Boston police officer sues online market where gun used on him was sold

Mar 4, 2006
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Seriously, how many more times is it going to take until some court/judge knocks
some f***ing sense into these pinheads for continually filing these same garbage lawsuits?

The suit alleges the marketplace lacks necessary safeguards to prevent weapons from getting into the wrong hands.

BOSTON (AP) — A Boston police officer on Thursday sued the online marketplace where the gun used to shoot him was sold, alleging it lacks necessary safeguards to prevent weapons from getting into the wrong hands.

The lawsuit filed by the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence on behalf of 39-year-old Kurt Stokinger accuses of enabling illegal gun trafficking by allowing users to buy and sell guns with “essentially no rules.”

Authorities say Stokinger, a nine-year member of the police department, was shot in the leg in January 2016 by a Grant Headley, who the lawsuit says illegally bought the gun on the street from a woman who had purchased weapons through Armslist.

“This is not an anti-gun case. Certainly officer Stokinger is not an anti-gun person in any way,” said Jonathan Lowy, an attorney with the Brady Center. “It is about ensuring that guns are sold the right way instead of the wrong way and that’s something that all of us, whatever our views are on gun policy, should agree on.”

An attorney for Armslist in a different case didn’t immediately respond to phone and email messages on Thursday. Armslist has argued it can’t be held responsible for the actions of its users.

More @ Boston police officer sues online market where gun used on him was sold |

The Brady Bunch will stick him with the legal bill like the last chumps they conned into being a party to one of their lawsuits.

This is like suing a pharmacy because they filled a prescription for someone that resold it to some druggie which overdosed.
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“This is not an anti-gun case. Certainly officer Stokinger is not an anti-gun person in any way,” said Jonathan Lowy, an attorney with the Brady Center. “It is about ensuring that guns are sold the right way instead of the wrong way and that’s something that all of us, whatever our views are on gun policy, should agree on.”

The usual BS. At least if going to take a BS case come up with some interesting propaganda.
The Brady Bunch will stick him with the legal bill like the last chumps they conned into being a party to one of their lawsuits.

Was that the next of kin for one of the victims in the Aurora shootings?

IIRC, the only reason they were able to do that was because state law allowed it.
I seem to also recall that that person was some kind of employee or other Brady stooge.

As much as I would love to see both the Brady's and the cop get reamed balls deep on this,
it ain't gonna happen... at least not in this state.

At this point, I'd at least settle for some judge to at least admonish the Bradys and whatever
pro-bono parasite lawyer they work with.

Sure, it would be meaningless and not carry much weight, but it's better than some gun grabbing grundle licking
judge that sympathizes with them, and apologizes, but has to dismiss the case because his hands are tied.
".....who the lawsuit says illegally bought the gun on the street from a woman who had purchased weapons through Armslist."

blame the woman for participating in a straw purchase, you f***ing dipshit. But noo, play the agenda by completely ignoring the woman's illegal activity by selling on the street.

f*** the Brady Center, and f*** this guy. I hope this shit gets tossed and they get told to get f***ed.
".....who the lawsuit says illegally bought the gun on the street from a woman who had purchased weapons through Armslist."

blame the woman for participating in a straw purchase, you f***ing dipshit. But noo, play the agenda by completely ignoring the woman's illegal activity by selling on the street.

f*** the Brady Center, and f*** this guy. I hope this shit gets tossed and they get told to get f***ed.

Too hard. They'd have to prove it was a straw purchase, not that she bought it, didn't want it and sold it. By going after Armslist they get to put commonsensegunzarebad on trial instead. The burden of proof is lower for that.
".....who the lawsuit says illegally bought the gun on the street from a woman who had purchased weapons through Armslist."

blame the woman for participating in a straw purchase, you f***ing dipshit. But noo, play the agenda by completely ignoring the woman's illegal activity by selling on the street.

f*** the Brady Center, and f*** this guy. I hope this shit gets tossed and they get told to get f***ed.

This is one of the things that always gets me. They'll scream and howl about the alleged avenues for firearms being
possessed by persons who shouldn't have them, and how they obtain them... gun show loopholes, background checks,
unsecured firearms, etc... problems that focus on the law abiding rather than the criminal.

Rarely do I read or hear anything to address the problem regarding straw purchases with the intent to sell/transfer
to those prohibited from owning a firearm.

My own personal theory on this sham is because it would be viewed as being racist (let's not kid ourselves...
if straw purchase arrests were enforced, it would mostly effect black communities), and more often than not,
it's because the buyer is usually a female with a clean record that was coerced (intimidated), by her domineering
thug boyfriend... at least that's how the pussy hat wearing bottom feeders would spin it.
Lol when I saw the name. I know Kurt from high school days and remember when this happened, it was some known gangbanger. IIRC. Kinda surprised doesn't seem like someone to go this route.
“This is not an anti-gun case. Certainly officer Stokinger is not an anti-gun person in any way,” said Jonathan Lowy, an attorney with the Brady Center. “It is about ensuring that guns are sold the right way instead of the wrong way and that’s something that all of us, whatever our views are on gun policy, should agree on.”

The usual BS. At least if going to take a BS case come up with some interesting propaganda.
Propaganda being the operative word here. Like someone has already mentioned, can't sue CarMax if you get rear-ended.
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Can't wait until the stupid cop get's the old Brady bunch "here's the bill for Armslist's legal fees of $500k that you indemnified us for before we lost" line.

Good! I can’t wait for this to happen. I hope he’s paying through the nose and it cuts into his pension. Stupid should hurt on all sides. If the cop was sooooooooo pro2A, as his shitbag lawyer says he is, this cop would know better and research the PLCA Act. Hopefully the defendants sue for triple damages and legal fees.
Surely their strategy is to get armslist to settle for some amount. Funded by the antis he has nothing really to lose anyway.
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