oh yeah, shut out by the media. [rolleyes]
couldnt have said it better myself!
Zombi, I am not putting words in your mouth - I am pointing out the connection between what they are saying and what you are supporting:

What you have just said is equivalent "if they came up with a bill that targeted the group I liked", I'd support it.

I get it, what you say makes sense to me... but by that logic wouldn't we have made no progress whatsoever in turning this countries gun laws around? If my ultimate goal is a flat tax rate, why wouldn't I take every tax break along the road to achieving that goal? If we kept throwing out every pro-gun bill that came along because it didn't lift certain restrictions or because it didn't just say 'see: 2nd Amendment' we would be screwed.

Seems like a 'zero tolerance' approach to reducing the size and influence of the Gov't, which won't do anyone any good.
I get it, what you say makes sense to me... but by that logic wouldn't we have made no progress whatsoever in turning this countries gun laws around? If my ultimate goal is a flat tax rate, why wouldn't I take every tax break along the road to achieving that goal?
Seems like a 'zero tolerance' approach to reducing the size and influence of the Gov't, which won't do anyone any good.
There's a wide gap between pragmatism and "100% support" for something...

I know very well that Zero Tolerance is an exercise in incompetence and futility...

The point is we have to stop giving unfettered support for people who are little more than the "enemy of my enemy".

Everyone in government needs to be reigned in and reminded of the limits of their power regardless of party.
While I agree that it may be "too early" to deem Senator Brown a failure, I would suggest that the same energy created by NES to raise his campaign coffers, (there's no question that Derek and NES were instrumental in that money bomb), be used to continually put both pressure and support on Mr. Brown. He needs to understand that his self-proclaimed title as an "independent thinker", be tempered by his statement that he works for the people of Massachusetts.....Apparently, his FB page got slammed when he danced in the water with his vote and this should be indicative of letters, E-mails, threads on other forums that supported him, ( et al) and phone calls to his office. Senator Brown may need gentle reminders to balance both his will and the will of his constituents....
And if you had your way, we'd be under Obamacare right now.
Sure, that makes sense? You do know I voted for Brown?

Again, though it is not likely to make it past your wall of assumptions, my point was to get those who are "100% behind" tax cuts for people they like to stop and ask what the cost of those policies really are...

We've been playing this "enemy of my enemy" game for 30+ years and we have fewer allies than we did when we started.

You are sadly mistaken if you think I am dumb enough to not recognize the difference between tactics and strategy.
He needs to understand that his self-proclaimed title as an "independent thinker", be tempered by his statement that he works for the people of Massachusetts...
And tempered further by the Constitution to which he swore an oath.

I think this is the single biggest failure of the electorate and the exact point I have been trying to make in this thread. We need to elect people who know when to stop offering to "solve" everyone's problems when the solution exceeds the bounds of their enumerated powers.

That means saying "no" to bread and circus even if it in the short term it appears to be cash in our hands.

Again to you Vellneuve - "bread and circus" does include protecting Constitutional rights or restricting the expansion of government into healthcare. Bread and Circus is talking out tax cuts, stimulus and entitlement programs designed to snow the masses into complacency and compliance.
So we are told by the Dems... They'd like it if we would kindly line up on the beach voluntarily to lubricate the launching of their ships with our bodies...

Their mantra on the disaster of a health bill (well all bills lately) is "It's not perfect, but at least we are doing something."

....And then they keep invoking terms like "Healthcare Crisis" and "Emergency" to justify their half assed approach to the issue, as if this is some kind of a "new problem" or something that didn't exist a long time ago. [laugh] The reality is its only an "emergency" because as time goes on the voting public gets more and more agitated about it, and the window for them to "do something" is rapidly closing.

Big government loves an invented crisis.

We've been playing this "enemy of my enemy" game for 30+ years and we have fewer allies than we did when we started.

And that's not going to change. This state is lost in terms of electing national reps. No truly conservative politician will ever win national office or carry this state. They have enough trouble trying to do that in more sane states like Maine and New Hampshire. The best we can do to contribute to the rest of the country and give them less opposition by voting in people who are less likely to oppose policies and legislation proposed by conservatives from other states.

You might call that defeatism. I call it pragmatism.

Yes, we have to keep pressure on him when he votes on critical legislation... but when it comes to something like this vote, where the Dems were going to get it through no matter what and the Republicans weren't going to try to filibuster it... can't waste the effort there.
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but when it comes to something like this vote, where the Dems were going to get it through no matter what and the Republicans weren't going to try to filibuster it.
Um, without cloture, there is no bill to vote on. It required 8 Republicans to cross the line. Why do say the Dems were going to get it through no matter what?

As for "enemy of my enemy" never going to change - to some extent this is true. Representatives are never going to be anything close to perfect, so you have to choose the lesser of evils. Although it has been this bad in the past, it has not always been this bad. We now essentially have one party whose two wings are distinguished almost entirely by their stance on abortion.

There have been many times where the parties diverged more so (and that's a good thing) in their ideology and practice.
Voting for a candidate because it's the best option and fully supporting everything they do don't go hand in hand.

I agree. And cekim, I think I skimmed really quick through your post when I first responded. I think we actually agree on this but I misread it on the first read.

That said, I think I'm more pessimistic on society changing back towards what the Founders intended.
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