Breaking on Fox

phew, be prepared to see white people riot. And concerned latino, black, and asian people too. I hope the rainbow coalition and political power players remember from whence they came , but I doubt it. the BS means the US will be a 3rd world nation in 20 years or less. Thanks, mr bush and mr obama!

Why does Comey appear to have only one hand? [pot]
And this changes what for me?

I wake up and go to work to provide for my family.

When I am not working. I do stuff with my family.

I try to be the best person I can. I am not perfect!

I hope everyone else in our country is doing the same.

Does the govt. tell me how to live my life? Nope!

I realize that my vote is but one and only carries with it that much weight.

Most everything in govt. is corrupt and nothing one person can do will ever change that.

No matter what is on the news. My family will go on with our lives.[grin]
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And this changes what for me?

A crook gets into the Whitehouse, wipes her ass with the Constitution, turns the country into a South American basket case banana republic complete with hyper-inflation, no rule of law, and paramilitary/criminal death squads, where only the filthy rich or politically connected may live comfortable lives within gated communities.
Unless they've tied up all the loose ends, I imagine one of many rogue agents will leak out something big because of this.

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I,won't hold my breath..... not sure what color their thin line is but sounds like much of the same.
Unless they've tied up all the loose ends, I imagine one of many rogue agents will leak out something big because of this.

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I have been thinking that trump or a Pro trump entity will release something on Monday that will be real concerning. The Clinton machine won't have time to react. At this point I don't care if they use a pure lie to slay the dragon. I don't want anything else for Christmas.
And this changes what for me?

I wake up and go to work to provide for my family.

When I am not working. I do stuff with my family.

I try to be the best person I can. I am not perfect!

I hope everyone else in our country is doing the same.

Does the govt. tell me how to live my life? Nope!

I realize that my vote is but one and only carries with it that much weight.

Most everything in govt. is corrupt and nothing one person can do will ever change that.

No matter what is on the news. My family will go on with our lives.[grin]

I feel much the same as far as just wanting to go on with life.
All I ever wanted was to live the second half of my life in peace and enjoy the things I've worked hard for.
The problem is , that's not good enough for these people.

You will live your life in the manner THEY feel is appropriate .
You will own whatever THEY feel you should have.
Your children WILL be raised in the manner THEY feel they should be and taught the values THEY feel they should be.
You WILL give whatever portion of your hard earned money THEY feel you should ,to support as many of the people that support them.
Any deviation from that program will bring down apon you whatever level of force necessary to gain your compliance.

The first Clinton administration.

Possible gun law violations and concerns about child welfare. Waco Texas.
Solution, kill every man woman and child in the compound.
The death photos of all the little kids that they roasted alive are on google (Don't view on a full stomach. ).
The local Sherriff informed the Feds that Koresh went jogging every morning and he would be happy to pick him up for them and avoid a confrontation at the compound.
Offer declined.

Ruby ridge. Randy Weaver Moved his family out into the middle of nowhere to be left alone
His wife (Seen in the middle) was shot through the head by an FBI sniper while holding an infant in her arms and his son Sam (In front in the picture) was hit from the back with so many rounds from a full auto, it severed one of his arms.
Then both Weaver and a family friend were both shot in the backs , but survived.
It later came out that the FBI wanted to use him as an informant against the Aryan Nation and his refusal was his family's death sentence.
The excuse they used was that he cut a shotgun barrel down .25 inches too short.

Elian Gonzalez
This is how the Clintons dealt with child custody cases.
Send in the storm troopers and ship some poor kid who escaped from a communist shithole right back to it because it was a political gain for them.
F*ck the fact that it was a human being your using like a chess piece.

As much as you and I would wish it not to be the case, they aren't going to leave us alone to live our lives.
Unless of course we live them according to the way they tell us, then it will be all sunshine and roses.
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A crook gets into the Whitehouse, wipes her ass with the Constitution, turns the country into a South American basket case banana republic complete with hyper-inflation, no rule of law, and paramilitary/criminal death squads, where only the filthy rich or politically connected may live comfortable lives within gated communities.

Well, when you get every American ready for a revolt.
Please post the rally point.

I have some bad news for you.
You will be the only one to show up!

Or go ahead and write everyone in the govt. and let them know how you feel.
Again I have some bad news for you. They don't care what you have to say.

At least you recognize that the 1 percent and big corporations rule the land.

They are above the law and the people are not!

The oath keepers are outnumbered by the politically correct, solar paneled, tree hugging, hybrid/electric car driving, peace at the expense of freedom loving citizens of this nation! These same weak people love govt' handouts, intervention, being controlled and not having to think or do for themselves!

