Bennett's in Freeport


NES Member
May 6, 2005
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Next time you take the wife to LL Bean's, drop her off and drive 1 mile N on Rt. 1 to Bennett's. You won't be disappointed. Never seen a place quite like it.
Hi Pat, it's nice to put a face to a name. You said it, Pauls got quite a little hide there. For anyone that goes, that has never been before look up in the rafters you never know what you'll find. He himself is quite a find, I can say that all but once did I leave there totally satisfied. Check him out if your up that way.
If you see a really BIG guy (over 6'6") in Bennett's, tell him Nickle says hi. He'll probably ask you how you know me.

Does Bennett's do business with Century?
I hate to say negative shit about people especially a nice guy like Paul. How about $26.00 a box of 175Gr. SMK's. I did ask him to order them for me but I never figured on a price like that. I still like to give business to the local guy vs the internet, but ouch! On the positive side their have been many a time when Paul missed a small item and just said don't worry about it or guestimated the price on the low side. I am gonna keep going there for stuff, I just wasn't expecting prices like that.
That is all.
Nickle said:
If you see a really BIG guy (over 6'6") in Bennett's, tell him Nickle says hi. He'll probably ask you how you know me.

Does Bennett's do business with Century?

?? The only regular I know at Bennett's that is that tall has a last name of "Small" (no kidding).
PatMcD said:
Nickle said:
If you see a really BIG guy (over 6'6") in Bennett's, tell him Nickle says hi. He'll probably ask you how you know me.

Does Bennett's do business with Century?

?? The only regular I know at Bennett's that is that tall has a last name of "Small" (no kidding).

This guy wouldn't have been there much the last year and a half. He was off shooting a "real" gun. [wink]
Paul's a great guy. Don't get up that way like I used to but gotta get up his place soon. Always something neat lurking in a dark corner. The hangin' round reg's used to be a PITA being in the way but I guess it's the atmosphere. Can't blame 'em. Just curious..what's is hours now anyways. Open on sat?
OK, well it took me much longer to get there than planned but we finally made it to Bennett's today. Great shop and he was very helpful in letting my wife try a few different pistols to see which felt best.

He has a great selection; lots of new and used firearms as well as a good selection of parts and accessories. We'll be heading back.

Was just thinking about Paul yesterday and how I hadn't been there in quite some time. Wish I'd had time today, I'd have zipped up there. Oh, well. Got 4 on order as it is, can't be tempted right now.
Finally got a chance to head up to Bennett's today. been over a year, maybe almost two, since I'd been up there. He hasn't missed a beat. Had a usual crowd of regulars hangin outside chatting. Some neat stuff. Lots of Glocks. He did have a nice Ruger Gold Label. First one I'd seen. Got a P7 mag at a great price and some rather not-so-common ammo. Great prices! Oh yeah, had breakfast out for folks too, beans, biscuits, eggs, taters... Definately a great shop to stop in. Won't wait so long before my next trip up to Paul's.
The wife and I were just there on Monday and Tuesday. We jumped in the car and drove all over the place in Maine. Stopped in Booth's Bay and Bar Harbor before heading back south. I drove past this place and was ready to turn around and go back, but it was closed. Interestingly enough, I did stop at the Gun/Antique store that was about 3 or 4 miles south of Freeport. A few interesting items, but when I saw a Auto Ordanance 1911 for $600 I pretty much knew there wouldn't be any great deals hiding there.
yeah, the Red barn antique shop just recently began to have firearms. i guess the previous owner's son has taken that part over and like his father has a bit of a knack at asking crazy prices. Don't even bother stopping even if driving right by. Bennett's on the other hand...I'll always stop in if in the area.
We drove by it twice. My wife actually suggested that we stop in so I could look at the guns. She has no interest in antiques (except me) so I know she meant it. I did plan on getting to Bennetts but it was closed by the time I thought of it.

Next time, I'll make sure.

Just a heads up...Bennett's is only gonna be open on Saturdays for limited hours for a while. His helper at the shop, forgot his name, had surgury to give him a new kidney recently so Paul has decided to kinda step back and take it easy himself for a while. Not sure how long this is gonna be for but could be for quite a while while the recovery can take a while. Surely would hate to see him close up altogether. Try stopping in. I'll be there Saturday picking u a gun I've got held for me and hopefully every so often afterwards as well.
He told me he was done. Retiring to ride his motorcycles and build birdhouses. A guy is taking over most of his inventory and going to lease the old Hawk-N-Horn in West Gardiner as Ray's Sporting Goods.

End of an Era[sad]
He told me he was done. Retiring to ride his motorcycles and build birdhouses. A guy is taking over most of his inventory and going to lease the old Hawk-N-Horn in West Gardiner as Ray's Sporting Goods.

End of an Era[sad]
man that sux! I know he loves to ride. Hey that man's earned it though. You are correct in that it is indeed the end of an era. No better shop in Maine.
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