Bloomberg is moving on to Virginia

Damn I need to get down there and fast to help sway that crap! Although where I want to live is more like part of North Carolina and not Virginia!

Plus he's seen an exodus of mayors from his anti gun mayor's group. Seems what he's pushing now is not in the direction many mayors are comfortable with. I take that to mean they are getting scared of the potential backlash.
McAuliffe is no friend to gun owners, for sure. But this article is just fear mongering.

There is zero chance of any gun control laws getting passed in Virginia any time soon.
Plus he's seen an exodus of mayors from his anti gun mayor's group. Seems what he's pushing now is not in the direction many mayors are comfortable with. I take that to mean they are getting scared of the potential backlash.

He's only left with the true believers, sort of like Hitler in the bunker. Hopefully he follows his example.
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