BGlobe op-ed 17Nov2009

My response to one of the posters there:

"In both cases you describe your irresponsibility. In the first you omitted to complete the necessary paperwork. What would you say to someone who admitted to complete the necessary paperwork in respect of his vehicle or its tax? In the second case a responsible gun owner would count the ammunition at the start of target practice and again at the end to ensure it has been properly accounted for."

In the first case, definately. In the second case, we're talking about a piece of brass, or steel in some cases. We're not talking about a small cylinder of metal that your car keys are far more dangerous than. If you're trying to suggest that you can count the hundreds of pieces of brass, segregating yours from the person who was next to you and account for each and every one especially during a busy time at the range and when some of the brass may eject in front of the firing line (which you're never ever supposed to cross) then I'd really like to see you try. For the record, the person in this situation (having a spent brass casing in their shirt) could spend up to three years in prison for that, even if no real crimes are committed.

I do not oppose locking dangerous people up and keeping them away from society. I do have a big problem with laws that turn otherwise law abiding people into criminals and then allow these people to be locked up without trial. This is America, not some communist country...yet.

If you want some real information about reforming our laws, check out
Isn't Scott Lang the s**t for brains mayor of NB that claimed he could hear the gunshots from the Foxy Lady incident from his house, and that it woke him up out of s sound sleep? [rolleyes]

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