Boston Dynamics robot makes soldiers obsolete

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Megadupe. LOL. You could tell it was fake pretty quick. Robots don't balance and move like humans. . . yet.
Give it 20 years. We're getting there.

I'll add this is one of those "just because you can, doesn't mean you should" pursuits.

Robotic armies are an unbelievable threat to freedom. You think it was bad when German, Russian and Chinese soldiers were "just following orders"? Wait until a tyrant has a robot army.
We'll need to capture some in the field and reprogram them as Rebels...
Oh, and is it wrong that I want to see some Great Boxing Matches programed into these metal-fisted beauties and sponsor Pay-Per-View bouts...?

I thought it was a great fake. If it wasn’t for the obvious safety issues it would have looked super real. Amazing what you can do without a multi-billion dollar special effects crew these days.
Wait till somebody give that robot a virus.

It'll end up fragging everybody.
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