Boston to allow licensed gun owners to register their guns

It makes it sound like the city os doing you a favor by allowing you to register.

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I don't get it. If a gun was used previously in a crime and there is a record of it, How the **** did it get back on the street?

These Statists are smart to exploit the stupidity of the masses.
[FONT=&quot]“You can go across the border, New Hampshire and Maine, and buy guns so easily. It hurts our efforts to get them off the streets. You can go to Georgia, you can go anywhere, and you buy them like you buy candy,” said Boston police Commissioner William B. Evans[/FONT]
Buy em like candy eh? I had no idea you could just Amazon Prime yourself a gun. So easy!
"You can go to Georgia, you can go anywhere, and you buy them like you buy candy,” said Boston police Commissioner William B. Evans."

If you had to fill out a form and wait 45 plus minutes to buy candy there would be a lot less obese people in the U.S. I must be shopping in the wrong places.
How "generous" of them!!

"Crime guns" also include those stolen from innocent people. After the case is over, they are supposed to be returned to the rightful owners, however I have my doubts that this happens in places like Boston.

Also stolen guns are supposed to be entered by the PD in NCIC, so they already have a national database of stolen guns (and other property) if the police do their jobs.

"You can go to Georgia, you can go anywhere, and you buy them like you buy candy,” said Boston police Commissioner William B. Evans."

If you had to fill out a form and wait 45 plus minutes to buy candy there would be a lot less obese people in the U.S. I must be shopping in the wrong places.

Too bad that the Commish didn't go down there and try to buy some functional brain cells. He's sorely in need of them.
I guess these are the guns bought in Vermont and seized by Boston Police:




nowhere in that article did i see it mention "gun owners registering their firearms" ????

If you'd bothered to read the article........ummmm.....errrrr.......You're right nothing was ever mentioned about registering your guns.

This is where fake news comes from.

“One of the things we recognize is Massachusetts has some pretty strong gun laws on its books. But ...some states have less strict gun laws. It undermines the strength of our laws when the access to guns is so readily available next door,” English said.

But more laws mean less crime.
But more laws mean less crime.

+1 Idiots openly say that they buy guns out of state...but use them for crimes committed in state. That tells me the state that the crimes are being committed in has a problem. Not the state guns are obtained from.

But that would be common sense, but we need to play the blame game when local law enforcement and judges can't do the job properly.
I don't get it. If a gun was used previously in a crime and there is a record of it, How the **** did it get back on the street?

nowhere in that article did i see it mention "gun owners registering their firearms" ????
And this.

Also, this:
“You can go across the border, New Hampshire and Maine, and buy guns so easily. It hurts our efforts to get them off the streets. You can go to Georgia, you can go anywhere, and you buy them like you buy candy,” said Boston police Commissioner William B. Evans. “The kids are getting younger who have access to them. They’re all very powerful, semi-automatic weapons. It’s very rare right now that we get a revolver. … Sometimes there are 18 and 20 rounds. The kids will just fire them within seconds.”
GTFO Evans!
nowhere in that article did i see it mention "gun owners registering their firearms" ????

It says the city is creating a portal to allow residents to register. Read closely, it's only mentioned in a single sentence.

Other programs in the pilot include creating a shelter in Worcester for opioid users to be able to turn guns in somewhere other than at the police department, and creating a link of the City of Boston’s website allowing licensed gun owners to register their guns, learn about gun safety and document sales and thefts.
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If you'd bothered to read the article........ummmm.....errrrr.......You're right nothing was ever mentioned about registering your guns.

This is where fake news comes from.

“One of the things we recognize is Massachusetts has some pretty strong gun laws on its books. But ...some states have less strict gun laws. It undermines the strength of our laws when the access to guns is so readily available next door,” English said.

But more laws mean less crime.

LOL. I love the blame other states for all of your problems excuse. MA has a violent crime rate 3X that of VT, NH, and ME. 3 states that either border or are within a 20-minute drive of. Three states that are 3 of the 5 SAFEST IN THE NATION.

