Boston specific firearm prohibitions.

Feb 25, 2011
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I was reading NRA-ILA Guide to MA Firearms Laws and they mention a "vague law" that allows Boston to prohibit certain firearms and types of firearms. (

Does anyone have a citation for these Boston Specific Prohibitions? I'm very interested in the section that says: "any semiautomatic pistol which is a modification of a proscribed rifle or shotgun with a shorter barrel or no stock, and any magazine or belt which holds more than 10 rounds." I can't decide if the last portion means that a semi-auto pistol that is based on a banned rifle can't have a mag of more than 10 rounds? Or is it completely illegal to own a mag with a capacity of more than 10 rounds in Boston?

Thanks for any opinions, citations, etc.
It's actually posted here on NES. Try searching for it in the MA Gun Laws sub-forum.
Nice to know that a)the committee was never actually appointed and b) they never actually publish the roster semi-annually. Also, great to see the post that BPD told someone that if it's legal in MA then it's legal in Boston. Entrapment argument if he later runs into trouble? Maybe.
This is another reason the MasSucKchusetts needs to do away with "Home Town Rule and Petition". Preemption is the only way to go. But the power hungry idiots that are running that shithole will never give it up.

I vaguely remember reading something about Boston's Home Town Rule and Petition having to do with possession of a firearm in the home without a license. IIRC, it made possession (not purchase or carry) of a gun in the home legal without a license. And if not legal, it removed the penalties or something like that. Anyone recall this?
I vaguely remember reading something about Boston's Home Town Rule and Petition having to do with possession of a firearm in the home without a license. IIRC, it made possession (not purchase or carry) of a gun in the home legal without a license. And if not legal, it removed the penalties or something like that. Anyone recall this?

The case a couple of years ago when LiQuarry Jefferson was shot dead in his home with a weapon that was left there by an older sibling had Menino's panties all in a bunch because at the time, it was not illegal to have a firearm in your home without a permit/license. They were looking to jam up the mother ( who lied to the cops) but couldn't nail her on gun charges because she had broken no firearm law.

they did charge the mother ( ) initially, in the end a jury found her not guilty of all the charges except lying to a cop.

"Bartley-Fox applies only to gun possession in public spaces or in a car; those caught with an illegal gun in their home receive only probation. A crime bill introduced by outgoing State Senator Jarrett Barrios, which is currently imperiled in committee, would plug that loophole, among other changes. So would a home-rule petition sponsored by Michael Flaherty, of the Boston City Council."

Here is something from G.O.A.L. on the topic
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Glockaholic, thanks for the info! I never knew that I could run afoul of BPD while following the state laws. You would think that they'd have something on their website about all these rules. I feel like I'm going to have to start taking some classes on MA gun laws. Does GOAL or NRA track pro 2nd Amendment on the city level? Hopefully the new year will see more Heller like decisions.
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