Bobcat hunting potential in NH in coming years?

The state Fish and Game Commission voted Wednesday to have the department draw up a proposal of what a bobcat hunt would look like, despite protesters who attended the meeting to oppose the idea.

"We want to pounce on this and stop it before it gets going," she added.

You can't make this stuff up...
My high school mascot (in Arkansas) was the Bobcats. Like coyotes and feral pigs, they are "non-game species" down there, so there is no season, and no restrictions on hunting them. Most deer and turkey hunters will kill them on sight.
I can remember when NH had a bounty on bobcats. They are not uncommon, but are kicked about as a political football by the animal rights industry and are used to advance their agenda of banning all trapping and eventually hunting.

They could care less about them, they are simply a means to an end.
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