If gunz were bad as suggested, why is the crime rate out of control in MA with its strict gun laws relative to its neighbors? Shouldn't VT, NH & ME have violent crime rates 3X MA if what they said was true?
Article translation: Neighboring states provide firearms and Boston provides the criminals using them.
If you'd bothered to read the article........ummmm.....errrrr.......You're right nothing was ever mentioned about registering your guns.

This is where fake news comes from.

But more laws mean less crime.

Here is from the Herald paper this morning

creating a link of the City of Boston's webside allowing licensed gun owners to register their guns, learn about gun safety and document sales and thefts

Sounds the FRB and eFA10's
I don't get it. If a gun was used previously in a crime and there is a record of it, How the **** did it get back on the street?

These Statists are smart to exploit the stupidity of the masses.

Rifling on recovered bullets would indicate the firearm had been used in a previous crime while the firearm was still "on the street."

SO how many people will rush out to register their guns?

Also since the FRB has all that info why does Boston need it?
This program is aimed at crime guns.

We know a lot of Boston old timers who have guns in their houses. They think paying the state for a license is crazy, and none of the state’s business anyway. Guess that’s where all those .38 revolvers went! So among those people, if it was a citizen program the answer is “zero.”
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Rifling on recovered bullets would indicate the firearm had been used in a previous crime while the firearm was still "on the street."

Really? Do they have a database of barrel/bullet fingerprints that the search against? Will every gun owner be required to submit a sample bullet?
LOL. I love the blame other states for all of your problems excuse. MA has a violent crime rate 3X that of VT, NH, and ME. 3 states that either border or are within a 20-minute drive of. Three states that are 3 of the 5 SAFEST IN THE NATION.

If gunz were bad as suggested, why is the crime rate out of control in MA with its strict gun laws relative to its neighbors? Shouldn't VT, NH & ME have violent crime rates 3X MA if what they said was true?

BOOM ! ****tards don't understand it.
The word "allow" does not exist in law.

Laws prohibit "things" or "actions", OR require actions.

There is no such thing as "allow" in law. This is not the 16t century living under a king who by decree "allowed things or actions".

When the phuck are people going to wake up?

If a search warrant were issued for the home of every Boston police officer, I'd bet a years pay that 90% of them had illegal guns or other contraband in their possession.

When I was a teenager, a friend of mine from Washington state had an uncle on the Boston PD. My friend showed me a chest of drawers at the house, FULL of weapons illegally confiscated from people on the streets of Boston and never turned in as evidence, to include sawed off shotguns, sawed off rifles, all kinds of pistols, brass knuckles, knives, billy clubs, saps, pipes with friction tape handles, all kinds of zip guns, straight razors, ice picks, shanks, boxes of ammo and loose ammo, The drawers were so full they could hardly be closed.

I know of one case where more than 50% of drug evidence seized was never turned in.....thousands of pills.

I cannot imagine things have changed much since.
The word "allow" does not exist in law.

Laws prohibit "things" or "actions", OR require actions.

There is no such thing as "allow" in law. This is not the 16t century living under a king who by decree "allowed things or actions".

When the phuck are people going to wake up?

If a search warrant were issued for the home of every Boston police officer, I'd bet a years pay that 90% of them had illegal guns or other contraband in their possession.

When I was a teenager, a friend of mine from Washington state had an uncle on the Boston PD. My friend showed me a chest of drawers at the house, FULL of weapons illegally confiscated from people on the streets of Boston and never turned in as evidence, to include sawed off shotguns, sawed off rifles, all kinds of pistols, brass knuckles, knives, billy clubs, saps, pipes with friction tape handles, all kinds of zip guns, straight razors, ice picks, shanks, boxes of ammo and loose ammo, The drawers were so full they could hardly be closed.

I know of one case where more than 50% of drug evidence seized was never turned in.....thousands of pills.

I cannot imagine things have changed much since.

Did he have a zoobow?
New idea: Go after the criminals. That is where the root cause lies.

Marty and Skeletor won't admit that....ever.

"I am mandated to get a vasectomy because my neighbors have 12 kids"
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