It's a what can you do for me society. The govt. says they will give this to the people and the people does what the govt. wants in order to get what they promised the people!

I am not uniformed about what is going on with our nation.
I just realize I mean nothing and money and power is everything with the powers that be!
They destroy the nation to fill their bank accounts.
Always has been! Always will be!

The poor fight to profit the rich!
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Is this true?

60 seconds x 60 minutes x 24 hours x 8 days = 691,200

However they would never manually read them, they would have been scanned by a program for keywords.

Unless someone leaks a damming email text you're never going to prove anything

She is above the law

Too late for leaks. Nothing would have enough time to make an impact. Also the media will suppress it. At least the have shown they're not just biased but full fledged combatments.

Resist any way you can, barter, pay cash for everything etc.
We can choose to live on our knees or die on our feet. It's a decision that I feel many of us will have to make in the not to distant future.

Well, when you get every American ready for a revolt.
Please post the rally point.

I have some bad news for you.
You will be the only one to show up!

Or go ahead and write everyone in the govt. and let them know how you feel.
Again I have some bad news for you. They don't care what you have to say.

At least you recognize that the 1 percent and big corporations rule the land.

They are above the law and the people are not!

The oath keepers are outnumbered by the politically correct, solar paneled, tree hugging, hybrid/electric car driving, peace at the expense of freedom loving citizens of this nation! These same people love govt' handouts, intervention, being controlled and not having to think on there own!

It's a what can you do for me society. The govt. says they will give this to the people and the people does what the govt. wants in order to get what they promised the people!

I am not uniformed about what is going on with our nation.
I just realize I mean nothing and money and power is everything with the powers that be!
They destroy the nation to fill their bank accounts.
Always has been! Always will be!

The poor fight to profit the rich!
As much as the sh_t hole that Chicago is. Life goes on everyday there!
Chicago is a democratic utopia![rofl]

Don't underestimate how much people will do for a free handout!

When all you have is lost and you have nothing else to loose.
Then the people will take back what the govt. has taken away!

The real question will be. Will there be enough people behind it to actually succeed?
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Yes, Chicago is a city and like many cities there are many people in them that like their free shit, but Trump is evidence that there is a very large portion of the country fed up with what's going on. If Hillary wins they will be very upset and if Trump wins her supporters will be very upset. There is the most unrest and turmoil in this country and I would say it's as close to the boiling point as it has ever been.
I don't underestimate what people will do for a free handout. That's part of the reason BO got elected but don't you underestimate the disgust and anger many in this country have paying for those peoples handouts and being forced through taxation, fees, licenses that support the big corrupt govt.

As much as the sh_t hole that Chicago is. Life goes on everyday there!
Chicago is a democratic utopia![rofl]

Don't underestimate how much people will do for a free handout!
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When the taxes go up to the point that you can't support your family and you have to work 2 jobs or your wife has to work if not working now. How much time will you get to spend with your family.
If and when you're ordered to surrender your guns will you?
If you don't and you get arrested how much money do you have to defend yourself and feed your family while doing so? If in jail how much time do you get to spend with your family.
The govt. at this time may not be telling you how to live your life but their actions can and do affect you and at some point the government very well may be telling you how to live your life and if you don't obey you won't be spending time with your family.
Yes, your family may go on with their lives but what type of life will it be?
Read what Dadstoys wrote again in post #44. They just wanted to be left alone too.

And this changes what for me?

I wake up and go to work to provide for my family.

When I am not working. I do stuff with my family.

I try to be the best person I can. I am not perfect!

I hope everyone else in our country is doing the same.

Does the govt. tell me how to live my life? Nope!

I realize that my vote is but one and only carries with it that much weight.

Most everything in govt. is corrupt and nothing one person can do will ever change that.

No matter what is on the news. My family will go on with our lives.[grin]
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I do know that the dirt on these people that we do know would have been a DQ for my clearance in the USAF (TS-SCI Signals Intel/Crypto)

These guys got their jobs BECUASE they are flawed, easier to manipulate; which is why it was a DQ when the USA was sane and made good decisions - not to mention had a sense of shame.

Gingrich and Livingston both resigned, now people get promoted so they can be turned by those in power.

As others have mentioned in various threads about the Tree of Liberty; I fear they are right. See my sig.
Someone got to him


Nobody got to him, he was already in Hillary's pocket. Agents inside the FBI who aren't Hillary cronies want to investigate her. They would have leaked the information if Comey didn't, forcing his hand. He had no choice, now he's just doing his best to clean it up.
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