Bloomberg Again

"There is no shoot first law for our troops in Iraq or Afghanistan. We cannot just shoot somebody because they have a hijab on in Iraq and kill them and say we're scared. Everybody in Iraq has a weapon and all U.S. forces are always scared," Soltz said. "This is a legal protection in these states that is actually afforded to Mr. Zimmerman that is not afforded to our troops in combat. Unless I'm wrong I didn't think Florida was a war zone."

That whole statement is retarded. Thank you captain obvious No Florida is not a war zone stand your ground doesn't mean shoot anybody who scares you it means shoot somebody who is trying to kill you or do serious harm to you.
I am sure some NES members would totally agree with him. [SAD]

I really wish he would just hurry up and get aids.

Aids wont get rid of him.
In Florida, he said, justifiable homicides increased from 12 per year to 36 per year when the five years before and after the passage of the law were compared.

In this same time period according to the CDC, about 23K people PER YEAR died from influenza in the US. So, Bloomberg is hyping that 24 extra deaths per year may be due to vigilantes while he ignores a real and deadly crisis that exists where he could invest his time and money saving real lives - reducing flu deaths.

Don't talk to us about insignificant statistics on death, Mr. Mayor. [puke]

He's a pinhead politician living in a paper bag out of touch with reality.
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I live on Bloomberg, but I have to say, they don't maintain any pretense at all that they are anything but liberal shills for Mike Bloomberg's political agendas. Some of their opinions and commentaries, the ones on finance and global economics, are sound, but anything relating to Obama, guns, or social policy are just complete garbage.

It's hilarious to read an article on Bloomberg talking about how Greece's model for social welfare is a failure that can't be sustained, and then a couple of weeks later the same editors post an article talking about how Obamacare should be upheld because it's the right thing to do.

Meanwhile, the guy pushing this liberal agenda made his billions by maintaining a virtual monopoly over the financial information that the evil bankers and financiers need to run their businesses. Brilliant!
The media is pushing very hard to misrepresent "Stand Your Ground" laws in a drive to repeal them, rather than describing them to the people as what they really are - Legally protecting the Right to Defend Ones Self (affirmed as a Right by the Supreme Court Justices in their opinion declaring that the 2nd Amendment is both an individual right AND applies to the states via incorporation.
Bloomberg---Another great reason not to vote RINO. The Republicans put this guy in power so he could kick us in the teeth daily when he went "independent".

Wish people would understand what playing long ball means. Not every office or every person who could win an election is worth backing just because they put an R behind their name on the ballot. Bloomy and Scott Brown are great examples.
Bloomberg "joined" the republican party in 2001 to run for mayor. The primary was scheduled for Sept 11, 2001 but was rescheduled. It is likely that the events of 2001 and his claim that the city, reeling financially from the events of Sept. 11 helped him win the Republican nomination despite his policy platform that was not alligned with the Repubican Party. In addition, he ran for mayor in 2001 as BOTH the Republican Nomine AND the Independant Party's Nomine - his name appear on both lines on the ballot. His independant line votes exceeded his margin of victory.

All that said, he should be in jail for illegal activity:

1) Pressuring the New York Police department to arrest and charge people declaring firearms in the luggage at New York airports in direct violation of federal transport law and after he has been informed of such.
2) Hiring personal to make illegal straw purchases out of state as part of an on-going, unauthorized "sting" operation despite repeated warnings from the BATF&E.

I'm sure he'd done much more, but those aren't even in dispute.
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