Bill Maher blasts gun-sales spike during outbreak: 'So American ... I'll shoot the virus!'

Meh, I still think most of it is fake/inauthentic bullshit. This is a hard thing to explain, but if you pay attention to certain political commentators it pretty obvious when the opinion is organic vs some calculated bullshit to do something. In other words, this is a troll job. Nobody with brain cells writes something like
this and doesn't think in the middle of it "wait, this has no point" except here its pretty obvious, he's trying to attract fire to himself to pump up ratings, etc. It's not about delivering content or meaningful discussion or even being entertaining as it is pulling a base instinct appeal" hack to pump ratings by exploiting a natrual
human tendency for haters to pay attention to the things they hate or to simply watch the burning trainwreck or whatever. Media relies on sensationalism to drive some of its viewership.

It's far worse than that the media fags don't like it when people agree on ANYTHING, because a peaceful discussion where the parties involve all benefit from one another, even if some is more than others etc, does not make for enough gonads and strife for faggot tv rating bullshit.

Also, not to mention, some of the best solutions to the worlds problems are completely f***ing boring. Think about it- if you set up a law, or policy, where both sides get most of what they want, then the media faggots suddenly have nothing to talk about, or far less to talk about. Nearly all of the best law or policy changes
that resulted in net improvements on the whole are almost invisible. Fun examples- you don't hear people talking shit about Portugals drug decrim policy much, outside of a few sidebar articles that look at it and how it works etc. Or you don't hear much about how, at the time, LePage's welfare reform changes in Maine were very successful; because problems getting solved isn't exciting. Newspapers like to write about the building catching on fire but you never see an article after its over because "thats too boring".

They inherently don't want people to solve problems, because it reduces their power and influence. Conflict and crisis, benefit numerous enemies of freedom, including the mainstream media.


Maher had Peterson on during his height of liberal rage against him. Not many left wing outlets had Peterson on while not trying to start fights with him. Several did try to start fights with him and Peterson being highly intelligent regardless of good or bad positions, he's not someone who's easy to argue with.
Y'all missed the point. Maher makes money off this and he just got more traffic and air time out of his senseless rant. You think he cares about the political position? He would say anything to get eyeballs on his crappy show
Maher had Peterson on during his height of liberal rage against him. Not many left wing outlets had Peterson on while not trying to start fights with him. Several did try to start fights with him and Peterson being highly intelligent regardless of good or bad positions, he's not someone who's easy to argue with.

Well, I guess I can give him credit on that, but he is likely also smart enough to know that he doesn't need to
start a "fight" with Jordan Peterson to piss off a ton of people, he is radioactive enough that simply having him as a guest on whatever program you have is going to piss off some group of moonbats or whatnot and provide the necessary pump priming for ratings. Having Peterson on your show essentially it will make its own
gravy in terms of attracting attention.

Y'all missed the point. Maher makes money off this and he just got more traffic and air time out of his senseless rant. You think he cares about the political position? He would say anything to get eyeballs on his crappy show

Isnt that what entertainers do? They don't have a job if they don't have an audience who wants to watch.
Isnt that what entertainers do? They don't have a job if they don't have an audience who wants to watch.

The problem is Maher (and others) try to act like journalists or something and they're not. It's the scourge of this concept of "cable news channels".

At least when I go on the Onion or Babylon bee I know that when the writers lie to me that it's satire, instead of
something being passed off as the truth. [laugh]

Then again indirectly you kind of bring up a valid point- if people are stupid enough to watch this shit (or read it?) etc then it's kind of their own damned fault. Problem is people are stupid enough to believe these people are "news".

Hell in some regards the talking head stuff is worse than drivel written in the NY communist times. At least when reading the newspaper, someone will possibly stop and read between the lines. On TV especially its easy to Stockholm syndrome/brainwash people into sucking for anything, especially when they remain immersed on that same channel all the time. It's an easy pattern to see with Dem and Republican Robot answers talking points etc. Many of these people have not formulated their own views they are just regurgitating the shit they saw on TV.
Bill still hasn't gotten over his mocking of Ann Coulter on his program when she predicted Trump's win in 2016. He and his other Lib guests mocked and ridiculed her to her face and later had to eat crow. Remember, Bill stated he would gladly root for a economic recession if he resulted in a Trump defeat in 2020
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