Big names from Microsoft giving big $ to anti-gun cause

They should spend time and effort on a product that people actually works without pissing off the customer. Where is my start button?
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They should spend time and effort on a product that people actually works without pissing off the customer. Where is my start button?

Yeah, the main reason I moved to a Mac a few years ago. Maybe I just had bad luck, but my last few PC's were junk, and crashed way too often. I basically never ever see that on my Mac Book Pro.
Yeah, the main reason I moved to a Mac a few years ago. Maybe I just had bad luck, but my last few PC's were junk, and crashed way too often. I basically never ever see that on my Mac Book Pro.

I went to Apple after XP was on its way out.
thats ok, 5 minutes of my friends brand new windows 8 machine when it first came out made my decision to move everything to linux, only 1 machine out of 4 in this house left with windows and it's almost time for the always needed windows enema.. err reinstall. Can't boycott what i'm already boycotting.
So basically, I should go back to pirating Microsoft products. Message received Microsoft. Message received.
Yeah, the main reason I moved to a Mac a few years ago. Maybe I just had bad luck, but my last few PC's were junk, and crashed way too often. I basically never ever see that on my Mac Book Pro.

Well, that's cause you bought junk. Is that the platform's fault? So it's better when apple points a gun at your head to buy quality hardware? [laugh]

BTW, I have a new trash can computer (Mac Pro) on my desk at work, so I'm pretty experienced with Macs, too. Guess what... it's a very fancy PC, with a special rom chip that apple figured out how to fit into a trash can. [laugh]

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Linux is a bitch, but it is the balls for the ones that put the effort into it.

That it is, my company uses it as the OS for our capture engines. Freakin rock solid when it's done right. I'm running CentOS on a virtual machine on one of the home PCs, not a bad desktop to play with but still has a way to go
That's IT!!!

Linux it is................. :)

You have fun with that. It's ****ing terrible as a desktop OS. Great for other things, but not that. It's basically out of date as soon as you install it... and next thing you know, a couple years pass and the OS doesn't patch anymore. Just wunderbar.

Windows 7 rules. Although I am messing around with cheap android boxes and they are pretty awesome for 90% of what most people use pc's for.

Sent from my Galaxy S4 using Tapatalk Pro - typos are from the GD auto correct unless they are funny substitutions those I'll take credit for.
Steve Ballmer is a real cock$ucker. If he runs the LA clippers like he ran Microsoft, the Donald Sterling Era will be the glory years in comparison. He has a degree from Harvard but no brain, no ability and is just a odd f'ing person if you've seen him.
No, I'm not, but an OS that can't last at least 5 years is ****ing horrible on a desktop.

Look for the LTS releases.

"The latest version of the Ubuntu operating system for desktop PCs and laptops, Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS comes with five years of security and maintenance updates, guaranteed."

"Linux Mint Releases
Version Codename Package base Status
17 Qiana Ubuntu Trusty Long term support release (LTS), supported until April 2019."
You have fun with that. It's ****ing terrible as a desktop OS. Great for other things, but not that. It's basically out of date as soon as you install it... and next thing you know, a couple years pass and the OS doesn't patch anymore. Just wunderbar.


This is why I run CentOS and not fedora, or one of the other fast paced release distributions.
You have fun with that. It's ****ing terrible as a desktop OS. Great for other things, but not that. It's basically out of date as soon as you install it... and next thing you know, a couple years pass and the OS doesn't patch anymore. Just wunderbar.


your sarcasm meter is broken.
I think it's a rather safe bet that people with guns stand between the unwashed masses as these Microsoft power brokers making the donations.
Ill just leave this right here for your viewing pleasure

Who is Behind Gun Control?

Now you know where the " Sporting " restriction comes from

July, 2005: Senator Barbara Boxer introduces bill S.A.1634 – ‘Sporting Use’ on Domestic Handguns. Applying ’sporting use’ clause requirements to domestic handguns could, almost completely, dry up the handgun availability in the United States.
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